Kali's backstory (warning: is badly written)

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Jak Snide
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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue May 28, 2002 7:29 am

Now, you know the drill. Get back to that typewriter! *cracks whip*


Re: Good.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue May 28, 2002 9:23 am

I refuse until I get at least three more replies by different people, and some criticism of the stuff I edited! *dodges whip*



Unread postby MellyDuckie » Tue May 28, 2002 10:42 am

MORE. <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td>Despite all of her actions (and whatever her status menu might say), Melanie is NOT a thief. She's a.... uhm... Charlaton-ist! Yeah.
"I like to draw poofy tails because they're poofy and taily!" -Me</td></tr></table> </p>



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:11 pm

(I am aware that I didn't get the other replies to this, but I finally came up with this on my own time... I WOULD have tried more if I had more response! *mutters* Anyways, here 'tis)

Kali swivelled towards the direction of the voice, eyes going wide.

A large elemental smiled at her gently, teeth surprisingly white and clean against the reddish-orange of his body. However, there was no delineation between individual teeth. His lower body faded away into fire, and his upper body was bare, showing an impressively muscled chest and arms. He had no hair, though— or at least not what Kali thought of as hair. Instead, he had a nest of flames on his head.

"You're the girl that Ember manifested herself to, I assume?" asked Fireblaze.

"She is, my lord. Nearly terrified her when I went to pick her up," Magmar responded.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting anything, and I got a slap across my hand last time I saw one of you!" Kali protested, snapping out of her daze.

"Ah. I have many questions to ask you, child... including your name. You know mine already— Fireblaze."

"I'm—" She remembered stories of how names had power, but it was hard to feel fear with Fireblaze's open expression on her, since he, unlike many of the other elementals, had human eyes which she could read... even though they were a soft golden color. "—Kali."

"Pleased to meet you. Would you prefer to sit somewhere?" he asked. Kali nodded.

"Magmar, you are released for the nonce," he informed Kali's former escort. Magmar bowed, then walked out. Fireblaze gently took Kali's hand, linking arms as he led her through the hall of obsidian, although here, the elegant carvings were supplemented with marble and pearl, black and white forming intricate patterns.

"Why is everything here made of the black stone?" Kali asked.

"Obsidian? Because we're the fire elementals, Kali. Obsidian is formed from melted rock around volcanoes, which make the stone a property of the fire and earth elementals. The earth elementals prefer their gems, though, so we keep the obsidian."

"And why did I keep seeing your people in the fire?"

"That? I'm not entirely sure, yet... When did you start seeing us?" Fireblaze ushered the girl onto a red cushion, which had embroidery of gold on it. He sat opposite her, a small golden table between them. Set on it was a bowl of fruit; pears and apples, and many that Kali couldn't recognize— including guavas, oranges, apricots, peaches, and bananas. "Feel free to eat as much as you like," the fire lord invited.

"Do elementals need to eat?" Kali reached for a banana, and tried biting into the peel. She promptly made a face.

"We don't need to eat, but it's enjoyable for us. The food is eventually burnt by our bodies, though. And you don't eat a banana like that— you peel it." Fireblaze demonstrated, removing another of the fruit and gripping the top end, delicately pulling the skin away from the body.

Kali followed suit, and bit into the banana again, more cautiously this time. Her face lit up. She swallowed. "'Sgood!"

"You expected it to taste of ash, perhaps?" he asked teasingly. One flaming eyebrow lifted.

"N-no... but the first bite tasted nasty."

Fireblaze laughed again. "You have much to learn, little one... and I have much to learn about you."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 02, 2002 7:30 pm

Now now... don't feel bad, little fanfic, I love you, I really do... I'm just very lazy about writing. Please don't cry, little story... just because nobody is posting about you... don't feel hurt...

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O_o Gwah! Caught off guard!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jun 03, 2002 9:37 am

Eh? You actually wrote some more? Good stuff.

However, there is one part where Fireblaze says "you are released for the nonce." Now, I suspect it's a typo, but it also has a meaning over here. And not a good one either. O_o

Oh, one more thing. How does Fireblaze sit, considering that he doesn't have any legs?


Re: O_o Gwah! Caught off guard!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 03, 2002 9:51 am

The flamey part bends.

English teacher explained "nonce" as meaning "moment" or "now", when used in that context... now I'm confuzzled. -.-

Can you please explain the typo?

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/3/02 1:54:47 pm

Righteous Death Fencer

lali ho!

Unread postby Righteous Death Fencer » Mon Jun 03, 2002 4:45 pm

x.x, are you going to finish the story Mutha goose? You've got my attention, but I don't know anything about english.

My only critisism is that sometimes you lack detail, and the spacing is kinda messed, but thats already been spoken of. Though if you can make a story catching that SOMETIMES (and only sometimes..) can capture the reader, then I'd say your doing fine. I hope I don't sound mean.


Tallying ho?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 03, 2002 6:56 pm

I'm going to finish it, eventually. I can promise this much; it'll be ended before July, but exact post times aren't specific.

And I'm a mama?

*checks to see if she is truly a Mutha*

Squintz Altec
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Re: Tallying ho?

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:04 pm

Ohhh..I know!

You meant to say: "nuance." Not nonce.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:05 pm

Well, over here, nonce means "child molester" or something along those lines.

Guess it's just a silly Britishism.


Re: <_<

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 03, 2002 7:13 pm

I thought 'nuance' meant a small detail?...

And 'nonce' means 'child molester'?!

Oh my. This is evolving into a English Lit. discussion!

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Re: <_<

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Jun 03, 2002 11:35 pm

From what I can tell, you and Jak are both right. "Nonce" means both of those things. <p>-----
"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin</p>


Re: <_<

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 04, 2002 12:55 am

Oiyah... crazy language! Even when we both TECHNICALLY speak English, we have funky word changes!


Um... next bit! Yeah!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 04, 2002 8:24 pm

"Maybe," Kali replied, looking at Fireblaze and wondering whether it would be more polite to stare and be open about her curiousity, or to just give him sidelong glances... and she was tempted to stare. "But you were asking about when I began seeing you?" Now that the initial surprise was over, Kali ate her banana daintily and neatly, taking small bites and chewing carefully.

"Yes." The fire lord made an encouraging gesture with his hand, and the girl briefly wondered whether she was so important, that a king of the elements was being so polite, or whether he wanted something from her.

But what can he have from me that he can't get anywhere else?

"Um... As far back as I can remember, whenever I looked into the fire. Is that... bad? Aren't your people usually under a spell or something?"

"Not really." Fireblaze looked at her thoughtfully. "Usually we're shielded from normal people seeing us... but occasionally a mage who's especially in touch with our element is able to see through, despite the barrier. But you're not a mage, are you?"

"No. I never even learned magic," Kali replied honestly.

"I didn't think so... but you've got something in you. Fire... and lots of it. Except you're not showing it now, are you?" The last was said with a dry chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"Kali, fire... you know what fire is, don't you? It can be a candle in the night, to dispel fear, or be a cheerful blaze in the fireplace, warding off the chill. But it can also be a raging forest fire, or a flame which razes a city to the ground. Even worse, it could be a firestorm— but it's both a weapon and a tool... and is always changing." Fireblaze's voice had a strange, mesmerizing honey to it as he spoke, although there was no trace of careful oration, only a pure statement of his feelings on the matter.

"And... what's a firestorm?"

"You know a thunderstorm, right? Think of it, except with fire raining down, and with night turned to day by all the burning. It's a magical thing, and cannot occur naturally... thank the gods."

"Why would you be worried by a firestorm?" asked Kali. She couldn't see how a fire elemental could be harmed by something of his own element.

"Because everything coexists. Everything. Without your world, or the many others, we elementals couldn't get many of our raw supplies of matter, and would be shapeless and formless. You'd need to ask one of the elementals who specializes in interplanar travel to get more information, but— The best that I can put it is that when one world dies, another will die, and so it leads on. There are connections in the ether between each world, and in many other ways which I cannot even begin to explain."

This is too deep for me, Kali decided. But her imagination was intrigued.

"I— Could I learn of different worlds?"

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/6/02 12:36:15 am


Re: Um... next bit! Yeah!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 05, 2002 7:54 pm

Gyeah! Too.. much... dialogue!!!


Re: Um... next bit! Yeah!

Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Jun 05, 2002 8:28 pm

Dialouge good! Um... more!

Other than more, I an't think of anything to say. Don't you feel special. ^_^


Wow, I actually responded with a story bit!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 05, 2002 8:48 pm

Fireblaze grinned at her.

Do his teeth really glow like that, or does it just look that way because of the fire around him? she wondered.

"Probably. I could help you learn much about fire and magic... including the travel between worlds."

'Could'. Not 'will'.

"What would you want in return?" asked Kali, deciding to forgo being polite and cut to the heart of the matter.

"Quite frank, aren't you? But yes, I'd like something in return... I'd like your loyalty."


"Loyalty. It's rare to find a mage who actually works with the elements, instead of controlling the elementals. We strike deals, but—" He shrugged. "Not much beyond that. And a human could go where my kind cannot... such as worlds which are entirely aquatic, or into the realms of the ice or water elementals. Besides," he added with a quirky smile, "It'd be a feather in my non-existent cap to have a human for a partner."

"So... you want me to kind of... serve you? Help you with things that your elementals can't do?" Kali was feeling some misgivings.

I'm too young for this!

Fireblaze correctly interpreted her expression, though. "You wouldn't have to help for quite a while," he said soothingly. "You'd receive your training until you learn all that you think you can, and— How old are you?"

"Twelve years old."

"I'd say you could learn faster than the average mage... simply because you'll mostly be concentrating on the fire aspect of magic. You'll also be receiving some small things on the side, such as dance lessons and acrobatics."


"You're going to be a diplomat, of sorts. When you're older, I could send you to a water elemental and you could talk with them. Various elemental lords like to show their power in different ways... some of them including rather elaborate dances or banquets."

"Oh." Kali thought about it.

I... I'd like to learn magic. I know that. And this is kind of a way to show that I'm not insane. I think I'd like learning how to go to different worlds when I am older, even if I need to help Fireblaze with things.

"You don't have to choose now," warned Fireblaze, snapping Kali out of her silent reverie.

That made up her mind.

"I want to. I want to learn."

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/6/02 11:01:24 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: Kali's backstory (warning: is badly written)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:28 am

*bumpity* <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Milk does a neko good!" -- Hayako (Nekogami)
-=- "Magic. As in, big flashy dink!" -- El Bob (Squintz)
-=- "Alas, pants. I knew them well." -- Kotoki</td></tr></table></p>

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WEEE! She gets to make things go esplodie!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:02 am

More. XD


She certainly does!

Unread postby Kotoki » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:30 am

Anybody know the french for 'more'? Because I can't remember.

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Re: She certainly does!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:53 am

I used to. All I know now is "más," tho'.

Very enjoyable, Lys. The diaolgue was find, actually good, but there is one an old suggestion I read somewhere that I figured I'd go ahead and pass onto you.

In normal conversations, especially with 'normal' people, and those who are impatient, people don't normally get a chance to say a lot at once. Now, if someone's lecturing, or if someone knows enough or is in the right situation to know to shuttup and listen, then someone can go on for a while...however, otherwise, typically people interrupt, question, interject, etc., while two or more people are having your typical conversation.

However, in this case, it makes sense for Kali to be quiet and listen to Fireblaze, being in a new situation and cautious and all. It'd also make sense for her to speak up and ask a lot of questions, as well, considering her age and spark. <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "I say we should all sing...and get totally sloshed! w00t, b00ze!" -- Archmage
-=- "'Keeeeeep! More booze, please! ~_~ I can still think straight!" -- Rai Dia
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</td></tr></table></p>

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<_< Stop critiquing. You make me look bad.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:33 pm

And, according to Alta Vista, the French word for more is "plus."


I'm on a roll! Butter me up!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:35 pm

(Thanks for the insight, Dia. ^_^ I'll keep it in mind for the other parts. And Jak, you just don't look bad, you are bad! Remove that hat! Wear something more flattering than those robes! Exercise regularly! *nag nag nag...* *tickles Jak* Also, I'm aware that I'm probably violating the classic writer's rule of "Show, don't tell" in places, but go easy on it! And as before, I am taking liberties with the magical critters.)

"Good," said Fireblaze.


A week later, Kali wasn't exactly sure why the fire lord had decided that a succubus would make a good instructor for her, but she wasn't complaining. Shikhaela was interesting.

When Kali had been sent back to her home, along with instructions to wait until she got a notice, she had tried to live life as normal, though impatient for the promised tutoring.

Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long. Kali was going back from taking lunch to Mrs. Thatcher's son, who was watching the goats, when she felt a sudden, soft hand on the back of her neck.

"Boo," whispered a gentle, slightly breathy—

Not breathy. Husky, Kali remembered. THAT was how you described that kind of voice... not overly sexual, but with an undertone suggesting that the person who owned that voice could be a very, very good lover indeed...

Kali blushed at her train of thought, and the person behind her circled around to the front.

The girl stared at the stranger, awestruck. She had always been aware that her own mother was prettier than many of the other women in the village, but the woman was beyond pretty...

Gorgeous? Beautiful? In stories, the princess always had long, golden hair, and Kali had seen blondes before, but this was true gold. She had the feeling that if you plaited her hair, you could wear it about your neck proudly in place of a more orthodox necklace. Her eyes were silver at first, but as she looked at Kali, they changed, blending and swirling from silver to jade, then pine, and finally emerald green, bright and sparkling. Her skin was smooth and flawless, pale without having the unhealthy pallor of the bedridden. Although she wore no clothing, her hair was long enough and luxurious enough to preserve the modesty even of the most straight-laced prude.

"Open your mouth any wider and a fly will go in," said the succubus, amused. Kali shut her lips obediently. "Good. I am Shikhaela... call me Shika for short. Fireblaze sent me over to be your instructor, Kali love."

"Really? You?" asked Kali excitedly, her happiness breaking through her awe. "Great! What will you teach me? And when? And what are you, since you aren't a fire elemental?"

Shikhaela gave a laugh like silver bells chiming. "I'll be teaching you some basic discipline at first, starting now, if you have the time. And I'm a succubus."

Kali stared at Shika again. "A succubus?" she said in a small voice.

Succubi are sex demons, right? But... I'm not learning how to— eeh...

As before, it seemed like her emotions were an open book.

"Silly, silly girl," said Shika affectionately. "I see I'm also going to have to teach you a bit about masking what you feel."

"I can mask," Kali said indignantly. "My own stepda can't tell what I'm thinking a lot of the time, and Mrs. Thatcher can't either!"

"Mm. Maybe so... or maybe they're not paying enough attention. If you're to be a diplomat, well... you don't want everybody to know what you're thinking. But Kali love, a succubus isn't completely about sex. I'll admit, I'm no virgin— be rather odd if I was, after a thousand years or so— but you aren't going to be learning about how to make love. For one, you're too young, and for another, it's not part of what you need to know. If you want to later, you can, but it's purely optional." Shikhaela shrugged her alabaster shoulders gently.

"Oh. That's... good," said her student cautiously, somewhat deflated. "Why you, then, and not another elemental?"

"Part of the reason we succubi are so good at what we do is because we have a sort of ability to have other people get along with us. We enjoy our tumbles, and our sort of love for what we do, and for people, means that we are soothing to be around for other elementals, even when none of us is in the mood for sex."

"Oh... so I'm supposed to learn how to get along from you?"

"Probably. Plus, I know more about humans and their emotions than Fireblaze and his crew," added Shika with a grin.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/7/02 10:51:11 pm

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Jak Snide
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*chuckles heartily*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:03 pm

An amusing chapter (Hur hur...sex demon...hur hur..[/hillbilly accent]), with only one mistake that I can spot, and even then, I'm not sure.

When you say she had a bemused look, are you sure you mean that.

I remember getting bemused and amusing half mixed up a while ago. >_>


Re: *chuckles heartily*

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:11 pm

Thankies, Jak. ^_^

I looked up 'bemused' and 'amused', and finally figured out the difference.

Yay! Yay for silly hugglesome people!

*huggles Jak*

Squintz Altec
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Re: *chuckles heartily*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:25 pm

Dhargun: >_> <_< I'll train her.

Seriously, good writing and all. I enjoy it.


Re: *chuckles heartily*

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 10:50 pm

Alys: BAD Dhargun! She's 12 in the story!

Kali: Perv. *pokes Dhargun*

SALSAlys: I believe he was referring to her 20-year-old black leather-wearing older self...

Kali: Still, he left me for that drow!

SALSAlys: It was a non-serious RP.

Alys: 'Sides, aren't you two engaged?

Kali: NO WE'RE NOT! He just gave me that ring so we can stay in touch!

Fireblaze: So it's NOT an engagement ring?

SALSAlys: SHADDUP YOU ALL! Save the writer's creativity for a STORY and not silly little conversations between fictional characters!

Alys: Yeesh, sorry.

SALSAlys: Shaddup.



Unread postby Kotoki » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:44 pm

Succubi good. Sex good. Sex as a twelve year old bad! Uh, unless you're Raile.


Rollin' rollin' rollin'.... Kinda short, though.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:50 pm

"Makes sense," Kali conceded. "I don't have anything to do right now, so... can we start?"

Shikhaela nodded, placing a hand on Kali's hair and ruffling it in benediction. "Of course, love."

They moved off the path, towards the area where Kali had first met Magmar. The succubus led Kali through some basic breathing exercises, teaching her to be calm and collected. They left off after a few hours had passed, and Kali was surprised to see their time over so quickly.

"You have to go already?" she asked reluctantly.

Shikhaela shook her head. "I don't have to go, but I might be noticed if I go with you. I can go invisible for periods of time, but that doesn't mean I can't be tripped over or felt. And even succubi have to sleep."

"Oh," said Kali wistfully. "Can I see you again tomorrow, though?"

"Well, I am supposed to be your teacher," Shika replied with a smile. "I'd have to be here anyways."

Kali nodded, reassured. "Can't wait!" she said eagerly. Shika grinned, hugging the girl before releasing her. She blew a teasing kiss at Kali, and Kali felt the soft scent of roses mixed with peppermint settle about her face. An odd combination, but delightful. Then Shika faded away, bright green eyes fading last.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/7/02 10:52:50 pm


Finalmente, chicos!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:52 am

Kali continued seeing Shikhaela for several weeks. Other than the breathing and meditational exercises, the succubus taught her some dancing and acrobatics, such as turning a cartwheel. Kali also began to learn a few simple self-defense techniques.

However, her stepfather began to notice how she spent less time where he could see her, or even glance at her out of the corner of his eye.

One morning, when Kali was just about to go out to meet Shikhaela, he grabbed her braid, pulling her roughly away from the door.

"Where ye b'n goin'?" he demanded. "T'some smelly lover-boy 'mong the sheep?"

"No," Kali said angrily. "I'm too young for that anyways. I'm just going to try and get some of those ferns that—"

"Too young, hm?" A rough, calloused hand began groping at the front of Kali's shirt. The girl nearly screamed, feeling violated at his unwelcome touch... especially when his hands stopped over her still-budding breasts.

"Mebbe, but yer growin' up," her stepda said with satisfaction. He made no move to remove his hand.

"Let go!" Kali squirmed in his grasp, but he just laughed.

"Silly girl, don'tcha think that yer pa wants what's best for ye? Keep yer maidenhead a while more an' I can getcha a good husband... ye'd like that, wouldn't ye?"

No I do NOT want a husband! I want to keep learning from Shikhaela! thought Kali panickedly. He still wasn't letting go...

Kali lost her temper then, but remembered some of the things that Shika had taught her... She stomped on his feet first, right on the instep, and then gave a wild headbutt towards his chin, even biting at his arm to make him loosen.

"Wha?— Yer'n animal!" he swore, struggling to keep ahold of her. Kali gave one last bite, and turned around, kneeing him in the groin. This finally loosened his grip as he fell into a half-crouch, and she broke away, racing out the door.

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<_< Finalmente? The end?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jun 10, 2002 11:34 am

I liked seeing her dad get a kick in the nads, the lecherous git. And story which make feel like that must be good. Nice job! ^_^


Re: <_< Finalmente? The end?

Unread postby Kotoki » Mon Jun 10, 2002 12:13 pm

Yay Kali! I concur with Jak.


Re: <_< Finalmente? The end?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 10, 2002 8:00 pm

I mean finally... I posted stuff. ^_^

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pd Rydia
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Re: <_< Finalmente? The end?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jun 10, 2002 8:55 pm

WOO! Take that!

o.o And...you know a lot for your age, to write about. Stomping on the instep of his foot and headbutting his chin wouldn't have even occurred to me.

:P More! More, I say! J00 write good! ^_^ <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "I say we should all sing...and get totally sloshed! w00t, b00ze!" -- Archmage
-=- "'Keeeeeep! More booze, please! ~_~ I can still think straight!" -- Rai Dia
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</td></tr></table></p>


Re: <_< Finalmente? The end?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:13 pm

*LOL* I take karate. We learn some stuff. ^_^


Ahem... more!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 11, 2002 7:42 pm

Kali didn't stop her wild sprint until she was out of sight, and even then didn't actually start walking for quite a ways after.

Should I tell Shika?— No, I took care of Stepda... I think. He might beat me later, but he won't touch me again. She breathed deeply, calming her features into a tranquil mask.

The succubus was waiting for her as Kali approached. Apparently she was in a colorful mood today... Sapphire hair poured from her head, over lime green skin. Her large, sparkling eyes were a brilliant rose color, as were the soft, delicate lips. This time she was wearing clothing, in the form of flowing robes of white.

"Late," commented Shikhaela. "Usually you're waiting for me, not the other way around," she added, grinning at the girl teasingly.

Hm? thought the succubus, sensing something different about Kali. But there wasn't anything she could read...

I taught her too well, she thought ruefully. Can't tell so much... but she doesn't want to talk about it. Whatever it is.

"Ready for lessons?" asked Shikhaela. At Kali's eager nod, she laughed. "Good. You're going to learn some simple fire magic today... not from me, though. From Lava."

"Who's Lava?"

"One of the other fire elementals... she looks a bit like a salamander, and is one of the instructors to teach the little ones control over their fire. She'll also be teaching you."

"Will she come here, or do I go to her?"

"I'll take you there," Shikhaela answered, taking Kali's hand. The scent which usually accompanied Shika's small magics swirled about them— Roses imbued with a peppermint essence, and they appeared in the same room that Kali had teleported into with Magmar.

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Jak Snide
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*nods respectfully*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jun 12, 2002 1:19 pm

Again, I can't really see anything wrong with it. Maybe a tiny but more detail on the trip to the elemental plane, but others may disagree.

And as always, keep writing!


Oiyah... I haven't written for too long!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:03 pm

Kali didn't pay as much attention to the room as before, instead speculating about Lava.

Will she be nice, like Shika? And will I have to learn in a class with the little elementals?... I hope not. They'll already know how to start fires, since they ARE fire, I bet... and I'll be having problems just lighting a candle.

"Come along, love," said Shikhaela gently, taking Kali's hand and tugging her along, through the obsidian archway. There were just as many fire elementals around as before, and the young girl became even more aware of how... human she was.

How can I ever hope to fit in?

The succubus seemed able to read her thought though, turning slightly to grin at her. "Don't worry, Kali love. If Fireblaze wanted another elemental, he wouldn't have bothered to give you instruction. He wants you because you're human... so don't worry about being like a perfect little fire elemental."

Kali nodded, reassured.

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Jak Snide
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Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jun 19, 2002 11:23 am

Indeed, too long! You're a fanstuff ferret, and you start slowing down with the fic-age?! Put some back into it! *smirks*

Oh, and I like the latest episode, as always. Although it is a little short.


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