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Collaborative Dealings

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:33 am
by Capntastic
Okay, folks. Knowing you zany lot, I'm sure this can work out dandily. Here's how it works:

Uno: You read the entirety of what's been written.

B: You contemplate, ponder, wonder, and write what you think would fit good. And then post it.

11: You wait until someone else posts something after yours, read, and enjoy.

Now don't be a jerk and be all "ROCKS FALL". That's just immature :D Imagine the humor of something growing and changing into something crazy and unlike that which it started as! Now get to it.

~ !

Laurence tripped down the street less than elegantly, as he was oft to do early on a fine weekend such as this. The frosty air swirling about hit him subtly from all sides, focusing his mind like an Argon-Ion laser on two things: He should have worn some sort of cold protectionary device, such as a mitten, and also, he was somewhat hungry. Hurrying to get out of the house and on his way somewhere had served only to slip breakfast out of his mind. His eyes spied Ye Olde Ice Creame Reserve, and his mind responded with various sinful thoughts of the unspeakable, and nigh un-attainable dark pleasure of having a frozen confectionery delight for breakfast! But alas, it was far too cold, and his teeth were a touch sensitive to the frigid and sinful cones of hateful sugary sweetness that has plagued mankind for all sorts of years. Maybe he should become an Eskimo and build up a resistance. This last thought he pondered as he approached a wholesome bakery. His boots were wearing through his socks, and he felt he could use, nay, he deserved a rest. Perhaps at the aforementioned, yet still un-described bakery.

Re: Collaborative Dealings

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:27 am
by SALSAlys
The bakery radiated warm and wholesome goodness, as bakeris are wont to do. The aroma of freshly baked bread drifted out into the street, tickling Laurence's nostrils before yanking him into the building by his nose.

The lass inside selling hot buns (in fact, she even had a sign saying "Hello! I sell hot buns!". Someone had seen fit to scribble at the bottom "only PASTRY-RELATED BUNS, pervs") smiled at him. She was a bonny lass, with a frilled apron and blue dress, the sleeves rolled up to reveal arms which were as covered with freckles as her face.

"And what may I interest you in, good sir?" she asked sweetly.

"A hot currant roll," he replied, voice somewhat muffled.

"Currant— certainly," she replied, getting a fresh roll and placing it into a thin paper bag as he pushed across the correct coinage for the treat. The bread served to warm his hands as much as fill his stomach as he glanced over the drinks available as well.

"And a hot cocoa?"

"Hot cocoa? Of course! What would a day without cocoa be? A less chocolatey one, certainly," she added, filling him the mug as he again pushed across the coinage before sitting at a table, watching the silly people strolling the streets.

For Zero

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:33 pm
by Endesu
The dapper Laurence enjoyed the cocoa as much as one would enjoy a brisk swim in an ocean bereft of jellyfish. His goal of breakfest somewhat satisfied, he allowed his mind to wander to inescapable regions of thought, such as where he had come from, why he was here, and why he hadn't worn a warmer pair of pants.

Obviously, the answers to these questions laid not within the warm and plush bakery, where all answers lie within untold calories, but across the street, where a new store had opened.

Laurence's observations of the store came only after he had left the bakery, leaving a fine tip as gentlemen were ought to do. This store was obviously a very mysterious store, as it was only half-painted and bore the signs of being poverty-stricken. The sign smacked onto the roof of said domicile made it all the more interesting.

"Be'Coup Plot"

His amusement, confusion, and lack of snowshoes all mixed into a feeling of general endearment towards this dear structure. He decided to enter it, to see where it would take him, how far it would go, and if he could go to bed at night. <p>
[url=]Now I see what I've gotta do /
Open Your Heart /
And you will see[/url]</p>

Re: For Zero

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:55 am
by PriamNevhausten
Laurence, confident young man that he was, strode into the doorway, having opened the door prior. However, an unexpected collision with a brick wall cut short his journey, as well as scratching his nose a might. What a silly place to put a brick wall, he thought, though the person who had built it there seemed to think otherwise.

Perhaps there was some sort of meaning; some metaphorical, deep thought behind the placement of a brick wall immediately behind a door in the shop named "Be'Coup Plot." But Laurence was in no mood for such things, as the wind had whipped up a notch stronger, and the chill was lashing his flesh like a tentacle monster might lash a japanese schoolgirl, except less pokey and proddy.

Naturally, Laurence felt it appropriate to alleviate himself of the aforementioned lashing; and, having quenched his thirst and quelled his hunger, he was a trifle more prepared for a stint in the cold on the way to shelter, or perhaps even a warm bath. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>

Re: For Zero

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 3:44 am
by Uncle Pervy
The walk across the street was as simple as, well, a walk across the street. Laurance was fairly confident in his abilities to meet such a task and conquer it.

The frozen puddle was all to ready to conquer him.

A brief slipping sensation, a feeling of motion, and a flash of pain later, Laurance finds himself looking at the sky. It was rather pretty, the sky. Well, it would be were it not for the gray clouds getting in the way. Blasted clouds.

One line rather childish thought states that rain is God peeing upon the world.

Rain in one's eye is rather painful, Laurance finds.

C'est bizzarre!

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:49 am
by FlamingDeth
His sudden realisation was cut off, however, by the growing sound of oncoming traffic, which was to be expected, given his prone position in the middle of the road. This obviously concerned the young man, as one of the various other tidbits of information he had gathered over the years was that in a fight between man and automobile, man usually lost, unless the automobile in question was a Kia.

His concerns turned out to be unwarranted, though, as the driver of the vehicle he had heard, having apparently not noticed him, pulled up next to the very same bakery that he had so soon departed, and entered said bakery, leaving his automobile (which, as it turned out, was in fact and Oldsmobile, not a Kia) unlocked and idling.

Now, Laurence had always thought of himself as a man of strong morals, and stealing a car would normally be considered below him. However, given his current cold, wet state and lack of locomotion, he found his morals waning, and almost without a thought found himself planting himself in the vehicle's driver's seat, conveniently timed at just the same moment that Detective Miller was leaving the bakery with his donut, intent on getting back to work. <p><center><table border=0><td>Image</td><td>

I don't know what the hell this thing is, but the chicks dig it.
