The Fate of Falshar

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Blaze Yamato Spirit

The Fate of Falshar

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:30 pm

(Just a small piece intended to provide a bit of character/background info on the world of Falshar, where Aza'rek and the other Falsharan daemons hail from. It's written as if it were a journal entry written by one of these daemons... As for which one, I'm not telling.)

Falshar shone, a beacon of enlightenment and monument to the achievements of the human race and the potential for achievements yet to come.

There had been problems, certainly: the gradual extinction of all natural plant life – solution, synthetic replicas; the mutations appearing amongst beast and human alike – solution, research into mutation vaccines; the N Virus, which had developed seemingly of its own accord and proved almost impossible to contain – solution, at its height the segregation of infected from others, the successful development and deployment of a vaccine. Yes, there had been problems, and there were still problems coming.

How did I know this? Why, I had been helping to engineer such problems. As a daemon, it was part of my job description. But nothing prepared me for the events that were to come, which I had not helped engineer… though perhaps indirectly there was some influence. I do not try to escape blame.

I don’t know who started the first Ragnarok Cult, whether they were human or daemon, male or female, young or old. But suddenly the groups started appearing all over Falshar and the Hells. The Ragnarok Cults believed that by engineering the end of the world, they would be creating a blank canvas where everything could start anew, and be better. Opposed to them were the “Eternity Cults”, the name given to any group that believed that ending the world would probably be a very bad idea by the believers in Ragnarok. I am proud to say that I numbered myself and my relations among the ranks of the latter body.

A war began - a great and terrible war. For thousands of years it raged, without any indication of ever ending, engulfing the entire world and large portions of the Hells. And yet, for all that, perhaps the greatest crime of all was committed before the war truly began. Sentheile, the last Angel, was struck down as she made a desperate plea for peace at the place now known as the Martyr’s Rest.

How did it all end? I am ashamed to say that I do not know… though I fought long and hard at the side of my companions, myself and a few others realised eventually that nothing could slow the crushing gears of the war machine. We fled Falshar, and to this day do not know the fate of our home.

Should anyone but I ever read this… I hope you learn the lesson of Falshar well. There is always potential for darkness in the brightest of things, whether from the influence of daemonic or otherworldly forces or simply born from the hearts and minds of men. Be vigilant, and do all you can to prevent such cancers from spreading.

This is my first and only journal entry. Nothing else was ever or will ever be as important. <p><div style="text-align:center">

Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 2/25/04 6:21 pm

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