Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

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Ash Fanrico
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Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 01, 2003 2:12 am

3 years ago...

A shot rang out as the last of the zombie horde fell. The room that this small scale war had taken place in was littered with the bodies of the undead, blood was just about everywhere that blood could be. On the old dusty couch, on an antique lamp, on a broken 50's era television set, on the very cobweb covered bed in this room, and most importantly... all over the fuckin' carpet.

To add to that, any place that there wasn’t blood on the carpet, there was a shell casing of some sort.

A man walked to the center of the room, and inspected the latest kills. He kicked at the decayed husk that was once a human... probably a father, with a family that he had once taken care of.

But now this shadow of a human, this ravenous thing, was only merely an unthinking killer now. Devoid of all personal thoughts, cept the one that makes it kill, and feed. The most basest of all drives. Some of these creatures were still in their funeral garb. These were the usual lot, the average zombie pack. They never display the usual pack mentallity, no planning... no strategy. Just mindlessly walk towards their targets.

The man kicked at it again and looked around. “Alright... I think it’s safe now. But let’s not dick with ourselves here. Check these brainfeeders. Make sure they’re dead for good.” he ordered as he reloaded his Benelli M1 Shotgun. Upon finishing this task, he pulled out a pack of smokes.

“Status?” he asked the others as he put a cigarette in his mouth. Another person stepped forward. It was a younger woman, she too had taken part in this hunt with them. The older man could tell that she had just recently become one of “those who stalk the children of the night”. The media dubbed them Hunters, and the name stuck.

Her seemingly flawless figure, her ample curves, she had definately just joined. Which... probably was the reason why she had the least amount of blood on her. Her flowing dark brown hair seemed to sway as she walked forward. “All dead here.” she said quietly.

The man walked up to her, “Didn’t expect so many deads huh?” he asked, almost grinning. The woman shook her, “No... didn’t think it was like this.” she replied.

The man finally lit up his cigarette. “Yeah... that’s the problem with zombies. They always seem to have great numbers.” he said as he walked amongst the corpses. He took a drag on his cigarette, the flame on the end moved down a few spaces, leaving ash in it’s wake.

“Makes one wonder... how... such brainless creatures... can form such huge groups like this. They don’t have a pack mentality, they never plan their attacks, they never seem to have much brain activity... yet... *sweeps his arms around the room* they can still make these.” he said as he stood in a puddle of blood.

“Dawson... I don’t need a damn speech on zombies.” replied the woman as she checked her handgun, a berretta of some sort. Dawson couldn’t tell from where he was, and he continued to smoke and pace around the room.

“Yeah... I know. You...” he stopped as he looked back towards her. She nodded in reply, not being able to reply any other way.

“I’m sorry Masami... I should’ve remembered.” he said, apologetically. Masami smiled, a thing that she almost always seemed to do. Her smile was one of those warm, calm smiles. Dawson now felt like shit about it, and it showed in his eyes.

“I’m not angry at you Dawson. I’ve just recently joined.” she replied finally, still wearing that beautiful smile. She loaded in a new clip and walked over to him, making sure to step over any dead zombies in her way. She put a hand on his shoulder, “Cheer up now ok?” she said, not wishing to bring her teammate down.

“Ey’ Dawson!” came a voice from within the room. It was Cedrick, another member in this group. Dawson broke away from Masami and headed towards his other teammate.

“What is it?” he asked as he finally got to where Cedrick stood. Cedrick was the tallest member of the team, and one of the more physically stronger members at that. He was African, and had been one of the oldest hunters within the group... next to Dawson that is.

“Look man... see this?” he pointed towards a hole in the corner of the room. It was quite easily to see, since it was cut out of the floorboards within the room. Dawson got closer to it. This hole lead down into the basement.

“Think it could possibly lead to some sewers? Maybe a graveyard?” asked Cedrick. Dawson shined a light down into it. Yes, it was definately a basement alright, as Dawson could see old heating pipes, dust covered boxes and long since discarded clothing.

“Maybe it leads to Pamela Anderson’s room.” Dawson replied with a grin, as he walked back towards the center of the room. “Only one way to find out...” he said as he picked up a gym bag.

“Aw man... you ain’t sayin’ we’re gonna go down there and look are ya?” asked Cedrick. Dawson slowly nodded back, before flicking some ash off his cigarette. Cedrick swore
under his breath and headed back into the hallway, where his things were.

Dawson pulled out his trusty crossbow, a personal favorite of his. He slung it over his shoulder, and picked up his benelli. “Masami... catch!” he said as he tossed the shotgun to the younger member.

“You do know how to work one of those right?“ he asked, for a second regretting the choice of throwing the gun to her. Masami chuckled a bit.

“No worries Dawson, besides, Dack showed me how yesterday.” she replied. This obviously concerned Dawson.

“Dack? Him? He can’t know how to operate such a thing... sides... he likes cutting weaponry... and fire.” he said quite bluntly. Masami chuckled a bit, “I’d guess he does then.” she replied.

“Well... anyway... Me and Ced are going down into that hole. I would like you and Dack to stay up here incase we need backup... or... if we’re killed, you and Dack will be the last line of defense.” ordered the older member. Masami shrugged and headed into the hallways to inform Dack of the situation, as Dawson went back into his gym bag.

Dawson pulled out a flashlight, one with a coil around feature. He looked back at the doorway, where Cedrick was standing. “Ready?” he asked.

Cedrick sighed, “Ready as I’ll ever fuckin’ be.” he replied as the two headed towards the hole in the floorboards.

End of Part 1, to be Continued

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 7/5/03 11:17 pm


Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Kadrin77 » Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:14 am

Hmmm...good stuff, Ash. I like!

Edited by: [url=>Kadrin77</A] at: 7/3/03 9:35 am


Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Jul 04, 2003 4:03 pm

Like what I've read so far... the 'feel' of the story definitely fits the style of writing, but cut and pasting it made the lines screw up.. be easier to read if you fixed it. =P

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:24 pm

Reads pretty nicely. Only the beginning but I'd like to see more insight into each character. However seems to be running smoothly and working forward. Good work!

Another crazy conversation between me and Jak
<p>Me: Seriously, it pees when I burn!
<p>Jak: Don't you mean-
<p>Me: No, seriously! Here, you set my arm on fire and I'll wet my pants.

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 08, 2003 4:38 pm

(Aside: Thanks for the compliments, glad you all like this story so far.)

Cedrick and Dawson decended into the hole. With flashlights on they worked their way through the stacks of dust blanketed boxes, and old forgotten clothes.

Little comfort could be found in places like this. Not even a good weapon could bring much comfort to realm of darkness and shadow. Dawson had taken his crossbow for the sole fact that this was supposedly going to be close quarters encounters. But now as they finally saw the entire room they were in... he began to wish he had brought something else.

Cedrick on the other hand had brought with him an old fashioned six-shooter, one of his prized possessions that he always kept in good condition.

They still hadn't found any doorway or formation in the wall to lead one to suspect that this room connects in some way to a sewer or a grave yard. The fact that it was very humid down there didn't help matters much for the two as they searched.

"So man... tell me, what was goin' on back der wit Masami?" asked Cedrick as they walked along in the darkness. Dawson sighed as he continued to scour the area for any clues.

"Well... apparently her family was killed by Zombies. a few years back from what I've found. It's one of the reasons she became a hunter. Same old story that followed that incident." replied Dawson as he pointed the flashlight along the walls.

"Ah yes... Authorities covered it up. Called it either gang related violence er something else for da media to shove down others throats." said Cedrick as he looked along some boxes.

"So back to the fuckin' business at hand." ordered Dawson as he looked around still. The basement was remarkably large, almost as if the former occupants had something else planned for this room, and said plans fell through. Which resulted in one of the biggest basements ever constructed it seems.

"Who da hell lived here?" asked Cedrick as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Dawson shrugged as they trudged on.

Suddenly a noise came out from behind the boxes, like the slapping of naked feet onto solid ground. It sounded like it was running. The two reacted almost instinctly as they pointed their weapons towards the sound. "I knew something was bound to happen." whispered Cedrick as they listened.

The darkness gave no reply or clue to what that sound was. "Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled." said Dawson as they continued. Cedrick kept looking over his shoulder.

"I didn't think the zombies we were facing could run." inquired Cedrick. Dawson pondered on that as well. Maybe it wasn't a zombie?

"Unless it was one of those 'conscious' zombies." added Dawson as he walked along. But that still didn't seem like a good explanation.

"Yeah, but they don't run too often... remember they're rotting? Also it would've attacked by now." retorted Cedrick. Dawson was becoming more nervous, he could feel it in his spine.

"Cedrick... I think we're being watched. Not just watched... but hunted." Dawson whispered to his commrade. Cedrick shined his flashlight all around. "Can't see a damned thing... just boxes and shit strewn around on the floor." he said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly the sound came again... much closer this time. Without hesitating both men shot at the direction from which it came. The roar of the six-shooter could be heard from the upper floors.

Masami looked at Dack, "What the hell is going on?" she asked. Dack didn't reply, just kept his eyes on the basement hole.

"Dammit!! Answer me!" ordered Masami. Dack looked back at her. "Cher... I wouldn't be orderin' me around nah. I dun like orders. Ya hear?" Dack replied, glaring.

"But something's going on down there!!!" screamed Masami. Dack looked up at her again. "Please stop screamun. I'm in no mood fur et."

Back down below...

After the smoke and dust cleared, Dawson shined his flashlight on the spot where they had fired upon...

All that he saw was an overturned box, with an arrow and a few holes in it. The contents were spilled over the floor, which was just old newspapers.

"Shit! We missed it." cursed Cedrick. Dawson looked around some more. He shone his flashlight as far as he could, and noises erupted from doing so.

Where ever the light shown, in any direction it seemed, noises, inhuman ones were heard. Not to mention more movement all around.

"Cedrick... I think I just realized something." whispered Dawson. Cedrick looked over at his commrade, "And that is?" he asked.

"Our flashlights... whatever is down here... hates the light." replied Dawson. He let that sink in with his friend as the noises subsided, and silence was all that could be heard.

"I don't like this one bit. We should have brought the others." said Cedrick, getting a bit nervous. He looked around into the darkness. "We ain't dealing with no zombies... we's dealin with sometin else." he said through gritted teeth once more.

"But... I've never heard of zombies being afraid of light... nor vampires. I don't think there's really ANYTHING that we know of that hates light likes this." announced Dawson.

"Well I vote we head back. Get the others and come back down here... security in numbers." replied Cedrick. Dawson shook his head.

"Then we'd have to cope with these things possibly picking us off... one by one. Plus... how do we know they aren't waiting by the entrance? Waiting for us to do just that?" asked Dawson, in a chilling tone.

Suddenly... a hissing could be heard... right next to them. Cedrick whipped around, already pointing his gun. All he saw were two blue eyes shining back at him.

"What the fu... ?" was all he could say before the creature pounced...

Back above...

The shots from Cedrick's gun rang out as Masami and Dack stood there. "They're... in trouble... something's wrong..." was all Masami could say through faint gasps.

"Calm down der nah Cher... I've seen dose two get out of worse sitawations. Trust me Cher... these two are some of the best." said Dack as he tried to some extent... in his own way... to calm his fellow team member.

Back down below....

Dawson shone his light where his friend was, battling whatever the hell was upon him. All he could see was a large, almost reptillian creature... but... it wasn't like anything he had seen on TV or read in books. It was something entirely new...

The light from the flashlight caught it off guard, it gargled a roar from it's pointed mouth. It was caught in the light, and that gave Cedrick just enough time to point his six-shooter somewhere useful... like beneath the creatures chin.

Back Above

Another shot rang out from the basement. Dack looked at Masami. "See?" he said almost smuggly.

Back with Dawson and Cedrick...

The creature was now dead, and the basement was filled with the sounds of it's buddies. Dawson quickly flashed the light all around this seemed to shut the creatures up.

Cedrick was at that moment getting up. "Sonuvabitch..." he swore as he kicked the dead things corpse. Dawson ignored his friend, and shone his light on the dead creature.

Cedrick was covered in cuts and scrathes. Nothing fatal by any means. But the beast DID try to get at his jugular, as could be seen from the scratches near his chest.

As Dawson examined the thing, he could now see it more clearly. It looked for all the world like a mixture of an insect, lizard and maybe a bird. But what it did look like for sure was something out of a person's nightmare. It had almost purely black skin, long fore legs and back legs. Not to mention spikes along where it's spine was located.

"WHAT... THE FUCK... IS THAT?" asked Cedrick now that he too could see it better.

"I have no clue... no fuckin' clue whatsoever." replied Dawson as he looked back into the darkness. "Whatever they are though... this basement is full of them." he added.

To Be Continued....

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 7/8/03 4:47 pm

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Justice Augustus
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Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Jul 08, 2003 4:46 pm

You know, you actually got a really good horror atmosphere going here! I was getting really rather involved. It's the vivid description that does that, so good work on that. It also seems like a horro film in that the characters aren't as important as what happens to them. Miimal backstories and so on. Usually I'm disgusted at this but I now see how it can work. It's just a different style to mine but just as good, so keep it up!

I wanna know what happens...

Another crazy conversation between me and Jak
<p>Me: Seriously, it pees when I burn!
<p>Jak: Don't you mean-
<p>Me: No, seriously! Here, you set my arm on fire and I'll wet my pants.

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Re: Those Who Hunt (DF Fanfic)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Oct 08, 2003 10:27 pm

(Time to continue this)

Dawson felt the uneasiness creep up his spine. This mission was quickly becoming something else than what was originally thought. They had come in here looking for zombies... and have also found something else.

Something that seemed to be a living nightmare in it's purest form. He couldn't think of any species or category that this creature... this THING... would fall under. It was as if it was in a listing or branch all of it's own.

"Ey man... this is crazay. We need some better weaponry for this." spoke up Cedrick after coming to hopefully a similar conclusion about this beast.

"We have to get to the bottom of this." said Dawson, in a firm tone. Cedrick couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Mothafucka! You listenin' to yoself? These thangs are all ova this damn basement. We have limited ammo ere. Doesn't dat make you think we outta get the fuck outta here?" asked Cedrick to his comrade.

Dawson looked up at his friend. "Cedrick... we're in the middle of something that I doubt few have been in... ever. What if these things were to get out?" asked Dawson.

Cedrick began to silently curse as he looked back at the monster that had previously attacked him. "So what do you propose we do zactly?"

Back up Above...

"I'm not liking this silence Dack." said Masami as they both kept their position over the basement hole. Dack sighed, with a look of extreme irritation, he shot another glance back at Masami.

"Then go down der Cher... go help em!" he barked as he approached her. Masami backed up, afraid by her teammate's sudden actions.

"I tell you that dose two er sum de best... and ya still bitch Cher. WHY?" he asked as he got in her face. His bad breath could be smelled, as he breathed heavily. Masami could tell that Dack wasn't the best with new members, obviously not the patient type when it involved rookie concerns. Obviously didn't like the inexperience gap.

"Dack... calm down." Masami ordered, not wanting to get into a fight when the others could possibly be needing them. Dack backed up and took his position again. Masami could still tell he was pissed at her. So she decided to keep her mouth shut for a while.

What they didn't know was that there were things watching them too...

Back Down Below...

"We need to look for something... clues... possibly something that would yield some answers to these things." said Dawson, breaking the brief silence.

"And whare would dat be?" asked Cedrick, nervousness showing in his voice.

"Well think for a moment... why would these things... these... Shadow Creatures... be in the same house with Zombies?" asked Dawson.

Cedrick shrugged, taking another look around the basement with his flashlight. "I dun know... maybe they don't mind that stank ass smell dem zombies make." he replied.

"No... something must be controlling both. That or whatever made the zombies also created these shadow monsters." corrected Dawson.

"What leads you to believe dat?" asked Cedrick, now pondering on it as well.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 10/8/03 10:31 pm

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