To the Ends of Gaera... Finding Christydia. (New Fic)

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Ash Fanrico
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To the Ends of Gaera... Finding Christydia. (New Fic)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:59 am

(This takes place after a chat rp where Ash had an unpleasant conversation with Nama's Mazoku character.)
***(Redone due to new information, damn my laziness.)

Ash trudged towards his current home, the Ivory Horn, as the blasted Mazoku's words were still playing around in his head. Christydia couldn't be dead... she... she just couldn't. It had been a long time since he last saw her. Long time since he last felt her touch... or smelled her beautiful hair. It had gotten lonely at night, lying there alone... nobody there to be with... no loving woman there, cuddled up beside him. The last of the Fanricos sighed as he walked towards the entrance door... bumping into a stranger on the way in.

Now normally, Ash wouldn't have given the man a second glance. But something about this person disturbed him... maybe it was the way that the stranger looked at Ash... his eyes signalling fearful recognition. The man's lips worded the phrase, "He wasn't supposed..."

In the blink of an eye, the shady character was hot footing it away from the depressed warrior. Ash felt like he should have followed him... but something in his mind... in his soul... made him instead rush up to his room.

The door swung open...

Now, this was not what his old room at Kotoki's Inn had been like. This was only a single bed room... naturally, for a single person. Ash had collected what few items he could find that were once from his former apartment. Which were mainly just weapons, since his room had been plundered while he was away. Those demon filth had taken some of Ash's most prized possessions amongst his collection.

The warrior slowly walked into his room, fully expecting something to happen. It was quiet... only the murmur of the outside crowds could be heard. Now that Ash had the few minutes to look back on it... he probably should have grabbed the shifty person, and forced the poor bastard to speak. Spill his guts, tell the whole story... let the Doman Commander (or was it General?) know what he had done.

Fanrico cursed under his breath as he leaped around the corner... to find nothing. No hidden assasins waiting in the shadows. No thieves robbing him blind while he was away.

What could have spooked him? What was he doing?

Ash sighed as he closed the door, maybe it had been imagined by him. Maybe it was lack of sleep that caused his paranoia. The warrior chuckled as the door closed, a slight rattling sound could be heard once the door shut. Like the sound a dagger makes when it finally hits a wooden post. Ash gulped as he turned towards the source of the sound.

There... on the back of the door.... was a note, pinned there by an ornate dagger. Ash gasped as he read it... he couldn't believe what he was reading... for it seemed so surreal.

Ash Fanrico,

I know you want your girl back... I know you've been wondering where she could have gone to, and I know you've been lonely without her. That I know, as well as the fact that you'd be willing to do anything to get her back. We have your woman Fanrico... you want her? Well then my good friend... come find her. I want to play this game between us Fanrico... see how good you really are. I want this to be just you, we see any Doman Troops, or friends within your company... she dies. No fellow warriors, no mages, nothing. Just you my friend and only you alone. No exceptions.

You are a lucky person Ash, you've always seem to be. She's very beautiful... and I've been finding that out personally as of late. She tastes just like peaches and cream. I wonder what her other parts taste like. Till we meet once more, person to person... dear friend.

Your good friend, DANTE

From outside, a loud... almost beastial cry could be heard. A cry of pain... a cry of sorrow... but above all else... a cry of seething, almost blind anger.

The staff of the Ivory Horn had little time to ponder on what to do, when Ash came storming down the stairs. Covered in a black cloak, his eyes were fixed into a permanent, hateful glare. It was the look of a man whose limits had been reached... whose privacy had been violated.... and whose line had been crossed. Nobody had ever seen the warrior look so angered... so full of rage, as he stormed towards the exit. They also noticed that Fanrico was carrying with him his trusty Goreslasher blade, as well as a rather large axe.

"Watch my room while I'm gone." he said in an emotionless voice, tossing the closest staff member a bag of gold pieces. That glare was still present... as if it would never leave his face. All the patrons, staff, and owners could do was sit there in silence. Without another word, Ash left.

A whistle could be heard outside, as Ash was obviously calling for his chocobo, Amarant. The sound of a saddle being mounted, and the chocobo was off down the road.

He'd find her... he had to. She was the only thing he had left in this twisted world. When he was lost and confused, she had been there to help him. When he was alone... she was by his side. His love for her was unquestionable... and any poor bastard who tried to get in the way of that love... would learn the dire consequences.

To Be Continued...

(Comments, Critique, and since I'm almost asleep... spell and grammar check if you care. Peace Image )

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 2/10/04 3:18 pm

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Re: To the Ends of the Earth... Finding Christydia. (New Fic

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:30 pm

...Uh, I might be mistaken, but I believe Kotoki's was actually crushed at the end of the war. >_>; <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin</p>

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Re: To the Ends of the Earth... Finding Christydia. (New Fic

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 10, 2004 3:40 pm

Image What? Nobody told me that, not even the threads about the aftermath of the war... Image *feels stupid now* Image awww dammit... <p>"So instead of finding a real warrior, you go out and get little girl in hootchie skirt?" - Nicolai, Resident Evil 3 (not really)</p>

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