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I am who I am... no denying the truth (DF Fanfic)

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 3:12 am
by Ash Fanrico
Markus sat in his room, it was night... a time he had grown to know very well. He was cleaning out his pump shotgun, something that he had been doing alot more of since he was, as far as he knew, still on probation.

He hated sitting around doing nothing... specially since he knew what kind of things were happening outside while he was rotting in his apartment. The sounds of the outside, the cars, the music, the people walking by outside, talking of pointless things... it made staying in his room more unbearable.

His room was not in a very good state, his prolonged stay there had caused him to revert to some old habits, of leaving clothing on the floor and furniture, as well as leaving out pizza boxes. Which only excited the pests and rodents in his room.

Markus finished with his shotgun, one of the few he had left after the "Incident". He got up out of his chair and headed towards a wall, which he place his hand upon. A few seconds of feeling around and he finally found the indentation he was looking for. After applying a good amount of pressure on it, the wall began to make a clicking noise.

the section of wallpaper in front of him shifted to the side and out popped a Shotgun Rack. There were 2 left when there used to be 5 shotguns. Markus grumbled and placed the now cleaned weapon onto a rack. Another clicking noise and the wall went back to the way it was.

He walked around his room, kicking an old pizza box on the floor, thus causing a rat to flee into the woodwork. Markus grunted and sat down into his comfy chair. Next to the chair was some old files, past cases, and for the time being, reading material. He reached down to the side of the chair, to where his hand was met by a cooler. Inside the small ice box, were some nice and cold glass bottles of Coke. He popped one open and reclined. He turned his attention again to his files, wondering what he would be reading about next.

The last file was about the job he had in which himself and a few other hunters had to take out a nest of zombies that had infested an abandoned warehouse. Even then a smile came to his face as he remembered. He picked up the files, and caught a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye. A picture had fallen to the floor, an old one. He leaned over and picked it up, curious as to what it could be.

The photo was of a young man who liked alot like him, but he was with a beautiful young woman. Their surroundings were a bar the two frequented alot, their... Special Place. He had worn his jacket to the bar that night, but wasn't too cold upon setting foot into the bar... the Barrel Keg. The girl in the photo was wearing that jacket, as she began to get cold, as she normally did in some rooms.

Markus closed his eyes... he remembered her... and the following night.

They had just watched a movie at the theater, nothing too grand, but it was some good time to spend with each other none the less. She had wanted some ice cream, and though he was short on cash, he had agreed to go anyway. At the ice cream store she got her usual favorite, a rocky road and peppermint mix. He didn't have anything, this was his treat to her... his love. The night was going to be so perfect... then... that stranger had to appear.

He was a peculiar one... very pale, almost albino and had on a gray duster coat. He didn't want their money... or her purse... he wanted the girl... her blood. The young man had tried to fend him off, but the stranger was too powerful and overcame him in a second. The boy was knocked down to the ground, spitting out blood as he went. Out cold and unable to help the girl...

The authorities had found them, he had been lying there, with a shattered jaw and bloodied nose... not to mention the concussion. They found the girl lying not too far from him... her throat had been ripped out, and upon later autopsy... almost completely drained of blood.

That same young man would watch as the police never even attempted to try and find her killer... watched as lawyers denied all the evidence and even blamed him for her death. The young man watched as while he was leaving the courthouse he saw that same man outside, smiling at him... as if gloating over what he had done.

The boy would become filled with rage... and eventually become the man... the Hunter, the one known as Markus Rhinehart. He would never let those who do similar acts to innocent people rest or find peace from his revenge.

Markus placed the picture down on the desk, as he wiped the tears that had formed away. He had... failed... failed to protect her... and she lost her life.

The room was very silent as he dwelled upon his saddness and what had made him what he was now.

"Cassandra..." he said softly as he was overcome with the grief of that memory... of seeing her lying there... dead. Minutes after having had such a great time... all gone... in a matter of minutes.

"I am who I am... I cannot deny that which made me what I am today..." he said to himself. He then knew the rest of the night was going to be more unbearable... <p>"You know if someone's good if all they need to kick your sorry ass is a long piece of wood with hay attatched at the end! That or they're fucking nuts." --- About da Broom</p>Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 6/9/03 3:18 am

Re: I am who I am... no denying the truth (DF Fanfic)

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 10:10 am
by SALSAlys
A history of sorts, hm? I think it could use more detail in the first part... sentence structure is a bit repetitive in places. Kind of visually uninteresting, even though the content is better.

Is there going to be more?

Re: I am who I am... no denying the truth (DF Fanfic)

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 11:12 am
by Ash Fanrico
Thanks Lys. I'll try to make more DF fanfics, and ones with alot more better structure and detail later. This one was done late at night when i wasn't getting much sleep.

But thanks for the good review.Image <p>"You know if someone's good if all they need to kick your sorry ass is a long piece of wood with hay attatched at the end! That or they're fucking nuts." --- About da Broom</p>