School Life

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School Life

Unread postby Taiar » Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:30 pm

Wow, It's been a while since I've done this...Post, that is. Write too.

I guess an introduction is in order, because I bet some of us would be confused without it. The following idea belongs to Amanda, or Neko(gami) if you prefer, and I take no credit in its creation. I just took an incredible amount of interest in it...

The story sort of turns out like a What If, presenting Taiar and the people from the Vacation RPs in a high school setting in present day, living their lives out as students normally would. It's not terribly interesting, but introductions seem to do that often. As well as conversing with Amanda, the ideas popped into my head after watching excessive amounts of Azumanga Daioh and reading Azumanga.

I don't know if I'm looking for criticism as much as I am just trying to get this out somewhere, any and all help is welcome though.

And I bet some curious people will have a question at the end concerning one of the characters, but we'll see...

So, without further ado...

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The blossom of a Cherry Tree is a funny thing. It’s something so beautiful, something so revered, and greatest thing people happen to like about them is when they fall onto the ground around you. They are quite an odd piece of emotion, indeed. When you are sad, they remind you of better times, if happy, they lift you even higher, but…but if you’re watching them from afar, without the hope of touching it, then they drop you like a sack of bricks into the cold, crowded classroom where you actually are.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Taiar rapped his mechanical pencil on the faux-wood metal desk where he sat, his head in his other hand and watching the Cherry Tree outside of the window idly. It was about the time of year where the plant bloomed and littered the schoolyard with pretty, bright pink petals. It was a sight to behold, when he wasn’t doing homework anyways. The young Mazoku sighed at the duties of a sophomore Doma City High School student, his honors classes, as well as keeping himself apart from the hormone driven other-men that passed through the rest of the halls. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them; it was just that he didn’t want to be a part of it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A quick glance to his watch gave him a bit of hope; the class was ending soon. Mr. Purvis was still scrawling something on the board in his infamous alphabet which no other teacher or student could decipher. The rest of the class was either photocopying it down, in hopes of figuring it out later, or just giving up on it all. Taiar liked his position in the second group, busying himself with a flame dancing on his fingers. It leapt from his pointer onto his middle, then from the middle to the ring, and finally, from the ring to…being blown out by a rouge gust of wind.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The demon looked over to a young lady, who was smiling with a small bit of mischievousness, her head tilted in such a way where neck-length brown hair covered some of her face. Taiar lit a black flame on his finger. She pointed and another gust of wind traveled across the classroom, pushing the fire but not extinguishing it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Taiar smiled.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She pouted.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And the class carried onwards.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As the clock ticked away another hour of the day, a bell rung and the students of Mr. Purvis’ second block Honors Doman Literature class filed out of the room for Lunch. Taiar lifted his head up and stood, a hand clamping down over his and extinguishing the black flame. He didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “If putting it out was that important to you Douwe…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “No, It wasn’t, but I thought I would anyways.” She took her hand back and used it to help steady her books.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Taiar hoisted a binder on his shoulder and shook his head, taking a step back. “Ladies first.” The Mazoku motioned for his friend to go. She sent him a raspberry and went on ahead. He was soon to follow.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The two walked alongside each other in the hallway, exchanging words and laughs, glares and smiles, on their way to the library. Douwe was very well known for being extremely quiet, and while she did have other close friends wandering the school somewhere, there were none besides Taiar who didn’t each lunch. Taiar, on the other hand, was far from being popular, although he had acquaintances all over the social ladder, and few close friends as well. There was nary a person who didn’t like him, and those who did didn’t dare to act on it, for one reason or another. His friends were much more active however…
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Taiar!” A Lanese Dragon, dressed in a martial arts gi, floored the Mazoku with a glomp, causing his books to fly about. Douwe jumped to the side instinctively, dodging the rain of hardcover and paper; it seemed this happened a lot. “The Martial Arts Team has a practice, are you gonna come watch…?” She jumped off him and stood up, extending her paws out to the downed man.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Miang…not in the hallway…” Taiar grabbed his books off the floor and stood up by himself, hoisting them onto his shoulder again. He shook his head of the newly jarred cobwebs and brushed a hand through his hair.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “ So…Are you?”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Not today…I think I’m gonna sit in the library. It’s too crowded to be in the gym…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Miang was captain of the aforementioned Martial Arts Team. She was not the brightest bulb, but no one in his or her right mind would say anything. Afterall, she wasn’t the captain for no reason at all. Her relationship with Tai was one shrouded in mystery, sometimes it looked like she liked him, and other times she totally despised him. Not even the man himself really knew what was up with it, but in the end, they were at least friends.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The dragon looked at Douwe and shot her a few harsh glares, then turned to Tai with disappointment. “Aaaalright…” She sighed, “I’ll see you later then…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Taiar looked at Douwe as Miang walked away. She returned his look with confusion. They shrugged, and turned to keep on walking, only to be quickly stopped by an array of girls passing by, led by a certain…Aya Mythril. She waved to Tai, Tai waved back and the golden dragon disappeared down the hallway, along with her troupe.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Aya, for lack of a better term, was more or less Queen of the sophomore class, even though being a foreign exchange student from Solasia. At the top of the food chain, all the popular boys wanted to be by her, and all the popular girls wanted to be her. Before rising there though, her and Tai were very close friends in eighth, and when the woes of the trendy girl would get her down; Tai was always there to support the Queen. She seemed all right for now though…
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Mazoku and Partner stop at the doors of the Library, shut tight with a small sign hanging on the knob.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Closed for Renovations.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Douwe sighed, getting a better grip on her books. “Damn…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Taiar shook his head. “I wish we knew before so we didn’t waste our time walking down here.”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “I could have told ya that, Tai…” A kid dressed very much in black passed by. If you didn’t know him, you could probably easily mistake him for one in the Goth crowd.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “…Then why didn’t you, Kamos?”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Hey, I didn’t know you’d be coming by…” He walked away; it was true that Kamos wasn’t exactly an uplifting sort of person, but he wasn’t quite the stereotypical Goth either, although everyone else labeled his crowd that. The chimera had his share of laughs and smiles though, like most other of the people he associated with, especially when he stuck around with the Girl’s Volleyball Captain Deeum. He and Tai weren’t too close of friends, but they were something a bit better than acquaintances.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Re-shouldering his books, Taiar let the boy go and turned to Douwe. “…Wanna sit by the cherry tree outside?”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “I thought you would say that. You were eyeing it all of second block…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “…So you noticed…?”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Mr. Purvis probably did too.” She smiled.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “…Damn. I have a bad enough rap in that class…”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp They turned down the hallway and began walking, pushing open the Main Lobby Doors upon reaching them and stepping outside into the sun.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Hey, Hold the doors.”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Eh? Sure thing, Will.” Taiar stood with his boot in place, keeping the door open.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Thanks a lot, Tai.” A red haired male stepped up to it and rested his hand on the glass for a second, stepping inside the next. Tai didn’t care much for Will, although that isn’t to say that he hated him either. The young Ryuujin had the tendency to get wrapped up in his own accomplishments, whether he meant to or not. Some people viewed him as arrogant, but Will at least had the skills to back up his mouth, being an accomplished member of both the Basketball and Kendo Team.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Mazoku let the door shut behind him and walked out to meet Douwe, already sitting beneath the tree. Taiar took a seat at the opposite side and leaned against it, sighing while listening to his friend open up a book. He put an arm on his knee and one earphone into his ear, hitting play on his MD player.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A single cherry blossom fell onto Douwe’s book, and she swept the petal away, letting it fall onto the ground. A few fell into Tai’s knee…
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp While he was inside, Tai wanted nothing more to sit here with the sakura. While he was out here, they seemed an eerie reminder of the reality of his situation, he was a sophomore, at lunch, sitting in the schoolyard, and leaning on the school’s tree. He was in high school, and things would be that way for another 3 years…
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Douwe turned a page behind him, and the noise woke him up from his thoughts. He turned slightly, to see the friend through the corner of his eye.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “…Well…I guess it all isn’t bad.”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “…Huh?”
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp “Nothing Douwe…Nothing at all.” Taiar smiled.

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