Worth sharing-

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Shinigori V2
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Worth sharing-

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:13 am

This was Pervy's birthday present for me, and he gave me permission to post it if I wanted.

And I want to, because it's neat. :D

It was a bright and not too overly warm day as a huge, muscular man with short blonde makes his way down the street. It's a good day for Griff Amanziani and his shift is coming to an end. Sure, most of today's shift has been 'Inspection'. Meaning he walks the streets and made sure all the guard stations are in order. In essence, an easy day.

"HA!" comes a voice from a nearby alley, ruining the peace. "Now I've got you! You're through! Finished! My paint is perfection...uh...you...uh...um...blast!"

Before the big man can sigh, a small blonde girl in a grey shirt dashes from the alley. Looking at her, Griff can't help but feel she must be related his friend Kyle Broadsky in some way, the resemblence is simply too uncanny. Save that this girl seems to have quite a few ink stains about her face and hands. As she dashes blindly toward Griff, the big man simply stands solid. He's taken worse collisions than a ten year old girl.

As she bounces off his leg, leaving an unfortunate ink-stain, she looks up at Griff with all the annoyance a ten-year old can muster. Then this melts away into a sort of whimsy. "You got ink on you! That's so cool!" she exclaims.

"Right," he answers after a moment of silence. "So do you. Now, care to tell me why you happen to be covered in ink, and why you were shouting like a maniac over there."

"I found it!" she says, grinning broadly, "The walls have a weakness! Oh yes, I'll stop their evil plans yet! They'll rue they day they ever tried to take my waffles! Oh yes, they'll rue alright..." She fixes a sudden glare at the broad side of a house. "Are you rueing yet, walls!"

Great. It just had to be one of the really crazy ones, didn't it? Maybe this one knows ice magic or something too... "So...this plan involves shouting at the walls, and covering yourself in ink?"

"Holy crap! That's so great it just might work!" The girl's eyes go wide. "I was just painting them!"

"With ink?" It took every ounce of self-restaint for Griff to avoid practicing the falm-palming technique that came so readily to his work.

The little girl grins proudly. "Yeah! Isn't it great?"

'Look, I'm going to have to talk to your parents, alright?" Griff says, "You can't just go around throwing ink on other people's property. That's vandalism, and against the-"

"Stop!" shouts the voice of a young boy behind Griff. The big man doesn't bother to suppress a groan as he slowly turns. There, he see a human boy of about ten years, fairly unremarkable save for his fizzy brown afro. Standing posed in the middle of the street, he points at Griff with both hands, one stretched out as far as it can go, the other held back by his cheek.

"What do you want? I'm trying to do my job here, kid."

"You're so totally oppressing her, man!" the boy declares.

"Your hair like totally exploded!" the little girl adds.

The boys hands suddenly go up to his hair. "Whoa, really!?

Griff allows himself a facepalm. "Do you even know what oppression means?"

"It is the opposite of all things awesome," says the boy, becoming suddenly solemn. He draws his hand together into a pose that looks Nekonian. At least, Griff thinks it's Nekonian, for he has seen Ned do similiar things, and he's obsessed with those people. "I am a monk in the disciplines of Awesome, and thus I am avowed to all challenges to my art. Prepare yourself."

"Wha-" Griff's reply is cut off as the boy suddenly produces a tin kazoo from nowhere, and blows a shrill note. Then, he launches into an actual sort of song, being as melodic as possibly on the instrument. Despite his irritation, Griff has to admit the kid was good. But he was also irritating. "Stop it!"

"It is your turn," says the boy with that annoying fake calm. "My summons shall come, all shall be set right. It'll be awesome and they'll be flapjacks. You'll be taken to Spiffyland."

"Look, kid," Griff says as calmly as he can, "just don't go bothering officers when they're trying to do their job, alright? I'm on duty, so I can't play with you."

The boy suddenly takes another pose, similiar to the first but with his fingers spread. "Whoa man! You, like, completely blew my mind with your crazy words of oppression! I must try harder!" With that, he suddenly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small iron key. Thrusting it toward Griff's face, he shouts, "Fear the Rune of Awesome!"

"Tareen!" comes a somewhat familiar woman's voice from the alley. "Tareen!"

"Ha! My summons comes for you, foe of awesome!" shouts the boy as draws his feet together and takes a Nekonian style-pose like before. Griff's eyes are drawn toward the alley, where a small brown-haired woman wearing a purple vest over a white shirt emerges from the alleyway, looking around. Seeing the big man, she makes a beeline for him.

"Heya, Neb," he says, sounding much more tired than he should.

"Have you see Tareen anywhere?" she asks. "I've been looking all over for her, and I think I saw her work on the wall over there."

"The arts of awesome work in mysterious and perplexing ways." the boy says solemnly, still holding the pose, his eyes closed. Neb glances toward the boy, and there is an unmistake twitch on her face, one that loudly broadcasts a thought of 'not you again'. If she's had to deal with this kid before...

"She covered in ink?" Griff asks, trying to ignore the boy. "She's right he-" Griff stops as he turns to present the little girl. Primarily because she seems to have vanished. "Fuck it all! She ran!"

"It's alright, I'll deal with her, okay?" Neb says, as she starts down the street.

Shaking his head, the big man looks to the boy once more, prepared to give him a lecture on respecting authority. He finds that the boy has taken this opportunity to run down the street as quickly as possible. "Hey!" Griff shouts, as he starts to give chase.

He covers perhaps ten yards before he stops. Sure, he was gaining on the kid, but what's the point? It's not like he really did anything wrong, other than be a nuisance. Let him run off, someone will knock some sense into him eventually. Griff turns to continue on his way, when he notes he is being observed. Namely, by yet another kid. This one a twelve year old boy with oddly white hair, some of it which falls to obscure his face. The boy wears a light kimono, sea green in color. His hands are folded before him, obscured by his sleeves. And, without a doubt, he is watching the big man.

For a moment, Griff watches him as well. Finally, he breaks the silence. "Need something?"

"Not in particular," the young man says, his voice deadpan. "I am merely watching. You're very nervous, aren't you?"

He's one of those kind. "No," Griff counters, "I just wondering why you're staring at me."

"Is it wrong to ponder and observe that which is unusual?" The boy shifts a rearranging how his hands are folded; his voice still deadpan. "I am only observing. If you wonder that I am a threat, be at ease. I am only the son of a tailor. Certainly, there is nothing too unsettling about that."

"Who's talking about unsettling, kid? It's rude to stare, that's all." He's talking about my arm.

"Of course. I merely report what I observe. Surely that is no crime. You do see quite defensive. Something bothers you, doesn't it?"

Oh for fuck's sake! "Yeah, you're bothering me, making all those dumb assumptions"

"If they are assumptions, they are honest ones that I observe. I can see it in how you are tensing, how your voice is changing. There is something preying upon your mind, sir. Something that is tearing at your thoughts. You wear it upon your sleeve an a festive armlet. What is it that troubles you?"

Doesn't this kid ever have any emotion? Or does he just practice doing this. "Given you don't have a thing to say, what with standing there and saying things about people, I'm going to just leave it at dumb assumptions, alright? What about you, what do you have to hide, casting accusations on others?"

"And now you turn the topic to me. Yet more evidence that something troubles you. I would wager it's insecurity of some kind, given how you are eager to change the topic and cast aspersions. It's so much easier to hide such when you belittle another, isn't it?"

Oughta make this kid do a dance on the spire! "This is just getting stupid."

"Of course. Yet you still speak with me. That bespeaks a desire to prove yourself. And I see you tense to turn away. It is easy to correct such when it is pointed out, I think. But what other things will you allow to remain if I say nothing of them? How many others will observe what the son of a humble tailor has? Surely, there are many here who are more skilled in that art than I." A small smile crosses his lips.

Griff starts to walk away. "You can say whatever you want, kid. I'm just gonna walk away and forget I ever even spoke with you. And you know what? I feel just great about it. No hidden guilt or anything."

"Of course," says the young man. Even though he is leaving, Griff can detect no change in the young man's deadpan voice. "It is easiest to forget everything that I have said. And to try and forget that your insecurity, your fear, is known. Perhaps, if you try hard enough, you can forgot about it as well. It is easiest when you don't ever have to think about it. Perhaps them it won't hurt you. Until it is too late"

Shaking his head, Griff tries to tune the young man out as he walks away. What was wrong with that kid? Was he just looking for trouble? There oughta be a law against that sort of thing. Or at least a law that makes throwing people doing that sort of thing legal. Lost in his thoughts, the big man continues on down the street. A few blocks go by before an immense cacophony of metallic clags and rattles catches his attention. A spasm of annoyance passes over his his face, as he forces his eyes to the opposite side of the road.

There, half-buried in a pile of iron pots and pans, is a young man of eleven or twelve years, with brown hair that seems to be have resisted every comb it's met. As the young man sits up, setting the cookery clanking once more, Griff can't help but groan. Another one, great. "Alright, kid, what's with all of the pots and pans?"

"I, uh, was just gonna use 'em to lure out the Hotdoggus! That's all, mister!" Standing up and rubbing his head, the young man starts to gather his pots and pans.

"The what now?" At least this one seemed to be somewhat rational. Compared to the other two, at least.

"The Hotdoggus!" he says, as he tries to gather up the pots, dropping another, "It's a big scary fearsome beast! But I'll get it, you just watch! I'll be a bigshot wandering mercenary hero just like everyone else!" As he reaches to grab an overturned stove lid, one of the pots slips from his grasp. Moments later, the rest follow with a cacophony of clangs, as the young man shouts, "Ah crap!"

For a moment, Griff can only look at the scene, and the young man grumbles and starts gathering pots again. Then, he starts to laugh. A low sound at first, but it quickly builds to a loud, booming cresendo. It was just all too much! One kid claiming to be a monk of 'Awesome', another loaded down with so many pots and pans he might as hire a chocobo to carry them all! As the pots come clattering down again, Griff redoubles his laughter.

"Hey! Shut up!" the young man says, glaring at Griff.

"Sorry, kid," Griff says, still chuckling, "But I needed that like you wouldn't believe. Don't worry, it's not you or anything. Here, want me to help you carry all that crap? I'm about to go off duty, anyways."

"What duty?" he asks, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"Oh, nothing much." Griff shrugs, "Just a little something I like to call being Captain of the Guard."

"You are?" The young man asks, his eyes now going a bit wide. "Holy crap! That's great! You probably get in fights with bad guys all the time, don't you?"

"Lemme tell you a few things," Griff says, and he bends down to collect up the fallen pots. "There was this one time when..."
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>
<div style="text-align:center">Why Barius has no family reunions.</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Worth sharing-

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jun 29, 2004 4:17 pm

:D Much awesomeness.

I'm not biased at all. <p>
<center><small>Dragonhalf in English: a manga

It's big, and it's red / The red dragon, oh, the dread dragon / but never fear, for Dick is here / To slay the dragon~!</p>


Re: Worth sharing-

Unread postby Choark » Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:14 pm

It was cool! And awsome! There was awsome in there and it was enjoyable awsome!

I am uopset Griff's pants survived unburnt though >={ Those kids need to be taught in the art of burning pants.

Awsome stuff! Well written and groovy stuff. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center">Cowgirl fanboy - Barbarian Ninja - Expert Mouse Catcher - Holder of the Iron Glasses Of Doom!</div></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Worth sharing-

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:20 pm

Ah, but with the kinda exception of Tareen, you'll note a trend. All those kids are normal members of their species :O <p>
NebbieQ: After all, nothing says romance like fighting the forces of Cobra and Druggies with a Rocket Launcher of 80s Justice.</p>

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