Warrior's Travel (Ash and Sher'Khan during all this)

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Warrior's Travel (Ash and Sher'Khan during all this)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:11 pm

The Day After...

Fuckin' Trolls was all that would come to Ash's mind as he walked along the grassy fields, clad only in his snot-covered shirt and boxers. They, those bastard trolls, thankfully didn't take his boots. But it hardly took away from the fact that he was still running around in his boxers.

The coins in the small reserve pouch (the one he kept tucked in his right boot) jingled together as he held the little leather pouch in his hand. This was going to be put into buying some new pants.

Course Ash never really had any previous reason to use the reserve pouch before. It had always been there in case of emergencies. Though few had ever arisen that he was in needed of spare money. Working for a king has it's benefits, and having a good amount of money is one of them.

Naturally, Ash's company wasn't that talkative. Mainly cause said company was a large lion, one that belonged to the man who had given Ash the task of retrieving a certain crystal. Sher'Khan made little conversation, only a few purrs and growls every now and then.

"So... Sher'Khan... great little trek we're having eh?" he asked to his feline companion. The lion may be not the most talkative, but at least he WAS company. Which is always a plus to have around in such situations.

The lion gave a sarcastic look and purred in reply. Ash grunted, "Yeah... my sentiments exactly." he said as they continued.

One fortunate things is that this area happened to be on the usual patrol route that Ash and his fellow soldiers of the former kingdom of Doma happened to go on quite a bit.

The nature of such patrols was to ensure the safety and well being of the small towns in the Doma areas, as well as small contingents of troops that were stationed around the area. Ash and Sher'Khan happened to be heading in the general direction of such a village, which he knew the directions to pretty well.

A gust of wind blew by, and Ash felt it in spots he usually doesn't feel wind on. Which only caused more mumbled swearing to be spoken as the two trudged on.

I should've declined the offer. I'd heard of the Elemental Crystals before... but never really knew where they were. I belong on the battlefield. Not pantsless and wandering about looking for a place I don't even know the location of. Course the Fey's decision to be non-aggressive in this battle, and be hostile towards anyone who happens to enter the forest during all of this, made it only worse. Being that his sword and other equipment was probably still lying beside the small lake that they had leaped into to escape a fire that never happened.

Course that was before running into those damn trolls and their stupid leader... that Deuce bastard. I have no idea how Amana got into that little group, but I'm sure I wouldn't want to know either. They seemed to be on the right side, which is all good in the end, but if they're expecting a huge reward after this, they're going up the wrong tree... Ash would see to that personally.

The smoke from chimneys not too far away signalled the upcoming village. Finally... get some gods damn pants. he though as they picked up their pace a bit. Ash was in great need of some lower area clothing.

I feel like a fool, looking as I do. I belong elsewhere... but have been sidetracked due to the deeds of ignorant Trolls. Ash didn't want to be here, he wanted to be on the frontlines, reclaiming his second home.

But now, the only thing he was doing, instead of the RIGHT thing, was having to get some new pants before heading out again. With no sword or any other type of weapons as well. This was turning into a great past few days for him.

Sher'Khan could sense this anger, and probably in some way, respected it. Not everyday one loses his home.

"Now how the hell am I going to be able to go into this town... looking like this?" he asked the large feline. Sher'Khan replied with a rough, growl-like chuckle. Ash shot back a mean glance, "Can it you overgrown cat." he snapped as they walked on...


Hatarook was a nice little place. Very comfy little area stuck out in the middle of a beautiful field. Hatarook was supposedly one of the first towns in all of Doma. Course that could just be myth, or a few villagers trying to add some kind of importance to their home. It was a far cry from the busy streets of Doma City. The most comman job here was farming, but there were other types of work here as well. Ash knew this cause he had been there at least twice before.

He doubted that there were any Doman Troops there anymore. Most seemed to leave their posts after news of the take over reached them. A great deal was probably currently in the various pocket resistance groups positioned all over the place. Should've joined one of them... wouldn't be here right now.

He ignored the various stares he got from passing by villagers. Course, again, he couldn't blame 'em. Not every day you see someone walking down the street wearing no pants and looking serious about it. Not to mention a large feline following him.

The warrior made his way quickly to the general store that was there, Sher'Khan followed. All activity that had been going on in that store came to a complete stop as the two entered. An almost naked man with a big lion, probably made one interesting sight, Ash pondered as they walked to the counter.

"Something wrong there son?" asked the owner, a decently built old man with a large mustache. Ash shook his head, "No sir, just a bad run-in with the wrong kind of company." was all he replied.

The store owner nodded, "What would you like? Besides the obvious..." he asked. Ash plopped the pouch of coins down onto the counter.

"A pair of pants would be nice. That'd be the best place to start." Ash replied, taking a long sigh, as the old man opened the pouch.

"Hmmm... twenty gold. That's enough for some things." stated the owner.

"What kind of pants can I purchase?" asked the pantsless warrior, not caring about the amount of gold he had with him. He was getting tired of feeling wind blowing down south on him.

"Well... son... not much." the shop keeper replied as he turned towards the back of the store, and disappeared behind a door.

Sher'Khan grumbled up at Ash, which got an agreeing nod. "Yeah... probably not the best of pants at all." he said, agreeing with the feline.

The shop keeper returned, "Only thing we got really is these." he said as he placed a stack of gray-white pants on the counter.

Ash's face was almost pale. "What the hell are these?" he asked.

Said articles of clothing were quite the strange type. They were wide in the leg area, and on the pant legs themselves, were sewn on red fire emblems.

The shop keeper chuckled a bit, "Well, there was a small group of martial artists that walked through here. Callin' 'emselves... the Flaming Fist Clan er somethin'. Well, to say it lightly, they disbanded rather quickly. Something to do with differing views between the clansmen." he replied, "So they sold us the remaining pairs of pants they had and left."

Ash's face color was almost chalk white. "And?" he asked.

"And, we don't sell em for much... hell till you just came, we were thinking of burning em to tell ya the truth." replied the old man.

So... going... to stab... trolls... when... all of this.... is over! "Fine. I'll take a pair." grumbled an angry Fanrico.

I'm going to look like a bigger fool than I did without my pants... as he paid for his new article of clothing. Fortunately, the new pants were a perfect fit. A little more loose than his last (and favorite) pair of pants. At least he had pants now... which was what he had even come here for at all.

Though they did look like for all the world, like the stupidest pants he had ever seen in his life. Hell, jesters wear better pants than this.

Sher'Khan couldn't help but laugh at this predicament. "Laugh it up Fuzzball. I could've just rode on your back the whole time." snapped Ash as they left the store.

If he hadn't gotten enough stares when he entered, Ash certainly got much more when he walked out of that store. Great... just what I need... thought Ash as he almost fell over from the wave of embarrassment he was feeling at that moment. But these were also the kind of pants you didn't want to even be caught unconscious in.

As soon as they left the town, Ash began his disgust over his new clothing. "Holy Mother of Ishtar!!! I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!!!!" he bellowed, as Sher'Khan only muffled some laughter.

Ash grumbled some more as they walked back the way they had came.

"Quick question there big cat. Do you... by any chance... know where this temple is, in which the Earth Crystal resides?" aslked an inquistive Ash, trying to get his mind off his incredibly stupid pants.

Sher'Khan's eyes lit up, Ash was getting a bad feeling about this.

"You don't... do you?" he asked, and the expected nod was what he got. Ash just sighed. What else could he do?

"Well I was expecting that reply. Great... we're on a wild god damn goose chase." he growled.

As they got closer to the spot they had started at, it was close to dark. So naturally, the choice to set up camp was decided upon. Sher'Khan was pretty good at collecting sticks. Course they couldn't go too far near the forest... due to the Fey... but there were still some sticks lying about near them. So soon, a fire was made.

Ash was sitting down, leaning against a nearby rock. He had a choice to make.

Either continue looking for the Earth Crystal, which he currently had no idea of where it was. Doing so would waste time, like he hasn't already done so, and further keep him from going into action. The other, was choosing to go find what he originally was looking for. The Queen, as well as any other members of the Omnicouncil. Then take part in reclaiming his home. The one he had taken residence in ever since he was brought back to life.

His thoughts were interupted by a very curious kitty. Sher'Khan nuzzled him, holding his favorite book in his mouth. Ash smiled a bit. "Need a bedtime story pal?" he asked, which was quickly answered with a nod. Ash grabbed the book and in the light brought on by the fire began to read.

It was not the story he had read a few days ago. It was almost as if he was telling a story about himself... figuratively.

"So the warrior was lost, and all alone. These vile creatures had done taken his home. The valiant one wished them speed, and bid them to hurry. For compared to his anger... hell hath no fury."

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 10/25/03 11:00 am


Re: Warrior's Travel (Ash and Sher'Khan during all this)

Unread postby Biomess » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:27 am

As good as the other one, yet with a few more spelling mistakes, but it's really good. Kudos once more. <p>---------------------
I hate no html comments allowed. I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT.

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