Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

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Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat May 15, 2004 11:41 pm

Marie Sue nearly wept with frustration.

"I HATE writing lesbian stories!" she whimpered at the ceiling.

With that off her chest, she began writing, glaring at her paper as if DARING it to burst into flames.

A haggard woman with short, platinum blonde hair lay in a rumpled bed, laid back on soft, high pillows. Her face was wan, and she appeared almost too exhausted to note when a tall, elegant young woman with long brown hair touched her elbow lightly.

"Shada?" came the soft whisper. She wore a long black coat with red triangles along the border, her clothing and poise giving her an intimidating air, which still managed to convey concern.

Shada's eyes opened, revealing clouded grey irises, slightly dazed.

"Nezetta...?" she whispered.

Nezetta's hand brushed against her cheek.

"How is... how is the egg?" Shada continued faintly.

"Safe and warm. Inside the incubator," Nezetta responded, using simple sentences as she was unable to quite construct her thoughts quite yet. Her lips narrowed slightly. "The midwife and the white mage have left already, as well as the... the father." She refused to call Xander Shada's exboyfriend.

"Good riddance to him..."

Nezetta nodded vehement agreement, but refrained from any further comment, as she had voiced her opinion before.

"I wonder how the baby will look..." Shada continued faintly. She had been unconscious during the time that her womb had been opened, allowing her child— Xander's child— to be removed... or at least the egg, as the child wasn't due to 'hatch' for a while longer. The result of some unhappy shapechanging and magical accidents had caused this, and as Shada had been completely human... well, human bodies were not intended to bear eggs.

"The child will look fine," Nezetta said gently.

"What will he or she be like, though...? I'm— It's good riddance to Xander, but how can— how can I raise my baby alone? And how will he or she LOOK? Oh gods... what if it's twins?" she asked, starting to laugh somewhat hysterically.

"Shada, Shada... you're still slightly delirious. It was a difficult procedure," Nezetta said quickly, still trying to be soothing as she smoothed Shada's hair back. "And you won't be alone. You'll have me, I swear."

"You're not a father, you're not... you're not a lover, a holder—"

"I'd need a sexchange, but I could be everything else."

The words hung in the air, and Nezetta's face burned as she realized just what she had said.


The question was faint, and Nezetta leaned over with some misgivings, trying to listen.

She felt a light brush of lips against her cheek, then weak arms about her. Nezetta allowed herself to be pulled onto the bed.

"Thank you... for me and my baby," Shada murmured, and then was silent, breaths coming evenly as she sank into an exhausted sleep.

Marie Sue beamed at the paper.


"I HATE MY LIIIIIIFE!" she bawled to the ceiling.

Then the stomping of feet above her reminded her that shouting out angst in the middle of the apartment building was not good, especially late at night when others were trying to sleep.

Sulking, the slash writer went to bed.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 5/15/04 11:45 pm

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Re: Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sat May 15, 2004 11:49 pm

The quickie version is nice. There's a few things off here and there, (Shada doesn't HATE Xander, Nezetta doers that enough for everyone. =D) But there always is in Slash.

Anyways, I was amused Lys. If there's more, great! If not, it's a nice short piece all it's own. <p>

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Re: Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun May 16, 2004 1:16 pm


Ahahahaha! <p>
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Re: Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby Spleen » Fri May 21, 2004 3:25 pm

Boris: I...uh...Nezetta is a lesbian? o.o Fuck, now I need someone to give me a magical sexchange.

I enjoyed muchly :D Keep it up. <p>-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

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Re: Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby ChancellorSmartz » Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:54 am

...Despite the obvious Xander bashing, which does hurt my soul...Image , this is rather amusing. <p>" can't put salt on asians. We already taste good." -Me</p>

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Re: Shared Motherhood (Shada x Nezetta slash!)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:35 pm

This was amusing when it was made.

This was breifly amusing to think of continuing.

This was left as it was for a reason.

This needs to be allowed to pass on now, as it's already had it's breif time in the sun. <p>
Jeridan: Holder of the "Tastes like Chicken" Award.

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