Riding upon inspiration... The Creation of Enlil

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Uncle Pervy

Re: For Jak, during my free time at college

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:02 am

Throwing aside the sword, I kneel by Lord Aliester again. Mellewyn doesn't matter right now, only Lord Aliester. Rei says something, but I do not hear it, for Lord Aliester speaks.

"Just let... me... meet my end," He says between shallow gasps.

How... how can you say that? Lord Aliester, why are you giving up? I don't understand!

A high-pitched whining sound comes to my ears. I hardly pay it any attention; I know it is a craft like the one that brought them here. But what does it matter? If... if Lord Aliester has lost his will to live... what hope is there?

"Go," Lord Aliester whispers, "Don't... worry... about... me..."

The Half-elf looks down at Lord Aliester, then over at Mellewyn. The Dark Sidhe stands silent, watching Lord Aliester. Sighing, Aramilos says, "If this is really what you want." He looks to human woman and says, "C'mon Janda. Let's get outta here."

Janda looks down at Aliester. I look up at her. I know she can heal Lord Aliester, she has to! If she doesn't...

"Okay," Janda answers, her voice sad. She turns, walking away with Aramilos. I try to call out to her, to stop her, but my voice doesn't work. How can she leave Lord Aliester? Doesn't she see? Doesn't she understand?

I try to stand and chase after her, but as I to stand, my legs refuse to suppose my weight. I fall back to my knees, as more pain floods through body. It hurts so badly, as though I were on fire! I want to cry out in agony... but I see that Mellewyn is watching me.

I won't let him see my pain.

"This isn't over between us," the half-elf says to Mellewyn, as he walks toward the craft after Janda.

The Dark Sidhe's eyes do not leave Lord Aliester and I as he answers. "Yes. It is."

How... can they worry about rivalries? Why do they leave? Lord Aliester, why do you desire to die now? Why? I don't understand, how can you forsake the universe, when everyone needs you so much?

I feel hot wet tears trace their way down my checks. The pain is starting to recede, it doesn't hurt so much any. An empty feeling wells within me; something is gone, but I don't know what...

I can hear the craft leave. Only Mellewyn remains, watching silently. I can feel him watching me... But I don't care anymore. Why does it matter what the Dark Sidhe does, when all is lost now?

If it is unity you desire, angel, echoes Mellewyn's voice within my thoughts, Then why do you not follow me? <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 2/19/03 1:27:09 pm

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Der yay!

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed Feb 19, 2003 4:22 am

Wonderfully and beautifully done! Image I love it! I love it! I love it! Image More please!! Image <p>Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"You're not...Human...Are you?"
--Akari Kamagishi [Fighting Girl Series]

Mankind, as we knew it, is doomed. The Chrysalis will change us all. Let's just hope it's for the better...
--Konoko, ending of Oni

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pd Rydia
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Re: For Jak, during my free time at college

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 19, 2003 4:37 am

"How... How can you say that?" -- 'How... how'

"If it is unity you desire, angel echoes Mellewyn's voice" -- being treated as dialogue, that should have an extra comma, like so: 'If it is unity you desire, angel, echoes Mellewyn's voice'

More more. ^_^ You know the drill. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Turning point

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:22 pm


You desire harmony, do you not? Mellewyn’s voice answers. You wish for peace, for an end to war.

It… doesn’t matter anymore. Lord Aliester is dying. With him dies the hope of existence.

So you say only he has the power to do it?


Then how is it that I defeated him? Mellewyn asks. Looking up, I see his ice-colored eyes watching me, glaring into my soul. His face is devoid of any feeling. But in his eyes, I can see that he dares me to answer, that he wants a challenge.

How is it that this great and omnipotent lord of yours was struck down? If it is power, then clearly he is inferior.

“Why are you saying this?” I ask, my voice returning, too late to call for Janda or Aramilos. “Isn’t what you have done enough? Must you he proud of your atrocities as well? Why couldn’t you see?”

“Because he presumed to take that which is mine by rights,” Mellewyn answers. “This world, all mortal worlds belong to the Sidhe. Before the mortal races were ever a dream, they belonged to my people. Mortals are thieves, angel. They take from us what belongs to us. Were it not for my sister’s perfidy, I would have already reclaimed what is mine.”

His sister’s perfidy; he speaks of the war that has split the Sidhe into the Light and the Dark, each following their own ruler. Another futile war, one that Lord Aliester would have stopped. I look down to Him. His eyes are closed, and he hardly breathes.

But now… what hope is there?

“If it is unity that you desire, angel,” Melleyn says, “Then realize that once I have dealt with my sister, I intend on retaking the lands of my people. There shall be harmony, then. You are welcome to join me in bringing that harmony.”

“No,” I answer. “Never! What you want is dominate! You don’t care anything for peace, or for others! What you say is harmony is nothing but slavery!”

“And Aliester did not?” Mellewyn counters.

Before I can reply, he is gone. Teleporting away, only Lord Aliester and I remain now.

He’s wrong! Lord Aliester wanted peace! He wanted to bring harmony. He cared for other people, not just for His own. When have you tried to save another, Mellewyn? When have you thought of anyone but yourself?

“How can you die?” I ask, looking to Lord Aliester. “How can you abandon everyone?”

A bright light flares near me. Looking over, I see a red-haired woman in strange clothing.

Rei? Why have you come?

She walks over to Lord Aliester, and kneels by him. I simply watch, silent, as she says something to him, too low for me to hear. It is not in Common, I can’t understand much of it. Then, she moves to pick him up.

“Please,” I say, “Just let Him die in peace. It’s all He wanted. Please, there is nothing more that can be done.”

She looks at me, then speaks. Once more, it is hard to grasp what she is saying. But, I understand one thing that she says.

"-save the man who was my friend."

Save him?

Rei… you turned away from Him. He tried so hard so hard to make you see understand. Have you now?

Before I can ask, she vanishes again, teleporting with the aid of a technology that I don’t understand. But… I can feel Lord Aliester still. He is far away now, but not so far that I cannot feel Him.

If Rei can save him, I have to be there when he awakens. I have to know! Why did he want to die? Why did he turn his back to the Universe when it needs him?

Will he try to bring unity again, now that Rei understands?
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Pyro Pawz

~waves shyly~

Unread postby Pyro Pawz » Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:28 pm

I only just started reading last night, before this last post was made, and though I probably don't have any right to say anything yet, here's one error that jumped out at me.

“No,” I answer. “Never! What you want is dominate! You don’t care anything for peace, or for others! What you say is harmony is nothing but slavery!”

I imagine you either wanted to say 'to dominate' or 'dominance'.

I really am enjoying this story too, even though I don't know any background to the characters and storyline.

<p>Well blah...</p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Turning point

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 19, 2003 7:59 pm

Pyro there got the first error. The other one is this:

"He tried so hard so hard to make you see understand." -- C&P/editting error methinks :P

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki</span></p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Turning point

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Fri Feb 21, 2003 1:43 am

Heh, Yes! I like it! More Pervy! MORE!!!

Pyro: In order to know the background of the characters, you'd hafta read the story that this came from. :thumbsup:

And that is a long, long process. ~Velvet-Sheathed Iron <p>Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"You're not...Human...Are you?"
--Akari Kamagishi [Fighting Girl Series]

Mankind, as we knew it, is doomed. The Chrysalis will change us all. Let's just hope it's for the better...
--Konoko, ending of Oni
</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 2/21/03 1:36:22 am

Pyro Pawz


Unread postby Pyro Pawz » Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:08 pm

I wouldn't mind reading more background on this story, but I don't really have the patience to look for it. ~grins sheepishly~

~Pyro <p>Well blah...</p>

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The dark-haired miscreant
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Re: Turning point

Unread postby SorataYuy » Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:55 pm

NIce work Pervy, keep it up eh?

Pyro: The precursor to this isn't actually even on RPGWW. It's from another board that myself, Rei, Pervy and Brainwalker *little glare because he's been so absent of late* frequent. And as for reading that one.....

Well, let it suffice to say that when Rei was going to print it off, her printer control panel said it was something like 1 K+ worth of pages. <p>"I don't need a plan just a goal. The rest will follow on its own." Gerrard of the Weatherlight

"Told you... You're my type..." Sorata Arisugawa</p>

Pyro Pawz

~laughs nervously~

Unread postby Pyro Pawz » Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:06 pm

~falls over and twitches a few times~

~Pyro <p>Well blah...</p>

Uncle Pervy

Short Piece

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:07 pm

I take a moment to ascertain which direction Lord Aliester is now. I cannot feel where nor do I know how far, but I feel that he is to the southeast.

My Lord, I’m coming. Please, hold on. This need not be the end.

I leap from the Core, letting my wings catch the wind. I let an updraft carry me upwards, knowing it can guide me more easily to Lord Aliester’s side.

Yet… Am I worthy of Him now?

It is hard not to think back to that moment, when I held His sword in my hands… I wanted to hurt Mellewyn. Lord Aliester, I wanted to create the violence You sought to stop. I wanted to help you, my Lord. But, I nearly gave into the same madness that claims Mellewyn’s soul.

I wanted to hurt him. Am I so weak? I wanted to make him feel the pain I was… He struck down Lord Aliester… But am I so weak that I wanted to do the same to him?

Am I worthy of being Lord Aliester’s Herald, when I sought to create the very evil He intended to stop?

Please forgive me…

A loud whining sound comes to my ears. I glance back, and see a large black machine flying through the air toward me! It’s shape, glinting dully in the morning sun, is like that of a giant arachnid.

One of the Machines from the Core, the ones I saw as I waited for Lord Aliester’s guests to arrive.

It flies beside me, slowing down to match my pace. Suddenly, the human called Caesar appears on the roof of the machine. Though I can’t sense the magic, I know it is a teleport spell that placed him there.

He looks at me, then smiles. "Well, hello there,” he says, “Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: ~laughs nervously~

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:08 pm

Core, Machines -- machines shouldn't be capitalized, but I don't know if you meant to capitalize core twice or not.

I'm also unsure about how you chose to capitalized the words following ellipsis...not sure if that's grammatically correct or not, I always leave it uncapitalized.

Anyway, keep going. o.o <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki</span></p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: Short Piece

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:07 am

I'm still reading this.

I'm still liking it muchly.

And like the greedy bitch I am, I still want more, damnit. e_e

*gives Pervy dark rum to motivate further fic making*


Re: ~laughs nervously~

Unread postby Kadrin77 » Wed Feb 26, 2003 7:33 am

You are damn good, Pervy.

Keep it up.

Uncle Pervy

Not So Short Piece

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:22 pm

Whatever it is that Caesar desires, it has to wait. I look away from him, returning my eyes to the course ahead.

"I must find Lord Aliester. I must be at his side." I tell him. I do not look away from my course, nor slow my flight.

"I thought as much.” Caesar replies, “Where is he?"

"This way," I reply. What does he want with Lord Aliester? He said that he didn’t care.

Caesar replies, "You mean... you don't know? You don't know where your own 'lord' is?"

Why is he asking all this? How is it important, when Lord Aliester is hurt? ”Not exactly,” I answer, “He is very far away; I can only faintly feel Him.”

"Well, that's just great,” he answers.

He falls silent, as the machine flies along side of me. I pay it no mind, it isn’t important now.

"You know, Enlil... we could get you there faster."

What? He can? How does he know where to go? I look over at him, setting myself into a glide. "Can you?" I ask. If he can get me there faster, perhaps I will be able to help!

Caesar grins at me. "Of course!” he answers, “It seems my friend managed to figure out where Aliester probably is, and I can get us there in literally no time!"

”How?” I ask. I know he lacks the power to teleport that entire machine.

"Just a little dimension-hopping.” He explains. “It's a lot like teleportation, only it takes a lot more practice, and it's a lot more effective. We use it all the time, you needn't worry. So, what do you say?"

How odd, a Dimensional Traveler. I never expected to see a human capable of it here, in this mostly magic-dead world. Can I trust him, after he helped Mellewyn?

But, if he wanted to slay Lord Aliester, he would not have left earlier, not before finishing the task.

“If it will get me to Lord Aliester more quickly,” I answer, meeting his gaze. “I shall accept.”

"Gotcha,” he answers, his lips quirking upward into a smile, “Just keep moving, I'll handle the rest."

He falls silent again, closing his eyes. He seems to be thinking. Perhaps he is concentrating? I can’t tell anymore… It feels as though my eyes were bound with cloth, I should be able to sense the magic I know he is using, but I cannot.

Minutes pass, as he seems to fall deeper into his trance. Gliding, I watch him curiously. Then his eyes snap open, glowing with a faint green light. The air ahead of the machine and I begins to warp and distort. I watch it, as a hole seems to open within the air. Within that hole, I can see buildings of concrete and steel, hundreds of them reaching into the air.

And, I feel Lord Aliester among them.

I do not hesitate to follow the black craft through the gate, as it speeds ahead. I brace myself as I approach it, yet I feel nothing strange as I fly through. However, the sense of Lord Aliester’s presence multiplies a dozen times over!

He is close, no more than a mile or so away. I can feel that he is in one of the buildings, still very weak.

Below me now is a dizzying array of roads, buildings, and people. Looking down, I see thouands of people walking along the roads, tens of thousands of machines plying those thoroughfares. Buildins seems to take up every available bit of space, I see only a few scattered hints of trees.

It is so very different than Heimdal, so unlike the closed and empty halls of the Core. Here, life seems to thrive in every place and corner possible. Everywhere I look, I can see people.

But, it is not important now.

I see a large building not far from us, reaching higher than any around it. There, I feel Lord Aiester’s presence.

Without a moment’s delay, I begin to fly toward it. Beating my wings as hard as possible, I strive for every modicum of speed I can get. I must reach Him! I must be by his side!

I can hear Caesar’s craft following me. He too wishes to see Lord Aliester. I know not why, but I care not. Perhaps he will understand now…

I hover over the top of the building, looking down upon its roof. Much of it is flat, save for a couple of scattered structures placed near the edge. Curiously. A thriving green garden rests near those smaller buildings. It seems so very out of place, amidst the steel and concrete.

I’m coming, Lord Aliester

The black machine descends, stretching out its spider-like legs, and settling upon them lightly. I follow, landing atop it near Caesar. He grins at me.

I bow toward him, and say “Thank you very much, Caesar. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Caesar smile changes a little, becoming a little more self conscious. He rubs the back of his head and answers, “Yea... You’re welcome."

I’m coming, Lord Aliester.

I leap off of the craft, letting my wings slow my descent. As my feet touch the roof, I fold my wings, and look back as a hatch atop the machine opens. From it emerges the lavender-haired half elf that I saw before, when Lord Aliester bid me to welcome them. "Such a nifty little vehicle" she says to no one in particular.

She must have been controlling the machine. I spread my wings a little as bow to her as well. "Thank you.” I say, “Thank you so much. You have my sincerest gratitude for delivering me to Lord Aliester so quickly."

The half elf looks around, then says, "Well, don't thank us too much just yet. Getting here is the easy part... getting in is going to be tricky. Security's pretty tight."

Security? I have not heard this word before? Why would it stop us? Did we do something to anger it?

“Why would Security keep us from Lord Aliester?” I ask, “I only want to help him.”

Caesar answers. "Yea, well... I doubt MacinTech security is well versed in your relationship with Aliester." Turning to the purple-haired half elf, he asks, "So... what now?"

"I'll tell you what to do," declares a flat female voice from behind, "You'll drop any weapons you may have and state your intentions for being here."

I turn, and see a woman with red hair and scarlet eyes. She looks exactly like Rei! Yet, her eyes are different. This isn't Rei.

Nor do I understand why she is pointing a large metal cylinder at us.
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/03 10:48:08 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: Not So Short Piece

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:01 pm

"I know he is using, but I cannot. / Minutes pass" -- missed a second line break between these two

"Why would Security keep" -- security, unless that was intentional

Alsooo...good stopping point...BITCH! ;_; You did that on purpose... <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki</span></p>

Sergeant Mac of the SAS

Re: Not So Short Piece

Unread postby Sergeant Mac of the SAS » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:52 pm

The SAS approve of this piece of fiction.

Furthermore, if combat breaks out, we will evac the Herald ASAP to preserve her condition.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=sergeantmacofthesas>Sergeant] at: 2/26/03 3:54:48 pm

Pyro Pawz

Re: Not So Short Piece

Unread postby Pyro Pawz » Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:09 pm

I think the 'Security' is supposed to be like that Enlil thinks that 'Security' is some kind of sentient creature, therefore having a capitalized name. <p>~Pyro

AIM: PyroPawz
Website:Takoumori Productions
E-mail: pyropaws@cyberdogtech.com


"Be who you are and say what you feel for those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss</p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Not So Short Piece

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:17 pm

Beautiful!!! I love it! Image MORE!!!

One minor note, the woman has <span style="color:red;">red</span> eyes and red hair. That's the one difference. Otherwise, I love it, more and more! Image <p>Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"You're not...Human...Are you?"
--Akari Kamagishi [Fighting Girl Series]

Mankind, as we knew it, is doomed. The Chrysalis will change us all. Let's just hope it's for the better...
--Konoko, ending of Oni

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:24 pm

“Rei,” the half-elf asks, “Is that you?”

I do not think that the red-haired woman heard her. Instead, she says,
”Are you deaf? I said state your intentions for being here.”

“I guess I’ll take that as a no,” replies the Half-elf.

"Uhm, we're here to see Aliester?" Caesar offers, spreading his hands in a gesture I don’t recognize.

How strange. Her expressions don’t change, nor do I hear any emotion in her voice. It is as though this woman were a machine. Perhaps she is?

The Rei’s doppelganger reaches up and touches an emblem on her uniform. Suddenly, six more look-alikes appear around us, aiming metallic objects like the first one’s at us. These doppelgangers are wearing some strange sort of plated armor, as well.

Why are they wearing something used for combat? Do they think we want to hurt them?

"Okay," the unarmored Doppelganger says, as she flips a switch on her weapon. "I'll have to see some ID if you plan on getting in through this door."

"That was smooth, Caesar." Says the half-elf, "Tell them we're the enemy and we might even get in."

”If you do not have any ID," the speaking clone continues. "I must force you to leave. If you wish to visit the building, you may do so by using the main entrance on the ground floor."

Why is that important? How does it matter that we use the main entrance? Can’t they see we have to get to Lord Aliester?

Before I can ask, another figure appears on the roof. She is identical to the others, yet her eyes are blue. I smile just a little, for I know this is Rei and not a machine or a doppelganger. She looks at us, then says, “Kiko, you can call the hound dogs off. These people are guests, not intruders.”

“Yes, Miss Rei,” answers the unarmored clone flatly, as she presses the emblem again. The armored Doppelgangers vanish. Perhaps they were an illusion? “I shall return to my post, miss.”

As Kiko departs the way that she came, Rei approaches us and smiles. “Welcome to MacinTech Technologies International," she says, “I suppose you have come to see Aliester, ne?"

"Yes, we have." I tell her. Praised be that she understands!

"Alright then, follow me,’ she says as she walks to the door, and draws out a small flat object from her pocket. It looks like that piece of paper that I saw inside the Core. She slides it through a machine placed side the door, which causes a red light to change green, and the door to swing open. What an odd device.

“This way,” she instructs, stepping down a stairway past the door. I have to fold my wings tightly so that I can fit into the uncomfortable tight space, and even then I feel my feathers brush against the walls.

The Stairs open to an immense room, one that seems to take up the entirety of the floor. It is lined with windows, and odd pieces of furniture here and there. Paintings hang from the columns that support the ceiling, most seem to involve Phoenixes in some way or another. At the far end of the room is an immense wooden desk, lined with papers and machines I cannot name.

What is this place for? Does someone live here?

Rei leads us to a set of doors at the opposite side of the room, and the small sheet-like object through yet another device. This time, the doors do not open outwards, but rather the slide apart. I’ve never seen anything like it.

"Okay," She says, looking at us, "Get in the elevator. When the doors close, press the Medical Facility button. That will take you to medical facility where they are treating Aliester. Don’t attempt to press any of the other buttons. If you do, it will ask for a card key or ID, neither of which you have, so you cannot access those levels.

“The only levels accessible without an ID are the main floor, the medical facility, and the RecDeck. When you reach the medical facility, exit the elevator and follow the corridor through to the double doors and into the central medical facility. That is where they are treating Aliester for his injuries."

"You're not coming?" asks the Half-elf, as she steps in. I follow her to the small room beyond the doors. Thankfully, it is large enough that I don’t have to fold my wings more tightly than usual.

"No," Rei replies. "I have some things to attend to. But I will join you in the medical facility shortly afterward."

Then the Doors slide shut.
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Filler

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:42 pm

Half-elf -- half-elf
Caesar." Says -- Caesar," says
Doppelgangers -- doppelgangers
Stairs -- stairs
Doors -- doors

Also: MacinTech. XD *amused in light of Rei's recent post at GC* <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Anybody have any valuables? It's been several hours since I pillaged anything!" -- UnclePervy (DFRD, Nick Shogun)
-=- "YOU! The big, injust, green guy with the perplexed look!!" -- Mikan (2 Sugoi, Nekogami)
-=- "Upgrade complete. Please reboot your ass" -- Squintz Altec
-=- "I SMASHIES....in a very intellectual manner" -- Banjooie

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Filler

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:27 pm

Image I love it, I love it I LOVE IT! Your talent for story-telling is truly magnifique, Pervy! Keep going!

Dia: Yeah? And whyfer XD concerning MTI? *goes to check her latest post* Which one? Before or after LordKarou? <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft

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pd Rydia
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Re: Filler

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:09 pm

Not necessarily your MOST recent post/thread, but the most recent one I've read...

"Poll:I got a -totally- weird email today..." <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Anybody have any valuables? It's been several hours since I pillaged anything!" -- UnclePervy (DFRD, Nick Shogun)
-=- "YOU! The big, injust, green guy with the perplexed look!!" -- Mikan (2 Sugoi, Nekogami)
-=- "Upgrade complete. Please reboot your ass" -- Squintz Altec
-=- "I SMASHIES....in a very intellectual manner" -- Banjooie

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Filler

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:30 am

Oh yes, that one...Image That one is funny...

*wants more of the Enlil fic so she can read it* *plays Lunar SSSC in the meantime* <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft

Uncle Pervy

Re: Filler

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Mar 17, 2003 4:59 pm

Caesar and the half-elf stand beside me while talking softly to themselves. I cannot hear them too well, but I overhear Caesar call the woman Crystal.

This place is so strange, so different than Heimdal or The Core. This place is noisy, and active. How can everyone think here? There are so many distractions! So much noise and so crowded!

The tiny room begins to descend, a sudden yet gradual motion that makes me start! So this must be how the people move from floor to floor in this place. How curious. This isn’t like descending from the air; perhaps Lord Aliester felt this as he hovered?

I can feel him below us, coming closer as the tiny room descends. Then the room comes to a stop, as a soft bell chimes. The doors slide open and admit a small man, hardly taller than I, wearing clothing unlike anything I have seen. They are all gray, made of a strange stiff-looking material different from my robes. Around his neck is a strip of red cloth, cut precisely. He is an older man, I can see gray in his short hair. He holds a piece of paper, which he reads as he walks into the room.

He swipes a thin object, like the one that Rei used on the door outside, and presses a button. That must be one of the Card Keys that Rei mentioned. He then looks up, and watches the doors as they close. Finally, he looks over at me, and his eyes widen a little. Does he know me?

"Hello," I say to him, smiling a little.

"H, hello," he answers, swallowing a bit nervously.

"Are you also here to see Lord Aliester?" I ask. That is where we are going, and Lord Aliester would be overjoyed to see others are concerned for him.

"Uhmmm, no.” the man says, as he shifts from foot to foot. “I'm afraid I've never heard of him," I hear Caesar chuckle a little, while the man just looks at me. What is so funny? It’s sad this man doesn’t know who Lord Aliester is.

"That is too bad," I say to him, placing my hand on his arm. "Lord Aliester told me that many are ignorant of his name. That is why he created me to be his herald."

He looks at my hand, then at me again, he eyes still wide. Then he looks over the doors, where a series of numbers spelled out in lights count downwards. What an odd decoration.

Crystal's chuckles mix with Caesar's then she says, "Don't mind her. She's a little confused, you know? Aliester is pretty important to her."

"Yeah..." the man replies, as room slows to a stop and the doors slide open. He looks out them, then back to me and says. "This is my floor... so... Good day." He virtually runs from the room, as Caesar starts to laugh aloud.

What happened? I don’t understand. I look back to Caesar and ask, "What do you find so funny? Lord Aliester is hurt, and may be dying."

How... how can you die? Lord Aliester, how could you leave the world? How could you have been defeated?

The doors slide open again after a moment, revealing a hallway that feels oddly familiar. The… are like those of the Core. Geometrically precise, lined with unnatural materials, it almost feels like I had returned...

Yet, it is not right. The lights are too bright. There is no dust, no debris. The air smells sterile and dead, no hints of dust or age. Might the Core have been like this when it was functioning? It feels so familiar, yet so alien to me.

The corridor ends in a set of double doors; they seem to be the kind that slide open. Beyond them, I can feel Lord Aliester. I don’t hesitate, crossing the hall quickly. The doors seem to sense my coming, for the open to reveal a large chamber. It is filled with a number of cots, I recall seeing something like them in the Core. Machines I cannot understand are everywhere. There is also a woman dressed in white, another doppelganger of Rei.

He was here, minutes ago. In the corner, on one of the cots. Looking there, I see that a little blood has pooled there.

"May I help you?" Asks the doppelganger, as she approaches us.

"Yeah," Caesar says, "There was a man recently admitted. Tall guy with brownish hair and glasses; wearing old-looking clothes and carrying swords."

"Yes, he was admitted into surgery not long ago," the white-clad doppelganger says. "He looked so terrible; it's lucky we were able to get him to a bio bed when we did. It was a testament to his fortitude that he could hold on for that long."

Praised be that He could. Let them help you, Lord Aliester. Please…

"So we just have to wait," Crystal says. I nod in agreement. If Lord Aliester needs time to recover, He shall have it.

"Feel free to take one of the empty beds," says the red-haired woman, "Thank God it's been a slow day today. Aside from your friend and that pilot from earlier, we've been bored to tears lately."

"Okay, thanks," Caesar says, as he walks over to one of the beds, and lays down.

I move to do the same, but the doppelganger looks at me and asks, "Is any of that blood yours, dear?"

"Blood?" I say. What is she talking about?

"On your robes," the she prompts, motioning toward my chest.

I look down, and see that Lord Aliester’s blood still covers much of the front of my robe. "No, it’s not mine," I tell her, "It was Lord Aliester's."

"I'll go get you a gown to change into," she replies, turning to leave. "And we'll clean up that robe for you."

"No," I say. "I don't want Aliester's blood to be cleaned away... I want to be by his side, and this is as close to him as I can be now." There is no shame having His blood.

She stops, then nods to me. "Okay, it shouldn't be too long now."

"Thank you, I'll just wait over there, near the door." I answer, starting toward the other door. A lit sign says that surgery is in progress. I can feel Him in there. Taking the bed closest to it, I sit down, and watch for him to emerge.
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 3/18/03 3:06:04 pm

Pyro Pawz

Re: Filler

Unread postby Pyro Pawz » Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:58 am

"So we just have to wait," Crystal says. I nod in agreement. If Lord Aliester needs tie to recover, He shall have it.

AIM: PyroPawz
Website:Takoumori Productions
E-mail: pyropaws@cyberdogtech.com


"Be who you are and say what you feel for those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Seuss</p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: Filler

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 18, 2003 3:25 pm

Pryo said what I was about to say, besides the usual words of exceedingly large approval and the request for more.

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Filler

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:43 am

Yes... very much good! Image MORE! Image <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft

The Hero

Re: Filler

Unread postby The Hero » Fri Mar 21, 2003 1:35 pm

Pervy writes better than me.

He also has a larger post count, so his penis/her boobies are bigger than mine. I'm so jealous that I'm going to cry myself to sleep.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 3/21/03 1:02:13 pm


Re: Filler

Unread postby viator22 » Sun Mar 23, 2003 3:45 pm

What a nice thing to say Hero.

This Fic has been amazing so far Pervy, it does you vast credit and I've enjoyed every segment. <p>-------
THENinjaRabbi: So..if I ate the baby, I'd be more sane?</p>


Re: Filler

Unread postby RedCometChar » Wed Mar 26, 2003 2:13 am

Excessively nice! I do need to check in more often, so I don't miss anything!

*beats The Hero with a sack of oranges, on general principle* <p>"Once an evil deed is done, it never ends! It goes on, and it will go on forever!" The Scorpion, Five Deadly Venoms</p>

Uncle Pervy

Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 07, 2003 3:58 pm

Time passes so slowly as I watch that door. Caesar seems to fall asleep on the cot that he had picked, while Crystal lets herself get absorbed with something she is doing on an apparatus she calls a computer.

For a little while, I watch her work on the machine, as a variety of words and symbols run a riot across the screen. She explains a tiny bit about the machine, telling me that it is used to store information. But, it is hard to listen to her, for my attention keeps getting drawn back to that door.

I can feel Lord Aliester behind it, but I cannot feel how badly he is hurt. I know that he hangs on by a thread. But I cannot understand how. How can he be dying? How could Mellewyn have possibly hurt him so badly? It's not possible!

Two of Rei's doppelgangers enter after some time has passed. But, they are not like the others. One seems older, and the other... feels different. They don't feel so emotionally dead as the other doppelgangers. I glance at them every now and again, as they get into a lively conversation while looking at another computer. I hardly pay any attention to what they talk about; I really don’t understand most of it in any event. Instead, I watch the door, waiting for it to open.

“Oh, it appears that Aliester has gotten out of surgery,” the voice of the younger Doppelganger, cutting into the conversation the two were having earlier.

Immediately, I look to her and ask, “Really?” Did that machine tell them this? “Lord Aliester is out?”

The younger of the two clones looks at me, and says, “Yes, he’s out, but it'll still be a while before he wakes up."

"That doesn't matter." I say, as I stand and walk toward the two. The older-looking of the two looks at me quizzically, but I ignore it. "I must see Him."

"Well," the younger says, as I hear the doors behind me open. "Go see him then."

Turning, I see Him. He is unconscious, dressed in a white gown of thin cloth, rather than His normal cloak and clothing. I can see strips of cloth wrapped around His chest, seemingly to block the wound.

He is pale, so very pale. My heart begins to ache anew as I see the ghosts of pain pulling at His face. Lord Aliester…this was not supposed to happen…

I take His hand into my own as the two doctors lay Him upon the bed that I was sitting earlier. It is warm, but not as much as it should be. His breathing is regular now, but not as strong as it should be. And I cradle His hand, hoping that it will take some of my warmth, I look to the younger Doppelganger, who stands beside me, and ask. "How long before he wakes up?"

"Depends," comes the voice of Rei, as she walks into the chamber. I can tell this is the true Rei, I can hear it in her voice. Approaching me, she says. "It could be minutes, it could be hours. Dr. Higuichi said that his body was fatigued; like he hadn't slept for at least a day and a half. So he may sleep for a while.”

She looks down at Him, and shakes her head a bit. Then she looks at me and says. “C'mon Enlil, you'll wear yourself out being that high strung and worried. Aliester's fine, he'll wake up on his own. C'mon, let's go relax on the RecDeck."

Recdeck? I don’t understand what she means by that, but it is not as important as this. I would love to talk with Rei some more, perhaps she understands now. I cannot feel her heart, but I don’t believe that she holds so much anger any longer. Still… “No. I must stay beside Lord Aliester's side.”

After a moment, I add, “He needs me." I don’t understand how He could truly need me. But, I know He does. I can feel it. He needs everyone right now.

"He'll be fine." Rei answers, as she points to a screen with a number of green lights on it. "See? They're all in the green. That means that he's just sleeping. So c'mon, let's go relax and unwind a little."

If that is true…then…perhaps it will be alright? If she truly has faith in this machine… Lord Aliester had faith in her. He Trusted her… Why would she lie at a time like this?

"I suppose that I could." I say. In feel a strange sort of guilt. I want to believe in her, that accept that she is right. But… what if she is not? Still, if Lord Aliester had faith in Rei, so shall I. "Could you show me this RecDeck?"

"No problem. Follow me, it's this way." Rei says, taking my hand. She begins to pull me away from where Lord Aliester rests. I hope that He will not be upset.
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 4/7/03 3:59:14 pm

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Re: Filler

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:38 pm

Yo, Pervy, how far in Enlil's history is this going? Just till she gets to Gaera? <p><Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies."</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 07, 2003 7:47 pm

Not that far.

Consider this; she has yet to sleep. It's still Day one by her calender. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:29 pm

Trusted -- trusted

Aside from that, der yay. Nice to finally see something new here.

Good edit of the lamer, BTW. XP <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe (Nakibe)</span></p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Tue Apr 08, 2003 12:37 am

Very good... Me likes... Image Image <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 09, 2003 4:29 pm

“Come on, this way,” Rei says, pulling me out into the corridor and toward the tiny, moving room from before.

“I coming,” I answer. I glance back as the doors to the medical facility close. I must have faith.

She swipes the thin strip through the slot in front of the doors to the moving chamber again. After a moment, they open, and she steps in. I follow her in, once again having to fold my wings a little tightly to get inside. The doors close and moment later, and the room starts to move. From the feeling, I can tell it is ascending.

“This must be so weird for you…” Rei says after moment, not really looking at me, as she leans against the back of the room. “I don’t even think you’ve been in an Elevator before, have you?”

“I don’t know what that is.” I suppose she is right. This place is so very different from Heimdal and the Core.

“What we’re in right now, an Elevator.” Rei replies. “It’s what’s taking us between floors.”

“Ah, I see,” I say. So that is what they call this machine. “Thank you very much.”

“Ask me anything you want,” Rei prompts. “I’ll be happy to explain it.”

I want to ask why she fought with Lord Aliester, why she helped hurt him. But, I don’t think it is worth worrying about now. Later, when He has healed, perhaps I will ask.

“Are you alright?” Rei asks me. “You look like you’re about to cry again. Don’t worry. He’ll get better.”

“I know,” I say. “I know he will.” How could He die? I can’t conceive it. “Everything will be fine, I know it will.” He’ll bring peace after He has recovered.

Rei nods, looking at the numbers of light that count upwards over the door. “what are those numbers?” I ask.

“Ah, they count the floors we are passing. Each floor has a number, and that tells us what number floor we need.” She tells me with a warm smile. It seems that she is happier to avoid speaking of this whole situation. I can understand, I don’t want to talk about it either.

“And what was strip you used to open the door?” I continue, looking at it now as it dangles from a string connected to her belt.

“A Card Key,” she explains, “It’s my ID… um… how the computer identifies me. It has a lot of personal information, so I can get around without any trouble.” She takes it from the string, and holds it out.

I take the card key, feeling it smooth and pliable surface. “What is it made of?” I ask, as I look at it. The card has Rei’s picture, and a lot of information I cannot quite understand. I believe it is all about her, though. Some make sense; such as ‘Eyes: Blue’. Others, like ‘ID#: 000003’ I cannot comprehend. On the back is a curious black strip.

“It’s called plastic,” says Rei. “It’s synthetic; people make it from fossil fuels. It’s an amazingly useful material; we can do all kinds of things with it.”

I nod, returning the Card to her. “If you stay here very long,” Rei adds, “I’ll probably get you an ID Card as well.”

Stay here? Why would I do that? Well… If Lord Aliester decides it so, I will remain. What am I going to do next? I have not thought about it. It’s not really important right now, not until Lord Aliester has recovered. I will ask Him then.

Until that point, I suppose that I shall be staying here.

“Thank you,” I say. “I appreciate that you would trust me with one.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Rei says, grinning and shaking her head. The Elevator comes to a stop as she does. “C’mon, the RecDeck is this way,” she adds as she walks out.
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Apr 09, 2003 5:42 pm

More. o.o <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Apr 10, 2003 3:15 am

What the girl from the Kentucky Krew said.


Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby RedCometChar » Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:43 am

Good stuff! Continue!Image <p>-------------

"Once an evil deed is done, it never ends! It goes on, and it will go on forever!" The Scorpion, Five Deadly Venoms</p>


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