The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

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Uncle Pervy

The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:19 pm

Twelfth Month, 7, 1313

Hello Marcus!

I suppose you're wondering what this is supposed to be and why I have a note on it telling you to read it. Well. this is the only way I've been able to think of to talk to you. I mean, you're asleep when I'm not. So when you're done reading this, write an answer on the next page.

Anyways, you probably still don't have a really clear idea what happened, do you Marcus? At least that's what Mr. Koshika and the others told me. Well, let's see if I can help. The short of this is, well, you died in the war. Don't get mad or anything! I can explain!

Idama told me some of the story. He said you got in a fight with one of the demons who invaded, and got hit with some spell that tore your soul apart and kept it here. Well, you sorta became undead after that. But don't worry, we helped you!

It looks like you got ripped in two. One part lingered around where you died. The other went on to become a weird sort of zombie. That part was dispelled, the zombie part. The other, we tried to cleanse away the dark energy. When we did, those portions of you came back as kind of ghost. But you were really incomplete and weren't about to do much except possess people. And you possessed Deeum.

Well, I guess that did kinda complete you. We could talk at least, I don't know if you remember that or not. But you were really confused, and you didn't know the invasion was over. When you saw that you were in Deeum's body, you though someone played a trick on you; I think you said something about a Mephistopholes? But anyways, you said we were probably trying to trick you for Malachias, before Deeum could get control back.

After that, I felt kind of sorry for you, you're not the first person with a shattered soul that I've seen. So I let you use my body, so you wouldn't be helpless and everything. I don't know what happened after that, I wasn't awake for it, really. But...well...

I don't really know what we should do now. I guess we're stuck together, unless you want to be dispelled or something. I guess that could work. Oh! My name's Yoko, before I forget to tell you!

Reshtara, 7, 1313.

Having read through your letter, or entry as it were, I must say it is all rather hard to believe.

I don't feel dead. I suppose that is a silly thing to say, but it is the truth. I don't truly feel any different than I did before I fought that demon. Well...aside from the physical differences between your body and mine. That will take a bit of getting used to, especially when people call me 'Miss' or 'Lady'. But back to my point: I still feel alive. I don't remember any of these events you have wrote here. Given that we have never even spoken to each other, it is a little hard to believe actually exist. I know that sounds cruel to say, but it does feel that way. You are awake when I am not. Aside from this journal, the only evidence I have of your existence is what others tell me.

But, I cannot deny that something is wrong. Idama had shown me my own corpse, I cannot deny that. My white magic no longer works as it should, No doubt you have noticed a slight burn on our, or should I say your, arm, I apologize for that, I tried to heal it, and it did not work quite as it should. This, more than anything else, is proof that something is wrong. I have always been faithful in following Ashura, yet now my magic wavers.

I have become undead, it seems. An affront to everything that lives and breathes. I have become what Ashura reviles the most. I feel alive, I breath...through your body. I don't feel any taint of death at all. Yet I can't deny that I saw my own corpse, and that this body is yours. I have no right to exist anymore. I shouldn't be here. If I knew how, I would just let go. Yet that would make me even more damned in the eyes of Ashura, for suicide is forbidden.

I have no idea what I'm going to do, or why I'm even here. I'm thankful that you gave me a this second chance, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with it.

I should stop complaining. I'll think of something in time. In the meantime, I don't know anything about you, Miss Yoko. Given that we are sharing the same body, I suppose we need to remedy that. I am Marcus Graysun, white mage and follower of Ashura, for what the latter is worth now. I was a simple healer and apothacary.

In particular, I want to ask one question: What exactly did you mean when you when you wrote that I am not the first with a shattered soul that you have seen? <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 1/2/04 7:20 am

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Re: I am weak ;_; : The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:24 pm

Now this could get interesting.

I like the concept. What I'm really looking forward to is seeing them narrate different events from their own points of view.

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Re: I am weak ;_; : The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:44 pm

This is certainly an interesting project you've got here, and one I'd like to see alot more of. The first installment is definitely a quality piece, though.

Uncle Pervy

Re: I am weak ;_; : The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:15 am

Twelfth Month, 7, 1313

Don't worry about the shattered soul thing, I just see some weird things while traveling, that's all.

Anyways, name's Yoko. I'm a geomancer; that's a mage who uses earth magic if you didn't know. I came to Doma so I could help out with the rebuilding and everything. I'm really good with using magic to make walls and stairs and stuff, with a good plan and a lot of time I can even make a pretty good house! It's all stone, but I think it's pretty nice. I love to make thinks like that. That's why so much stuff in my house is made of stone, I like to try and make furniture. Well, stone chairs don't work too well, but for tables, it's nice. I've made a dresser too, but you need to shape the stone just right, so you can put in the runners and stuff. Did you see the plans I have for that store, Ninja Ned's?

Oh, sorry, you wanted me to talk about myself. Well...I'm just trying to help, really.

And, you really shouldn't feel too bad about yourself. Race really doesn't matter, I don't think. Even if you are undead, you can still be a good person and have a happy life. I know there are a few undead who people really like here. When I went to go get something to eat, I asked around a bit, and heard of some vampire named Jazz. A lot of people seem to think she's really nice. So don't be so hard on yourself. I mean, it's not like you don't have any hope at all. And you're not really undead. Unless something has gone really wrong, we should be breathing right now. So you're alive in that sense, right? So don't get too worried over that. As long as you are a good person and everything, I don't think Ashura will get too upset.

Anyways, you just do what you think it right, okay? If you want to visit someone, do it? If you need to buy something that isn't really expensive, it should be okay. Um...check with me if you want to do something to expensive... And don't worry about that burn from your spell, it doesn't hurt. Just be careful with how you use it, okay? Wiith some practice, I think you'll be able to figure out all the kinks.

Oh! And don't be afraid to get something to eat when we're hungry. Its better if you do. I was really really hungry when I woke up, and that's really not good. So eat something next time, okay? <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.



Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Dec 12, 2003 10:50 am

Damn this is a nifty approach to a multiple personality character. T'would very much like to see more. ::nodders:: <p>

"Strenghten your lyre and sing
The hymn of death
The sky opens to us
They fly to the ray"

-Cante per me, Kajiura Yuki</p>

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Re: o__0

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Dec 13, 2003 3:10 am

Spiffy, with a side of awesome.

I already pointed out some typoes I noticed, so other than that, really interesting approach to writing about them. Look forward to more =]

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Dec 13, 2003 4:57 am

Reshtara 8, 1313

I wish it were that simple, Yoko. One's attitude and one's being are different things. One could be the nicest undead in the whole of Gaera, but still their existence is an affront to the life that Ashura holds dear. Yet, there is nothing I can do about that now. I'll just have to accept it.

I suppose it is only fair I tell you a little of myself as well. My name is Marcus Graysun, as you no doubt know. I am the oldest son of Emilia and Glenn Grayson. I have one sister, but I haven't heard anything from her since the Invasion. Truth be told, I fear the worst for her. But there is little I can do about that right now. I am a follower of Ashura, though it seems that may have to change in one regard or another. I am, or was, a white mage, and I used to run a small apothecary on Crayden Street. But that seems to have been destroyed in the wake of the invasion.

I'm going to have to start over again. I've lost everything, it seems. I lost all my money with my store; I went to check today. Virtually everything that I owned is gone, since my store was destroyed; I made it a point to check earlier. The only family I have left is my mother, and I have no idea how to break this turn of events to her. I suppose I could send a letter, but I doubt I could write any of this in a way that would be believable. And if I went to actually visit, I don't want to guess how she would react to a small blonde woman claiming to be her son.

I don't even think I can go back to the Temple of Ashura. Even if you are right, and my state doesn't matter, I don't think they would see it the same way. Ashura teaches that life is the most sacred of things, and that perversions of life are the greatest abominations of all. Undeath is perhaps the greatest perversion of them all. I know that at least a few of the other priests would have no trouble with trying to drive me away or destroy me.

But, at least I have your generousity. I don't know what I am going to do with it, though. But, I am going to find something. Ashura also teaches that there is hope, and I am going to find it. I don't know what I'll find, but I'll find something.

Also, I took it upon myself to straighten up the house a bit, as I didn't have much else to do. It took me awhile to find where you hid the broom, truth be told. But, given that you are working to help with the reconstruction, I don't blame you. I think I'll go try to get some groceries today. Don't worry, I treated us -- I suppose that's the best term -- to a good breakfast, so you shouldn't have to worry about waking up hungry. However, I am leaving it up to you to get a bath. I just don't feel right contemplating it...

A few questions before I go. First, what was this...zombie I had become like? Also, where do you get your money, and how much during what interval? I ask so I know how much to control my spending. Now that I think on it, I still don't know a whole lot about you. Where are you from? Have you any family? All I know is that you don't seem to be Doman and that you learned magic from somewhere. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.


Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Dec 13, 2003 9:17 pm

Joy. Write more. It's shizzy to see different perspectives in a diary, and some of the small, random things like eating make it seem more realistic and interesting. =D

Uncle Pervy

Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:07 pm

Twelth Month, 9, 1313

I had the weirdest day today. I met a whole bunch of new people while going for a walk this evening. One of them was some blonde kid named Kyle, who was a swordsmna, and a nice guy. And there was Kristoph, who turned into a little kid somehow. I think he might have some condition kinda like ours, since the little kid and the older man are really different. And there was Stephen, but I'll talk about him later. Anyways, Kyle was attacked by some crazy guy called Escrime who looked just like him!

Escrime had some problems. He really really wanted to outclass Kyle, and kidnapped the little kid Kristoph so Kyle had to fight him. Escrime won, but when I was finally able to get there, I managed to find how he couldn't do it, though. Kris told me Kyle and his girlfriend like to do it in the stables a lot. So I told Escrime that if he couldn't be better at that than Kyle at that, then he really can't outclass Kyle. And since Escrime didn't even have a girlfriend...

I think that broke him. He got really frustrated with himself and left. Kyle said that Escrime may have been made by some other-dimensional corporation, and something went wrong in the process. I'm not really sure about that, but Kyle seemed like he knew what he was talking about.

Oh, I forgot that you wanted to know about the zombies. Well, it's like this. Originally, there was just one, and that's you, right? Well, when it touched another corpse, that corpse animated and became a zombie too. But it wasn't a seperate zombie. What happened was that your aura spread to the new one, so both had it. I know it sounds kinda strange, but I think it was from how your healing magic works. They could also steal life energy, too, while asking people to share. The thing was, then both zombies could do it again and again, making more and spreading you even further, until they were like real zombies, with hardly enough intelligence to move on their own, let alone think. So, we had to beat them all except one.

That last was kinda like you, I guess. You'll have to ask Mr. Koshika, he told this story to me. He said it kept babbling about how it had to save everyone, how it had to bring them back. It also wanted us to give it our life energy, so it could use that to revive people. Then it tried to take Mr. Koshika's life energy, even though he said no. The others were able to dispell it, though.

But don't worry about that right now. It wasn't your fault. You don't remember doing it right? That's because it really wasn't you. It was some undead thing that wasn't really thinking at all, just using some parts of your aura that the dark energy had concentrated around. It's not your fault at all. Also, I don't think too many people were hurt; I heard that the guard fought with a few of the other zombies before they could do anything. So please, don't blame yourself for this.

I have to go now, I'll try to write more next time. Oh! And you did a great job cleaning up. Thanks for getting rid of those cobwebs in the corner, I hate doing that. And don't worry about getting a bath, I had a nice long one after I got home after dealing with Kyle and Escrime. Gotta go now, bye! <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 19, 2003 4:35 am

Reshtara, 9, 1313

I see.

Well, I suppose there isn't much of a point on dwelling on something that I not only don't remember, but don't seem to be truly responsible for to begin with. The tale still feels like fiction to me, I don't know if I'm ever going to believe it. But that is not important right now, for I have wonderful news!

I too meet this Kyle person you spoke of. I seem to have awoken not long after this Escrime person apparently left. I saw that the child, I believe his name is Kris, was injured. On instinct, I went to heal him.

And, it worked!

Praised be, Ashura has not turned her back to me yet! Do you know what this means Yoko? I'm truly not without hope! I can heal, despite what I am! No doubt, I can deny my nature due to sharing a proper body with you. However, I still can't use it perfectly. As you can tell from the burns around our arms, sometimes I can't make it channel correctly. But, the fact I can do it at all is wonderful!

On another subject, while I am thinking about it, do other men give you an inordinate amount of attention as well? Or is it something that I'm doing wrong? It's honestly really uncomfortable. I know we share a body, but I don't think we share the same taste in partners, you see. So, um...have you any advice so that we don't draw quite so much attention? I really don't want to make things any harder on than needs be. And...preferably I don't want another man falling for me.

I note that you still haven't told me very much about yourself, Yoko. I don't even know your family name, let alone where you're from. I suppose it's understandable, given what has happened over the past few days. Still, it feels like I am writing to a stranger. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Dec 19, 2003 3:38 pm

Har har. Very cute, Pervy. :p One thing, though..

Stephen: Damn it, she promised to get me a new cape! Lousy demon. <p>

<span style="color:green;">Christmas</span>
<span style="color:green;">The</span> <span style="color:red;">time</span> <span style="color:green;">of</span> <span style="color:red;">year</span> <span style="color:green;">for</span> <span style="color:red;">togetherness</span>, <span style="color:green;">affection</span>, <span style="color:red;">and</span> gimme gimme gimme

Uncle Pervy

Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:00 am

Twelth Month 15, 1313

I'm sorry I haven't written back recently, I've been really busy; good to see you got my little notes telling you not to worry. I've been working with some others to get a whole neighborhhod put back together before Ishmas, so I've not had time to write much. And don't worry about that time you woke up in the middle of fixing that house; they were able to fix the damage easily enough.

Oh, some weird beggar came up to me yesterday while I was at the market. Part-usagijin if the ears she had weren't part of a curse. She said that I owed her thirty gil for something involving guiding me. I paid her off with some bread I had gotten from the bakery, which seemed to make her happy enough. Do you know her, though? She seemed insistant that we knew each other. She really did look pretty bad off; I don't think she had a bath in awhile. I'm not mad ot anything, just wondering.

I forgot to tell you about Stephen last time! I'm so sorry, it was really important too! Okay, Stephen is undead. Don't worry, he's a very nice person; we talked while trying to hunt down that Escrime person. He's kinda like a zombie, but it's not easy to tell when he's all bundled up and stuff. The cold really gets to him physically. Anyways, I asked how he felt about the world, about life in general and everything. He said that he didn't feel any hatred of jealousy toward the living, or that he was really terribly unnatural. He really seemed like a nice guy, that Kyle I mentioned earlier

I don't know if that'll help you or not, but it is proof there are some undead that aren't crazed killers who are enemies of all life. So, you don't have to feel like an outcast, alright? I know what that feels like in my own way, and I know it's not fun to be alone. But if you did make friends with that beggar, maybe I don't have to worry!

I guess I should say a bit more about myself.'s a little hard for me. I don't have a family like you do. No mother, father, or any sisters. I'd be much happier not going into it, if that's okay. I'm from down south, this is my first time in Doma. I get our money from the my superior. You see, we were sent here to help Doma as an act of good will. We really do want to help rebuild for everyone's sake. And our superior pays us enough that we can. I might speak with him later, he's really knowledgible about things like how we've become.

Oh, you've been doing a really great job cleaning. It's a really big help. I don't know if you feel how mana drained I am when I get home, so having less stuff to do is nice. It's good you're keeping busy! I'll try not to take so long on writing back next time. Before I forget, about guys looking at us. Well...try to act modest, I guess. And try to watch how you walk; wiggling too much attracts attention. Actually, that makes me wonder; have you gotten used to being me yet? <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Yayerings!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jan 02, 2004 7:19 am

Reshtara 16, 1313

Have I gotten used to it? Well...I suppose so. I've gotten used to be significantly shorter that I was, at least. And I think I've figured out the difference in my old strength and your own; that I found out the hard way when I tried to move the couch. I guess I'm used to as well. Not that I pay it much mind, though.

I think I will switch the subject now, before we both get the wrong idea.

I'm glad you find my efforts around the house useful. I do feel the mana drain a bit, but I'm used to it. I guess I just need something to do. Oh, I hope you don't mind the fern. Idama offered it as a sort of cheering up gift for early Ishmas a few days ago, and I've taken to watering it. If it's alright, I'd like to get a few more; I rather miss my garden nowadays.

As for this Stephen...Well...I remember seeing him. I wasn't aware that he was undead at the time, I suppose that shows how far I've fallen from Ashura's grace, when I cannot even recognize something that far removed from Her on sight. I am not sure what to make of it. Perhaps at a later time, I'll seek him out again. But, you understand it is something that I find hard to accept. However...I do recall him saying that you owe him a new cloak.

Speaking of owing things... Yes, I remember that usagi-half beggar that you mentioned. How we met is an...funny story. It was three days ago, I came across an old colleague of mine, Williard Hastings. He's a white mage that I was educated with at Everbright. Well, I went to talk with him, momentarily forgetting myself. Luckily, I remembered enough not to mention exactly who we are. But...well...he got the wrong idea. Very wrong. Suffice it to say it doesn't seem I took your advice on not attracting attention very well. was very awkward. Williard isn't the sort to change his mind easily. I was trying to convince him that I wasn't interested, when someone grabbed our arm. I looked over, and that was what usagijin-half beggar, claiming she was my girlfriend of all things. Thankfully, Williard gave up after that. And...that beggar said I owed her one; or rather it seems I owed her thirty ones. I wasn't carrying any money at the time, so she just scowed and said she'd find us. I didn't think she could make good on that threat. Well, at least you made her happy.

Anyways...I'm not sure what to do with myself now. I can't go home or to the temple. Wandering around town has gotten me in situations like I just described. Honestly, I'm ready to try to move on. But I don't have a clue what to do. Well, Yoko, this is you body. Happen to have any suggestions for how you want me to use it when I have control?
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:45 pm

:D Mephistopholes!

Anyway, this is a good concept well-executed. I actually lost myself in the reading of this one. Which means this gets a five from me. :O

Anyway, requisite typo log:

-=- "make think" -- 'make things'
-=- "something to expensive" -- 'something too expensive'

-=- "swordsmna" -- 'swordsman'

-=- "knowledgible " -- 'knowledgable' <p>
Hello, I'm Dia, a dragongirl. And I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 1/8/04 10:45 pm

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Re: The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:47 am

Stephen: About damned time!

Amusement continues. Jolly good job, Pervy. Keep it up. <p>


Uncle Pervy

Re: The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Jan 10, 2004 7:58 am

Twelth Month, 18, 1313

Hee hee hee! That's hilarious! She actually came onto you like that? That's so cute! I wonder if she actualy does like women or not? Maybe I'll ask if we meet again.

Anyways...well...I really can't tell you what to do with yourself. I guess anything's fine. I'd be happy if you picked something that didn't have real risk of me waking up in the middle of something dangerous. As for what you should do next, well...I think you should go talk to your mom. I bet she thinks her son's dead. And, even though you're stuck in my body, I think she'd be happier to know you're alive but different than she would be to grief over your death.

I don't know if you should go back to your temple, though. I mean, if they are going to be so closed-minded, then they can't really be much of a help anyways. If you don't mind me saying, it seems that even though Ashura is a nice goddess, some of her followers must really be a pain in the ass. I wouldn't listen to them, if i were you. You know in your soul that you aren't some twisted enemy of all life. If you were, you wouldn't be able to use white magic, right?

Anyways, I'm sure you'll find something. I don't mind if you get some more plants. I don't know much about them, though. I think you should try to heal people again. I mean, it's what you did before, so you should be good at it. Or maybe you could be a teacher? That would be a pretty nice thing to do, I think. But don't worry about a real job right now, I'm paid well enough to take care of us both. Maybe you should find some friends, instead? I really don't know that many people in Doma; most of them I met because of you.

Hey, do the neighbors know about us? I don't speak with them that much. That reminds me, it'd be nice if you didn't go through my mail. Not to be mean or anything, but I'm expecting something really personal to come. Don't worry, I'll tell you about it when I'm ready. But until them, just let leave it alone, alright?
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:51 am

HTML Comments are not allowed <p>
Hello, I'm Dia, a dragongirl. And I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>


Re: The Journal of Yoko and Marcus Graysun

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jan 12, 2004 11:14 pm

Once again, I am greatly amused. Particularly by how they must adjust to new bodies and genders. =D

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:07 am

Reshtara 19, 1313

I suppose it shouldn't be a great trouble to leave your mail alone. I'll admit that this leaves me very curious. But then again, you seem to enjoy doing that. I suppose talking about oneself and revealing nothing is something you've taken to very well in your time?

Just a joke, Yoko. No harm meant. But, there is an awful lot you don't tell me about yourself. So, let me ask this instead. Do you intend to go back to your home someday? I ask this so I don't make the mistake of laying too many roots in Doma. Honestly, I feel that someday, we will be leaving. Honestly, I don't know whether I am looking forward to that or not.

By now, you may have noted that there is a quarterstaff in the corner. It would please me if you kept it with you, for both our sakes. Yesterday, I found myself accousted by that usagijin woman again. She seemed to be in a rather foul mood; mostly due to a rather large bump she seemed to acquire on her head. Upon seeing us, she demanded, quite harshly, that we pay what I owed her. When I tried to explain that we didn't have it, I swear that she was about to draw that battered-up sword that she keeps at her side. Finally, I managed to placate her by offering to heal her head. Praised be Ashura that I was able to do so successfully.

Still, I found myself rather uncomfortable, facing down someone both angry and armed. However, I also notice you don't seem to be in the habit of carrying something for protection, or keep anything around the house. Forgive me a bit of paranoia, I suppose, but given the situation that put us in the same body be gin with... I don't like to leave myself open. I've trained with a quarterstaff at Varrock, and can hold my own. I'm not sure what exactly you can do if needs be, but I find I prefer to relay on my staff when things go from worse to worst.

I suppose I should try to be a bit less pessimistic. As you've likely already seen, I found the pouch of fifty gil you left with the note to buy whatever plants I wanted. I hope you don't mind me devoting the southern windowsill to the herbs I've bought. Don't worry about watering them; I should be able to take care of it. Assuming they don't freeze, I should be able to harvest them for medicinal purposes.

As for the neighbors you mentioned, I've not met them more than in passing. I believe the one to the south works with one of the local taverns. I'll have to ask, I suppose. She seems a nice enough sort. <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:07 am

Mo'. <p>
Hello, I'm Dia, a dragongirl. And I bite. RAWR!
-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:51 am

Twelth Month 21, 1313

I really had to think about this, Marcus. I don't like carrying weapons with me, it feels weird. I might even get in trouble for it, too! But after talking with a few of the others, I guess it will be alright. But, don't expect me to use it ever. And if I do get in trouble, we're pitching it in the moat.

Don't worry about the herbs, they aren't in the way. One even smells like the breakfast sausage they serve at that tavern that I started going to! Oh, speaking of which, I think our neighbor works there. I think it was her I saw, but I was running a bit late so I had to leave quickly.

That reminds me...Is that money I put on the table yours? See, I found it in my pocket earlier, and I don't remember getting it, and I know you worry about money a lot. I found after getting a bit lost when I was on my way to the new reconstruction site. It was right after I met this really weird guy with green eyes and brown hair, actually. I think the demons from the invasion did something to him, he was rambling on about shinies and couldn't pay attention to anything. I think he also had a scar on the side of his face, but I wasn't paying that much attention. I gave him directions to a healer I know, Sydney, hoping that she could help him; I didn't really have time, you know?

Then when I I got there and checked my pockets, I found some gil in there that I didn't put in. So it's your's, right?

Oh, if you make supper, make some lasagna and save me half for later again. It's pretty good.

Reshtara 22, 1313

I'm glad that carrying the staff isn't a problem. I can't see why it would be, really. Are the people you work for that strict? I can't imagine it causing much of a problem, and I do feel a lot better for it. So I thank you for that much.

As for the gil, I assure you it isn't mine. I don't have a clue where it came from.

This man you encountered, the one you sent to a healer... How did you meet Sydney? While she's not exactly a colleague, as she practices Shadow Healing rather than true White Magic, I do consider her a good aquaintance. At least she used to be, before you and I...merged? I suppo

Yoko. I just stopped writing to answer the door. There was a messenger there with a letter from my mom. Addressed to you. What in Ashura's name is going on?!

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:16 am

:O Ohnoes, Yoko has contacted Marcus's mum?! What crazy shenanigans shall follow?

*stays tuned* <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Image</center>-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: :O

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jan 18, 2004 6:16 am

Twelth Month 23, 1313

I guess you had to find out sooner or later, huh? Well...I went to see her. Don't worry! I didn't tell her anything! What I said was that I know you. She was really broken up about it, losing bother her kids to the war, so I talked to her a bit. She didn't know what had happened to you, but she was proud to hear that you were killed trying to help someone else.

I hope that you aren't too mad about this. I just wanted to help you. You didn't seem to know what you wanted to do, and you were so distressed about I wanted to see if I could help. So I looked her up, and went to visit. We just had some tea, and talked about things. She thinks I'm just your friend, which isn't that much of a lie, really. She doesn't know what happened to us, I wasn't going to tell her. I thought about letting her know you weren't really dead, but I figured that it was best that you decide that.

I really was going to tell you, once I thought everything was alright. I know that she really wants to see you. Please don't be mad at me, I just wanted to help you get on with things.

Twelth Month 26, 1313

Marcus? Have you read this at all? Please...tell me something

Twelth Month, 29, 1313

Marcus! Please say something! At least tell me that you hate me! Just, please...anything... I cried myself to sleep the last two nights.

I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted to do something nice for you. I really didn't mean to make you so upset.

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Re: :O

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jan 18, 2004 8:40 am

-=- "losing bother" -- 'losing both of'

Also: :O <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Image</center>-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: :O

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:59 pm

I'm still keeping up with this, so it must be good. As Dia said a few posts back, "Mo'."


Re: :O

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:43 am

...eep. Poor Yoko. =/ Interesting so far, and now you're leaving us at a cliffhanger. WRITE MORE. It's fun seeing how they both can have different view of the same events and shizzle.

Uncle Pervy

Re: :O

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:24 am

Ishtara 2, 1314

This may be a bit scrambled, I've still not entirely decided what I want to say, or how I feel at the moment.

Suffice it to say, mom came to visit here yesterday. I almost didn't answer the door, until she called for me. I tried to resist the urge to open it, but apparently you told her I was here. So, I let her in. Gods...the conversation that followed was the hardest one I had ever had. Imagine telling your guardian, or whomever it was that raised you, that the son they had was now a daughter, let alone in a different body.

Luckily, it seems Mom was perceptive enough to see that you and I seem to speak differently. She quickly guessed that she wasn't talking to you, and asked where Yoko was. So I told her. She thought I was lying at first, until I told her about things from the past, things that you wouldn't know. She began to cry, and gave me a hug. I didn't know what to think. But...she accepted it, it seems. Gods, I couldn't even look her in the eye.

I suppose I owe you something of an apology. I don't know if I can ever be comfortable around Mom again...but at least she knows now. But I don't know what she really feels. Her son is now...undead and stealing the body of a woman. At least she didn't run away screaming. There's some comfort in that. I suppose that I could go home now, but it's just not right. It would feel like I'm a stranger there, now.

I'm sorry that I ignored you, Yoko. And, I'm sorry I got angry with you.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 1/20/04 3:43 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: :O

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:16 am

First month, 3, 1314

Yay! I knew she wouldn't turn you away! Your mother really is a nice person, so I knew that there wasn't going to be any real problems. I'm sorry that it's so embarassing for you. I think it will get better, though, once you get more used to things. We've been together, almost a month! I got this journal on the seventh of Reshtara. I didn't think it had been that long.

Well...looking back, I guess it's only been like two weeks to me. You know, I feel kind bad for you; you end up doing most of our sleeping; normally, I only end up having to sleep every three nights or so; though when you were mad at me, I had to a lot more. Sometimes I get weird hours, though. Luckily, the others I work with to help restore the town don't seem to mind too much, since they figured out how to work around my schedule now.

Before I forget...why is there dried blood on your staff? Marcus, you better not be getting into fights and hurting people! I've not asked for a whole lot from you, but if I hear that you've been getting into street fights for no reason, I'm really going to be mad at you! Even if this doesn't get me in trouble, I don't want you causing fights while you're in my body!

Reshtara 5, 1314

Yoko. Not to sound ingrateful or anything, but I have a situation that I am very certain you can explain to me. For some result, I went under earlier today in the body of a normal human woman. When I awoke again, I seemed to be in the body of a normal nekojin woman. After my intial panic and bout of worry that I had possessed someone else, the person you were talking with explained that aparently you were the one who changed from a human to a nekojin, without any sort of outside influence.

Now, I am going to assume that there is a perfectly logical reason why you never told me about this, or anything connected with it. So, rather than get upset, I am going to procede as though nothing happened; even though this fur itches a lot.

First off, I am surprised that you think I am doing the majority of the sleep. Because, frankly, I seldom have to actually physically sleep. Much as you, it is seldom more less than one in three days that I lay down for true sleep. Likely, we are able to recharge our minds while the other is active; your body can last significantly longer without rest as there is less mental drain inhibiting it.

As for the blood, I was attacked by a rabid dog. I thought it better to eal with the animal directly than to let it roam free after possibly infecting us with it's disease.

Now that I've dealt with your questions, I am very interested to see how you deal with mine. I'll be going to sleep now, in fact, so you'll be well rested and able to give me a very full answer.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 1/21/04 4:36 am

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pd Rydia
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Re: :O

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:57 am

Poor puppy. :( <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Image</center>-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: :O

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:04 am

First month, 5, 1314

I suppose that you have to find out some time.

I've been thinking about it and thinking about it for a few hours now, and I can't find a good way to tell you that doesn't sound like I'm making it up. So, I'm just going to take my real shape and let you see.

You'll probably freak out when you see, Marcus, but don't worry. I've not lied to you about anything, I just never told the whole truth. I knew it would be hard for you to swallow at first, when you were still very confused about everything. Later...I just couldn't figure how to break it to you. It's something I'm supposed to keep secret, you see. But you'll see.

All I ask is that you let me finish explaining once you read this. I haven't lied to you at all. I came to help Doma recover, and mean only to do good.

Reshtara 6, 1314

You know...I truly did not expect this. I had no clue that when I woke up, I had no idea I would find a pair of bat wings extending from our back. Nor did I expect to feel a significantly more top-heavy or look in the mirror and see what I must admit is one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen look back.

I did not expect that you were a succubus at all.

Reading back, this would explain why you knew a shadow-based healer. The lack of family, as well. It also explains that shattered soul comment, doesn't it? It would be something a soul eater would see, wouldn't it? Might even explain why I'm here, a "shattered soul" must have looked very attractive to you.

I want the whole story, Yoko. I want to know exactly what a demon is doing in Doma in the wake of the invasion, and I want proof that you aren't with them. And, quite frankly, if I don't get a satisfactory answer to everything, I fully intend to go to the temple of Ashura and have us both cleansed away for the high crime of soul destruction.

First Month 6, 1314

I don't consume souls anymore. I stopped a long time ago, and learned to live without them. Still, I get little bit tempted sometimes, when I'm really hungry. That's why I told you to not skip meals. It's easiest when I don't have to deal with it at all.

I guess I'll start at the beginning. Once, I used to serve Al-Karis. He was Lord of the Fourth Circle. And job was to bring mortals to him. It's not something I'm proud of anymore. My name then was Sadal Melik; that's one name, most demons don't have last names. I also learned geomancy so I could be useful when not actively seeking mortals for him. Serving a demon lord meant you had to be useful all the time, or else.

So what happened? Al-Karis was overthrown by another demon, Auriga. Everything changed, and all the loyalty I had shown, everything I had done, was gone. My missions and favors were forgotten. Auriga didn't care at all, and cast me away as one of Al-Karis' loyalists. He had a building devoted to torture built, some horrible place where he locked me for...far too long. Years, decades maybe. I starved there, I knew pain and fear...I knew what my victims had felt. I realized that everything I had done for Al-Karis was meaningless.

Then...the place he kept me was attacked. I got free...and I escaped to the mortal realms; to this world. I was so weak...and starving to death. I could hardly walk, let alone fly or use any magic. I might have been hurt, I don't remember anymore. I wasn't able to walk very far, I didn't know where I was going. And I collapsed.

When I woke up, I felt a lot better. There was a man in white standing over me...but I could tell he was like me, we can usually sense when others of our kind are disguised. He helped me up and gave me food, real food. And, he started to talk with me. He asked me if I knew just how meaningless my time in the fourth circle was. He listened to me as I told him what had happened to me, what had become of my loyalty to Al-Karis... And he listened, he understood me. It's hard to explain how important that was. Then he explained to me why demonkind can't survive like it is, how we will never achieve anything if we don't change things. He talked to be about humans and celestials, and how they make their societies work. Our own has been warped by the harshness of the underworld for too long, and we've enslaved ourselves to it.

That demon was Sir Reshikal, the ruler of Avon. It's a country of people like me, Demons who have turned their back on the Infernal Realms. We live here now, away from the warring and the chaos of Hell. Sir Reshikal leads us, showing us a better way. It was he who asked me to come and help Doma in its time of need. I helped build Avon from the empty plain it was into the place it is now. Sir Reshikal helped me find a purpose, and gave me the name I use now. The ones I work with, they are also from Avon, keeping disguises so that no one knows what we are and panicks.

That's kinda why I helped you...Because you made me remember some of the things I did, long ago. I felt guilty about it, and I wanted to so something to make up for it. So...I let you possess me. But...well...I was kinda selfish about it. I was hoping you could help me with...well...keeping from what I used to be. I thought it might be nice to have someone who was used to following a moral code to help me keep to mine. I guess that was pretty selfish of me...

I hope this is enough to make you happy.

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pd Rydia
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Re: :O

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jan 22, 2004 11:10 am


can't wait to see how Marus takes this.


-=- "I wanted to so" -- 'I wanted to do' <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Image</center>-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 1/22/04 5:28 pm


Re: :O

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Jan 22, 2004 5:48 pm


tasty plot twists. =D <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: :O

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:13 pm

God damn cliff hangers >:

Uncle Pervy

Re: :O

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:50 pm

Reshtara 7, 1314

I've had to think about this for a while now.

I want to believe you, Yoko. I've read over what you've written to me a few times, and...I want to believe it. I seems so...hard to believe that you are a bad person. Everyone I've talked with tell me that you aren't a bad person.

The Church of Ashura teaches that demons are the enemy of all life. I'm not sure I really believe that anymore. A couple of them mentioned another group of demons, apparently a mercenary group of sorts called the Razor Shards. They tell me the Razor Shards have acted in Doma's defense before. Maybe I'll speak with them later.

I don't know what to think anymore. I truly don't. The church demands that I should destroy you.'ve done so much for me, and helped Doma. I don't know what to think. I'm still upset that you hid this from me. But, I also a bit happy you didn't tell me at first. I honestly don't know if I could have taken it then. I don't think I've ever had such doubts about the Church before, honeslty. I don't want to believe you're bad, no matter what the doctrine says. But, your story is very far-fetched, you see.

And...I am aware of just how hypocritical that sounds, as I read it again.

Still...It's hard to turn my back on what Ashura's teachings say. I have believed them all my life, even though sometimes I question them. But, I cannot imagine that you are an enemy of all life. But I will to trust you for now. I think I'll seek something on those Razor Shards, as well.

Please don't break that trust.

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Re: :O

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:52 pm

And resolution!

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pd Rydia
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Re: :O

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:11 pm

:D The Dia is pleased. All in all a catching piece, quite interesting.

(honeslty -- honestly) <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
Image</center>-=- "Y'know, I've always been told that dragons are bigger. And less bi-pedal." -- Cuimacc (MovieMan)
-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard (Nakibe)
-=- "Half elves? Uh oh, they are eaten by Dragons, we call them Dwagon Kibble here..." -- Lord McBastard
-=- "*Today's important Lesson. Dragongirls Bite. Nekojin nip*" -- UnclePervy</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 1/22/04 9:11 pm


Re: :O

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:42 pm

Whoa. Plot twist. Utterly shizzy.

Can't really say much in the way of criticism, as the personalities and exchanges are very well done and everything's shizzly.

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Re: :O

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:54 pm

This is still a groovy fic. Diggin it, totally. <p>

Note for Future Reference: Forbidden Siren is out in Japan. Go import it.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Hate :D

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:45 am

First Month 8, 1314

I'm happy you're willing to trust me, Marcus. I was afraid that you were going to do it... I don't know much about Ashura's church, but it sounded like they would do what you threatened. I also know a little bit about the Razor Shards. One of them, I don't know his name off the top of my head, has a wood carving shop not far from here. Just go North a few blocks, and you should be able to see it pretty easily.

I've been thinking a little. Now that you know about what I am, maybe we could ask Sir Reshikal for help? He might be able to tell us something, he does know a lot about souls and things like that. Maybe he would know how to find what was lost from yours?

Oh, as a side note...I don't think we're have to worry about that beggar woman anymore. I was at the market earlier today, and I saw her get in an argument with someone selling fruit there. She accused him of trying to cheat her, and demanded he face her in a duel. He got really angry and started shouting insults at her, and she screamed some more back. Then the guardsman came, and things just got worse. The shopkeep kept saying that the beggar was trying to rob him, which wasn't true at all! She got really angry then, and demanded the guard witness a duel between herself and the shopkeeper!

Things were really starting to look bad. The guard was about to arrest the woman just to be done with everything, and she wasn't doing much to help. So I went over to explain things. The shopkeeper said I was lying, but thankfully the guard believed me when I said that the beggar wasn't trying to steal anything. Well, I don't think she was...

Afterwards, she thanked me for helping her out. She did keep saying that she she have humiliated the shopkeeper in a duel, but she was happy that I helped her. She even said we didn't owe her money anymore! Given that she's penniless, I think that means a lot. I did buy her a meal though, and talked with her a little. She wants to be a champion duelist, it was all she talked about when I asked her why she didn't have any money.

I almost forgot...If we're going to stay in Doma, we'll have to get some kind of job. The task Sir Reshikal set us to do is ending soon, so I don't think he'll give us a stipend anymore.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hate :D

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 06, 2004 7:56 am

Ishtara 9, 1314

So I see. Well, that is good to know. I will be nice to walk down the street, without having to worry about being accosted over a debt that was repaid.

I went to talk with the Razor Shard you directed me to,, I suppose, by the name of Igasayi. He was...interesting. We talked about several things. He said that he had not heard much of Avon, save for the name. But, he trusted it. He told me that what had happened in the Fourth Circle wasn't that uncommon. It sounded a bit farfetched to me, but he believed it readily. He also told me a bit of his own past, about how he used to retrieve souls for the demon that he served. He could not bring himself to take the souls of the defenseless, he claimed. It was very surreal to hear a man say that with perfect seriousness, and to know that he meant every word of it.

I don't know if I want to talk with Igsayi again anytime soon. Or ever again. It made me feel uncomfortably aware of our situation once more. I had grown somewhat used to it, at least enough that I no longer feel dismayed at the fact that I have to live with feminine anatomy. Perhaps...I was was starting feel like myself again. Or maybe I had finally gotten over our differences enough to feel comfortable with what we have become.

But listening to Igasayi made me realize how different things have become. What he spoke about is now essentially a part of my life. I don't know what to make of that. But, I've endured so far. I can endure a little more, I just need some time...


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