It was suggested I put this my Comic)

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It was suggested I put this my Comic)

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:34 pm

Awight.....So as not to confuse anyone......I'm going to be doing a little bit of background info as the comic goes along.....

Btw.....Some of these names and such are very un-original....take for example the names of the kingdoms and what kind of people/things can be found there XD

The Kingdoms on the Eastern Continent

Earth Kingdom

The capital of earth kingdom is Amaligem

Earth kingdom comprises of mainly creatures that align themselfs with earth...(duh XD) such as stone giants, mites, brownies, dwarves, and people who practice Geomancy. Sometimes elves and humans can be found there. The male and female populations both have equal rights.

Law: Earth Kingdom is not overly concerned with laws, but when justice is called upon, the laws are followed to the 'T' and are carried out exactly as they're written. Punishments are not too severe but do last a long time.
(Ex: being sent to work in the mines)

Fire Kingdom

The capital of fire kingdom is Cinder.

As the name says, mostly fire creatures can be found here. Lava beasts, Balgors, Fire elves, fire giants, fire sprites, and people who practice Pyromancy. Fire kingdom is also home to the bulk of the volitile Angromanger population. It's best not to go here if you are a woman; men have 'control' (If you can call a hot headed King 'in control') in this kingdom.

Law: In fire kingdom, justice is served swiftly, though not often fairly. If you take someone to court there, you're most likely to both end up a pile of ashes on the floor.

Water Kingdom

The capital of water kingdom is Aqualaria

Water creatures like merfolk, sea elves, sea sprites, water giants, and people who practice Hydromancy live here. Unlike Fire Kingdom, the women are the ones in power here.

Law: Water kingdom has swift and harsh (at least to them) laws. If you are found guilty, you are either executed (In a most painful way) or banished from all cities and towns of the kingdom.

Air Kingdom

The capital of air kingdom is the Floating City of the Four Winds. (Yes...It's a floating city... ^-^)

In Air kingdom can be found storm giants, sky elves, regular sprites, whisps, and people who practice the elemental magic of Aeromancy. As in earth kingdom, rights for each gender are the same.

Laws: Air kingdom doesn't really have many laws, seeing as how the theives there only go as vicious to say "Your money or mild discomfort, please. Unless you're busy...then I can come back tomorrow. *happy smile*"

Good Kingdom

The capital city of good kingdom is Haven.

As one could probably figure out, Haven is home to creatures like Angels, Dominions, Paladins, all around good creatures along with those who practice Clerical magic. All people are treated with equal rights in good kingdom.

Law: the laws of good kingdom were created to be fair and not life threatening. An example of punishment might be a year or 2 of public services and the like.

Evil Kingdom (I know...I know :P)

The capital of evil kingdom is in the dark elven forest. The city is called Neo-malonia.

Vile creatures like demons, people who practice necromancy, dark elves, shadows, vampires, and other undead roam this kingdom. Despite what one may think, all people are treated with equal rights in this kingdom.

Laws: Suffice it to say, evil kingdom has no laws. There is a powerful necromancer 'in charge' but he doesn't do much under the lines of ruling.

The Elven Kingdom

The elven capital is Da'ai Chikiza, meaning 'Tree of the Singing Winds'.

Yep....The elves have their own kingdom. Most tend to keep away from humans, but the occational one will leave home in search of adventure or the like. Only high elves and wood elves live here and they avidly practice runic magic.

Law: Elven laws.....that explains it all Image (too lazy to write any explaination now..I'll add it in later) <p><div style="text-align:center">"You know child, I have a saying that may or may not help with your situation...Life is like a painting; You choose what goes on the easel, but sometimes you don't know what colors are on your palet...The only thing to do is dip the brush in and try it..." ~Antoneo Rodriguez (My character, so make your own philosophical remarks XD)</div></p>Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/15/03 1:49:19 pm

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Nick Shogun
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Re: It was suggested I put this my Com

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Mar 21, 2003 4:10 pm

Maybe I missed something... where do the humans live? Everywhere? Or do they have their own kingdom?


Re: It was suggested I put this my Com

Unread postby Firnthuleien » Sun Mar 23, 2003 4:48 pm

Pretty much everywhere (Except the Elven kingdom...)n_n;;;;;; Sorry about the time it took to answer.... <p><div style="text-align:center">"You know child, I have a saying that may or may not help with your situation...Life is like a painting; You choose what goes on the easel, but sometimes you don't know what colors are on your palet...The only thing to do is dip the brush in and try it..." ~Antoneo Rodriguez (My character, so make your own philosophical remarks XD)</div></p>Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/23/03 3:50:40 pm

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