Dark Times Ahead

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Dark Times Ahead

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:19 pm

In a shadowy area of the forests surrounding Doma...

He had chosen this spot. Suprisingly, no resistance from any of the forest creatures. It was as if it was a condemned area that neither Fey nor other such creatures dared tread. Course, this could be a result of his presence... but like most things in this new world... the complete demonic kopii Dark Fanrico did not care.

The surrounding plantlife was warped and twisted, a mirror almost of his very soul. The Dark kopii used his powers to fashion a dwelling out of old, not to mention strong, trees. It sat there, like a cancerous growth of the forest. The only light came from a lamp, which created a haunting glow through his dwellings branches and openings.

There he sat, on a rotted chair, basking in that very glow. Dark Fanrico felt an emptiness... a strange feeling... a desire for companionship. He blamed it on his vessel, the incompetant Rico.

Something wrong... oh "great one"?

"Hush... I'm in no mood for your opinion... waste of blood." grumbled the old demon to the wind.

Awww... something wrong old man?

"Stuff it Rico... I'm only pondering." replied Dark Fanrico, in conversation with the voice in the back of his mind.

Feeling lonely... aren't ya?

"That does not concern you, mere shadow. Go back to your non-exsistence, you do a great job of it. Even better than you did at playing me." retorted an annoyed Dark Fanrico.

The remark quieted his vessel's faint voice, and the older kopii went back to his ponderings. His plan was working... slowly admittedly... but it WAS working. He was just going to have to re-think his approach... and when to approach new inductees.

Out in the open, amongst others was getting too risky. The recent incident with the jobless merchant taught him that.

A low laughter grew within him and soon it could be heard throughout the forests. It was almost a flawless plan... and it couldn't have come at a better time. Misery, Depression and Mistrust after this war was an opportune moment to spread his subterfuge. Soon... his real goals will be known.

Soon... his real prize will be won... and Doma may never be the same again. It would be a fitting way to re-enter this world's events and workings. A fitting way to re-insert his influence onto the goings-on around him.

His feeble and weak vessel had tainted his name. Now he will set out to put the fear back into peoples' minds. Make them respect the name once more. <p>**Welcome to my NIGHTMARE**</p>

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