*tries writing again*

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Squintz Altec
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*tries writing again*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jun 08, 2003 9:58 pm

Agrian Fellatoma Tzelara looked up from his reading, and sighed. It was tedious, but he tended to be forgetful, and so he studied constantly, and wrote down whatever he thought of at the time, lest it be lost into Pure Chaos, never to be known again. It was as his wife said: If it isn't written down, it never existed. That seemed to be the Tzel'toah motto, Agrian reflected. Remembering, he wrote this down.

"We Tzel'toah have obtained a great deal of knowledge in our existance, and as such, we have found reason to write this knowledge down. Perhaps one day our ancestors will read this, and become enlightened. And, perhaps, mortals shall read it, and they, too, shall be enlightened. Thus, our race as a whole strives to spread knowledge."

He looked it over. It was a bit incoherent, but he'd fix that part up later. The Tzel'toahan langauge was strange to most mortals, and not many could learn it. This forced Agrian to study Common. Though he was the best with it in the village, he was not as fluent as someone who was born with the language, and thus made mistakes frequently. Agrian sighed, and turned back to his reading. It was about the birth of the Tzel'toah, and was written in their languauge. It was a lovely tounge, at least in Agrian's mind. It flowed like a river, and was as fresh sounding as springtime. Agrian paused again, and wrote this on a separate piece of paper. He would put that in his book. Finally turning back to his reading, his eyes passed over the knowledge contained within. And thus, he was enlightened.

The birth of the Tzel'toah has long been in debate amongst the elders. Some say they were descended directly from the lesser gods, a failure in Primear's design. Others say that they were the first Mortals. One thing is certain, and that is the first Tzel'toah. Her name was Chaya, no surname. She was born of the shadow, lived in the shadow, and when countless aeons had passed, died in the shadow. However, upon her death, she ascended into godhood, leaving behind a number of offspring. All Tzel'toah were descended from Chaya, and her mating with a dragon, whose name was unknown. Chaya, or Tzelgami (goddess of shadows) as she was now known as, watched, and guided her race. It soon became apparent that this race was different from the other Mortals, and thus, they went into hiding. When the Gods fought each other, the Tzel'toah watched, and chronicled this. When the first human was born, the Tzel'toah recorded this. Upon the elves discovery of magic, there was a small celebration that the Tzel'toah threw over their village. However, they remained from mortal eyes.

Agrian nodded, understanding. And since then, they had remained in hiding, cloaking their village, and living in the desert. They had only seen ten mortals in their town's entire existance: Karov, the archangel, Kerov, the Archangel, Ara, the Ryuuzoku, Squintz Altec, or, as most Tzel'toah called him, The Second Kerov, Hakaril, the Archmage, Jak Snide, the Wizard, Rai'm, the Human, Will, the Ryujin, Alexstrasa the Flirtatious, the Demon, and Malachias the Vengeful, the Pit Lord.

Their names were recorded in the library somewhere, but Agrian had forgotten. The point of the matter was this: It was time to end their separation. Agrian was the leader now, and despite the fact he was only 518,342 years old, he felt he knew what was best for his people. Agrian stood. He would do this now. No more wasting time.

Edited by: Squintz Altec  Image at: 6/8/03 9:59 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: *tries writing again*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 08, 2003 10:37 pm

You say ancestors once where I believe you mean descendants. Primaer is also misspelt once (Primear's). Also, you missed a word such as "hidden" from "However, they remained from mortal eyes."

The "only 518,342 years old" part is great. :D Also, I look forward to seeing where this goes. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>

Squintz Altec
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Re: *tries writing again*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:50 pm

It didn't take long at all. Agrian was the King of the Tzel'toah, so his word held a lot of sway amongst the others. Therefore, by the next day, there was a group ready to go. Agrian had made sure that there was plenty by the way of gifts. First off, he had a gem, one that linked directly to a very large jar in his house. He had handed out similar gems to the others who had visited, and he took the time to examine them. Hakaril and Rai'm barely used theirs, only to store a few choice things, while the Second Kerov used his a lot, mainly to store his clothes, and an odd ring in a box. Agrian didn't know what it meant, but he made sure nobody took the things from the jars. Recently, the Second Kerov's jar was filled almost halfway with gold. It was funny how mortals such valued a metal that did not create useful tools; it was too soft. Ara's jar had been filled to the brim, and they had to empty it into another storage space. Agrian thought about how much they valued gold, and then was struck with an idea.

He gathered up several of the enchanters and transmuters in the villlage, and set them out on a task. Within a few hours, they had created about 2 pounds of solid gold, which Agrian hoped was enough. Returning to his train of thought, he pondered over his gifts to the mortals. He had a gem, the gold...maybe a book would do? Agrian hurried to the library.

Now, this library was filled with books. Literally. There were books in shelves, on shelves, next to shelves, stacked near shelves, and other creative locations. However, this didn't stop Agrian from knowing the location of each book. He had existed for long enough to have read all the books, and even memorized a few of them. He looked around, withdrawing a book about the translation from Tzel'toahan to Common. Agrian himself had written this book to help the mortals, but few stayed long enough to actually learn their langauge. Agrian shrugged.

After this was done, he picked his group. He decided to pick one of every element, just to be safe. He was of the Flame, so he did not need another one that knew fire. He picked Aryll of the Enchanting, Borak of the Water and Ice, Jezebel of the Lightning and Air, Gefran of the Ground, Urhak of the Light, and Uzhak of the Dark. Agrian nodded. These were fine people. Very fine indeed. He decided to set out the day after next, for his group would require knowledge about what their goal was.

Agrian knew this would be good. He KNEW in his heart he was doing the right thing.

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pd Rydia
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Re: *tries writing again*

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:59 pm

Read this on your LJ...good addition. Keep going. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>

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