The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

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The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:16 pm

(OOC: This happens to be another introductory/backstory fic. I have been experimenting with the title, and I'm not sure whether it's really appropriate to the character. So, rather than dwell on that, I'm just going to start writing. C&C (comments and criticism, for those that have no clue) is very welcome, since I am experimenting in a style I have never tried.)

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 12th day of Luciara, 1288))

The two of us have been standing watch over the egg for some time now. It has been three months now since Iange, my wife, had laid it in this hidden location. I am curious to know why the rest of the clan is not watching - one of the matriarchs, Shyad-end, had said the child that hatched today would be a special one. Speaking of it, our clan has lived here for as long as I can remember. With Centennia Lake just north of us, and cities in the other directions, we, as surface kobolds, were probably an oddity in the area. We were able to survive here because our clan does not prey on and despise humans like the cavern dwellers do. Understandably, we did get the occasional person who did not like us, but even they weren't directly threatening us. I would explain further, but Iange is bothering me.

The next part seems to have been written later on that day, as there is a lot of blank space separating it and the first segment.

We have waited long enough, and now Iange has lifted our child into her arms, away from the cracked eggshell that had allowed him to grow. The child seems a bit small, even compared to a normal kobold, and his eyes have a haunting red glow - haunting because kobolds almost never have red eyes. In fact, the only way I can certainly tell he is a kobold is his distinctive rust brown skin - the same skin Iange and I have, as well as the rest of the clan. But even that's hard to tell, because I noticed a small streak down his neck that was a bizarre reddish-orange color. I should talk to Shyad-end about this.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:58 pm

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 13th day of Luciara, 1288))

I could not believe the look in Shyad-end's eyes when Iange and I took the child to her. I have rarely seen such horror. As far as I know, there are only two times when the matriarchs are allowed to display any sign of being horrified: when a losing battle is being fought near their home, or when some sign of extreme trouble manifests itself.

Shyad-end thought she had seen evil in the little child's eyes, as well as in his unusually small body. When she noticed the reddish-orange streak down the child's neck, she actually fainted. While some of the clan members tended to her, another of the matriarchs, Roeswar-ser, told us the story.

A week ago, a fire dragon our clan had known well and held great respect for was killed. When we searched the cave to see what had happened, all of its treasure had been stolen. However, there was a book haphazardly tossed on the ground. One of the excerpts from an immediately exposed page read, "I have discovered the chosen one. My spirit now has somewhere to go should my weakening body be killed. Even though it has not emerged, that should not stop me from resting within him until my revenge can be assured." The book went on to describe the signs of this child, including a small size, red eyes, and a curious streak down the side of its neck.

When asked by Roeswar-ser about the child's name, which our initial joy and eventual sorrow has made us forget, I thought of the first name that came to my mind, the name a relative of my father had... the name was Banlix. Suddenly, I found that everyone was looking at me, as well as Iange, who was holding the child. The book had apparently given the name of the child as well... I was told that the name mentioned was Banlix Lyerodver Glarencite.

From that day, I knew there was going to be immense trouble.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>

Dark Xia

Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:02 pm

Yay, lovely fic... *applauds, and can't wait to see what Banlix will eventually become* <p>Image


Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:44 pm

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 28th day of Reshtara, 1289))

Young Banlix is growing unusually quickly. I've noticed that just yesterday he reached nine inches in height. Most kobolds don't grow to that size before their second full year of life. However, the other kobolds his age are avoiding him as if he was the plague, as are their parents. I don't see why the "prophecy" is such a big deal to them - come on, at least give the child some respect. Don't frickin' ostracize a child who's trying to learn just because of some damned "prophecy".

In addition, Iange and I feel a strange sort of warmth whenever Banlix is near us. However, this isn't just the kind of emotional warmth that usually comes from children - this is also physical warmth. It's a strange thing. Banlix is going to be special... but how? What will become of him?

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Mar 07, 2003 8:44 pm

(OOC: *skips to important part of Merayver's journal*)

((from the journal of Merayver Glarencite, 9th day of Falisara, 1303))

I have never written such a sorrowful thing in this journal before, but Banlix is now having social problems regarding the other kobolds. I confronted him today, face to face, and asked why he was staying away from his peers.

His exact words were, "Don't you understand, Dad? I've just been called a HERETIC. One of my closer friends is claiming that I am the death of all of us, and another is cowering. And you probably know that friends aren't supposed to cower in fear of each other."

Heretic... the word still chills my spine as I write this. Holding opinions contrary to the will of the matriarchs... I knew Banlix was an odd child, but never have I seen him go this far. I do believe this is something he can control, however. Only trouble now is TEACHING him how to control it.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:34 am

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 12th day of Falisara, 1303))

Banlix seems to be ignoring me. Whenever I try to discipline him, he acts as if he understands, but it turns out to be just a front, as he commits another bad act rather soon afterward. Also, Banlix is contradicting the matriarchs' will more and more often. They've been getting angrier and angrier at him and at us. Poor Iange is under a lot of stress, and nothing I can do will console her.

It's as if Banlix isn't even a kobold anymore - if that is the case, I fear for my very life. If he really IS the dragon incarnate, as the prophecy suggests, it may be the end of us all.

I shouldn't be writing something this morbid in here.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:17 pm

You do the journal style nicely, Our Div.

May I suggest something? Try using this as a way to show something of Kobold society. Mention festivals, events, stuffs that kobolds do in general. With a little work, you can work in young Banlix's actions into it, and add a great deal to the story. ^^

*Waits on more* <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>


Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:33 am

(OOC: What Pervy just said is the kind of C&C I've been looking for. How come I didn't think of something like this earlier?)

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 25th day of Falisara, 1303))

The hostility toward Banlix seemed to have calmed down today. For some reason I have yet to understand, the few festival days we have seem to calm everyone down... and I DO mean everyone. Even Banlix, who's supposedly part of the 'prophecy', has discarded his anger today.

Today was the Sun Festival, our means to celebrate the end of what we know as 'the season of ice'. Basically, kobolds, as a whole, recognize two seasons - the season of warmth and the season of ice, each being half a year in length. The beginning of the season of warmth incites probably the biggest festival of the year - so much occurs that it would be hard to describe everything that goes on during the day. However, the part of the festival that occurred during the night has even more events going on.

Banlix stayed with his friends throughout all of the festivities. The candy that was sold at the festival - the vast majority of which came from outside town, but maybe two or three kinds made right around here - seemed to draw the most attention from him, especially the lemon sticks. The 'lemon sticks' are basically pieces of chocolate about the size of a finger - the size of one of our fingers, that is - mixed with the juice of a lemon and then coated in some other form of candy. A favorite candy among kobolds, and even though it rarely finds its way outside our community, when it does, it tends to be well-liked. Only a select few in the community dare to attempt making candy like this, for varying reasons, and they don't attempt it often - usually only in preparation for festivals. The other activities didn't seem to interest Banlix at all, however, which surprises me.

The final event of the night involves the few illusion mages gathering together near the center of town. After several minutes of debate, they decide what kind of visually appealing illusion they're going to show - usually the illusion takes the form of a fireworks display. That's how it was this time, but in addition to the normal displays, there was the illusion of a large dragon flying just above the heads of those of us that had gathered to watch. It creeped Banlix out, who had a tight grip on Iange during the whole display. It was the first time I had seen such an event in my life, and I can only guess at two reasons why this one was there. Either they're venerating the dragon they knew that had died, or they're honoring Banlix.

I have a serious hope that it's the latter of those two thoughts.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Dragonhalf Incident (intro fic)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:43 pm

NIce bit overall, but you suffer from a tiny problem of overexplaining.

See, this is meant to be the journal of a Kobold, right? So, some things he's just not going to mention, as they are givens to him.

For example, he really wouldn't explain the Kobold view of seasons. To him, it wouldbe redundant. But, you can get the same effect just by mentioning the Season of Ice coming to an end.

Also, Lemon Sticks need not be explained, it's pretty clear they are a sort of candy.

As for explaining the Illusion display, consider this: "I suspected that the mages were going to create the usual display of fireworks." and so on. Let him observe and think about stuff, rather than just tell us outright.

It's a fine line to walk, and you're doing good. Keep it up, Div, I'm liking this. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>


Journal part seven.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:47 pm

(OOC: I'm going to get to editing the over-explanations a bit later, especially since I'm not using my own computer at the moment for this.)

((from the Journal of Merayver Glarencite, 30th day of Tunara, 1303))

Recently, I discovered something that I consider dire. This I found out when Banlix told me he had trouble sleeping. According to him, his dreams have been getting stranger, more exotic, and scarier - and there hasn't even been a lot of strange events going on around here.

Among these strange dreams is one that has caused me great fear for the safety of the town. In this dream, a large, red-scaled dragon is rampaging through a bustling town, which he has set aflame. Then, two of the town's residents stand in front of him. When the dragon sees them, he forces the two residents to hide under his wings as he starts destroying the rest of the town. Any other residents he makes his best attempts to kill, but he refuses to let the two he saved suffer any harm.

The two residents he described seemed to look just like Iange and myself. Which has brought me to a conclusion. The dragon is coming to destroy the town and leave just the two of us safe. And that dragon has a connection to Banlix somehow.

I must see the matriarchs as soon as I possibly can and ask them what is going on.

Also, I have made an important decision. I am going to give this journal to Banlix tonight. I cannot comprehend what is going to happen, and thus I leave it to Banlix to describe what is going on with him. And rather than get him a separate journal, I would rather give him this old one.

Consider it a family heirloom, if you will. I think Banlix is old enough now to take good care of it.

((end excerpt))

(OOC: I'm going to be switching perspectives starting next installment. Don't be confused when it comes.)


Re: Journal part eight.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:52 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 1st day of fifth month, 1303))

Reading back through this, why my father used the actual month names on the days confuses me. Why must he assign a name to something rather than tell things as they are??

Anyway, I've been told by father that I am going to be taken to the matriarchs come tomorrow. They plan to discuss these 'visions' that come to me in my sleep.

I am concerned because there is another one of these dreams that I had last night, and have refused to tell my father about, for various reasons. As it goes, all the friends I have, as well as their families and the matriarchs, were standing over a table. With me on it.

Several of them were in the process of putting knives into my body, while others were pulling and twisting my limbs into positions that would cause unspeakable agony. A horrid sight indeed... but then, some sort of brownish lizard-being stormed into town, with some sort of animal around his neck, and forced them to disperse via threats. Then, he took me from the village, threatening the others with death if they tried to stop him.

A completely messed up dream, to be sure. But I'm now fearing that torture is going to come my way within a few days.

The Festival of Fallen Heroes is in a few days, and as far as things have gone, our town has sacrificed something the day after that festival.

I fear that sacrifice is going to be me.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: Journal part eight.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Apr 04, 2003 8:27 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 7th day of fifth month, 1303))

I write this from a confined space that is not my home. My fears are being aroused now. I saw the table being prepared. I saw the elders sharpening their knives.

The Festival of Fallen Heroes is a rather gloomy and quiet day... more quiet than it usually is around here. I don't see the point of it being called a festival, as a matter of fact.

I didn't get to witness any of the goings-on, though, as I was brought to this confinement - against my will and that of my parents - before sunrise. The ones sent to bring me in tried telling my parents that they were saving the town by locking me away. When that didn't convince them - and believe me, mom and dad aren't easily convinced of anything - they knocked both of them out with swift blows to the head.

All I've had to eat was a few badly-cooked pieces of meat that the guards gave to me in the middle of the day. These were basically just thrown in to shut me up. The solid walls of this prison - and the barred ceiling, which I can't reach from here - bring down any hopes of me getting out of the situation I've been dragged into.

I pray and hope that the entire dream about the attempted sacrifice is true. That the brownish lizard-being does indeed come to pull me out. Because if he doesn't, I'm as good as dead.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

-=-"Hear that? Hydras! Helvik's toes! Cut off one head and another regrows! Slash and cauterize with a torch... we need FLAME!" - Lyssandra (ChibiUrusai)-=-
-=-"see? Swearing is like katsup for sentances." - UltraRube-=-
-=-"I've heard of earwigs, but this takes the cake." - Keet (Dragon Sage007)-=-

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: Journal part eight.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Apr 27, 2003 9:14 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 8th day of fifth month, 1303))

It's as if my dreams saw into the future for some time.

I got dragged to the torture table this morning, being strapped to it against my will.... though in my hopelessness I didn't really fight it. Moments later, practically every one of my own brethren in the town was getting ready for the sacrificial rites. I got several knives put into my stomach, and my limbs nearly got twisted off. Not a pretty sight at all, nor did it feel anywhere NEAR good.

Strangely, just as I was about to get a knife to the heart, the others suddenly started panicking and running by me, leaving me at the table. I thought to look up and see what was the matter... and I saw a brown lizardman with strange golden eyes approaching me. I also saw that he had a bird on his shoulder - what kind of bird I don't know. But being in the bad situation I was in, I panicked and tried to get off the table, thinking this newcomer was about to make me his next meal.

The lizardman, however, was not interested in eating me. Instead he unstrapped me from the table, lifted me onto his back, and ran from the town, yelling threats that... well... were rather extreme. What's strange is that he hasn't even told me who he is... and hasn't even asked for my name.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

"...Perhaps you should allow me to alleviate that boredom....... By breaking your neck =e\/e=" - Ariousbec (Aineku Doragon)
"Couldn't help ya with that, I'm more of a werewoman than a werewolf. *smirks*" - Will (WillBaseton)
".....Do I have permission to drive a fencepost into your face, mister 'The princess is in another castle, bitch.'?" - DWSage008

View my online journal here. </span></p>


I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:47 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 9th day of fifth month, 1303))

The lizardman introduced himself today. He claimed his name was Araguchi Razorfist, and that he rescued me because he was completely against torture.

Naturally, I didn't believe him. But hey, he's leading me to safety, so things can't be THAT bad.

((end excerpt))

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 12th day of fifth month, 1303))

Well, safety from the other kobolds at last. Araguchi has led me to Doma City.

City of mystery, city of constant threatening, city of futures... those are all the nicknames I've heard of about Doma City. Surely not all of them are true.

Oddly enough, Araguchi handed me a metallic sword and a wooden katana when we reached his house within Doma City, saying I'd need them in case I got attacked. Hah, like that'll ever happen.

((end excerpt))

Edited by: [url=>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/03 9:30 pm


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Jun 14, 2003 2:59 pm

(OOC: Time lapse #2. And yes, this installment references an actual CI event that happened a LONG time ago - so the day of the entry may be way off.)

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 17th day of eighth month, 1311))

I've learned several new things recently. One I've been thinking of for a while is that Domans in general are crazy people. Another I just learned today was that Domans occasionally spar in the streets. A third is that there are these really strange creatures about my height that kinda resemble physically the stuffed bears back home, but they have a strange antenna on their head.

One of those creatures is friends with a few humans. I didn't talk too much with those friends yet, but I know at least that their names are Kyle and Sorune.

Only other real thing that interested me today is the sparring. I decided to find out about this, and I ended up going against this really tall guy. He was swift, nimble, skilled... but I absolutely knocked the crap out of him. Mostly with the wooden katana, but my own fists came into play later on. I kinda left the scene after that, not wanting to draw the attention of Doma's guards.

Am I some sort of natural in this regard?

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

"Are you kidding? Good thick mane, strong shanks, white teeth, you'll be beating them off with sticks." - Dalis (WhiteWereFox)
"Video games won't breed in captivity." - KnightsofSquare
"OK, how do shadows echo, Kelne?" - Idran (Idran1701)

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Jul 03, 2003 10:54 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 11th day of second month, 1313))

Okay, the weirdest thing has happened today. And just after I finished setting up the potion shop with Araguchi as well.

I came in to the Jade Dragon while Araguchi was there. I knew he didn't feel like talking, probably because he'd been working too much with helping me set up shop. But then I heard mentioning of Kyle. I didn't see him anywhere for some time, though there was this one girl who needed a bit of help.

After giving her one of my potions, I came back down, and decided to ask a girl where Kyle was. Then this strange gecko-like humanoid begins talking to me. After talking with the gecko-person for a while, Araguchi left. That's when the conversation turned to talk about weapons.

When he asked about enchanted rapiers, I knew something had to be up. So I asked if he was Kyle, and to my total and complete surprise, he told me he was. He then informed me that he had died and come back in another body. Later, I told him about a flashback to my past I'd been having.

What a day. What a WEIRD day.

((end excerpt)) <p>

Image <span style="font-size:medium;"> Current Quotes: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

"Are you kidding? Good thick mane, strong shanks, white teeth, you'll be beating them off with sticks." - Dalis (WhiteWereFox)
"Video games won't breed in captivity." - KnightsofSquare
"OK, how do shadows echo, Kelne?" - Idran (Idran1701)

View my online journal here. </span></p>


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:09 pm

(OOC: Wow, it's been AGES since I've expanded Banlix's tale. Oh well, gonna go to the critical part now.)

((from the journal of Banlix Glarencite, 15th day of second month, 1313))

Their prophecies had been right all along.

Not too long ago, someone had sold me a book on past lives. Such a weird subject, but the idea's fascinated me ever since Kyle came back. I took some time reading it, when I came upon this passage: "Rumor has it that the spirit of a dead fire dragon had found its way into a young scaly man named Banlix Glarencite, unwilling to move on to its final resting place. It had taken a ritual known only to a rare few. It was gripping life's edge with no willingness to fall off."

At this point, I thought hard about what I had just read. Then I looked back at some of my father's earlier entries, reading more carefully, and to my surprise some of them were already talking about what I had become.

When I tried to go to sleep, I saw it staring. A large dragon eye looking into the depths of my soul. I am hoping that's just me dreaming and not the spirit looking into me.

((end excerpt))

Uncle Pervy

Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:42 am

This could be interesting, if he feels like he's being watched the whole time.

Also: Let's have some hints at where he is and what he's been doing these past couple years. Stuffs have happened over those two years. Mention peoples he's met, things he does during a normal and events on a slightly abnormal day.

If it interests you, feel free to IM other peoples and ask if you can mention their characters in background stuff like that. People get real flattered by that, and it helps connect the tale to the rest of the world.
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: [url=>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 12/31/03 2:45 am


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:45 pm

(OOC: I'll probably wind up doing such updates on the second revision, Pervy. Not now as I still have to get the definite stuff in the fic out before I go back and update.)

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 17th day of second month, 1313))

Things have gotten much worse over the past couple days. Yesterday afternoon, I was going about my business when I suddenly felt a massive burst of anger surge through me. The next thing I recalled after that was a massive bunny rabbit - he must have been over seven feet tall at least - carrying me face up to a healer's. Apparently, I had sustained some fairly nasty injuries in my fit of rage.

What scared me more was that the rabbit said my rage reminded him of a dragon's rage. I've been pondering what he meant, and only recently concluded that the dragon spirit had caused my anger. In any event, once the two of us got to the healer's, he set me down and asked for the healer's help. He even paid the healer for me. When he set me down, however, I felt a sharp pain in my back near the shoulders. I don't understand how even at this time, but it got bad enough that I had to turn to my stomach. This happened again last night when I tried to sleep. I don't understand it - I've been sleeping on my back for as long as I can remember and now I can no longer do it. What's happening to me?

A few hours ago, I came across Sorune again. He's been having a rough time - apparently his world is in danger, his wife has come, and two people are missing - those two being End Reshiki and someone named Enlil. We talked a little more after that, and then he noticed a couple of odd lumps on my back. When I told him about the dragon spirit and about how I'd had the lumps for a couple of nights, he said to talk to End about it. Then I brought up the kobolds back home, and Sorune reminded me how fast paranoia spreads. He mentioned End again, telling me End's a moogle, but since I didn't know I just had to ask him. And as if Doma's creatures couldn't get any more bizarre, he described End to me as a white teddy bear with wings and an antenna.

I swear seeing something like that a long time ago. Could that have been End himself?

((end excerpt))


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:41 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 18th day of second month, 1313))

I've been starting to feel much worse about this dragon spirit. I wound up in another rage after I walked out of my house, tripped over a stone and fell, and that massive bunny rabbit was there again. Now that I've thought about it, he certainly isn't from Doma. His voice is sometimes hard to understand - I know the healer I was brought to had to ask him twice what he was saying.

I met Sorune and his wife Celine in the forest later, and told him about it. He insisted on my meeting End again. After showing him a spell I'd somehow learned - even I don't know how I fully got it; I thought I had no skill with magic - a roar came through the forest. Right then my dragon spirit thinks it's time to come out - I had to struggle to hold it in. Then this... other girl, as far as I can tell another dragonhalf, suddenly began coming after me. After Sorune, Celine, and I got her out of her rage, I found that apparently her pendant was causing problems. Talked the dragon spirit thing over with Celine like I had with Sorune and then left the forest.

At the Jade Dragon, where I hoped to think this issue over some, I came across this.... creature.... hard for me to describe him except for the fact that he's really fuzzy. After taking a seat, I tried thinking to myself and..... the creature heard what I was thinking, like I'd telepathed loudly. Come to think of it, that's been happening a lot. I told him about some of my problems, including my back, and heard about his. I even learned he was half yeti.... and one time he turned into a walking ice sculpture.... I'm not even going to ask him anymore about that if I see him again.

He thought initially my dragon side was trying to give me a protective covering. Just as I decided to walk out, someone else mentioned I could be growing wings. I had the half yeti look, and sure enough that's what they seemed to be.

To think I can't hide my dragon spirit any longer...... I can hardly concentrate with this much distress.

((end excerpt))


Re: I don't remember how far now.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:08 am

((From the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 20th day of second month, 1313))

Now it's obvious to everyone. I can no longer hide the dragon spirit.

Earlier today I felt pain at my back. I walked inside the Jade Dragon and Kyle, as well as this winged elf girl who I'll get to a little more later, wondered if I was okay. After I answered, the elf girl pointed out what wings were supposed to do, and that mine were definitely unusual. After finding that if the wings were to burst I wouldn't die, I felt relieved.

That's when the back spasms began. A searing pain through my whole back, as if it were being torn apart like a ripping scroll. The pain was so much I couldn't think, and even though it dulled a little bit - I don't know why it did, but my back felt somewhat numb shortly after the spasms began - it was still unbearable. It must've lasted for several minutes, and then rapidly subsided. When I came to I realized I was in a healer's, and the two people were there as well.

When we went back to the Jade Dragon, I learned rather painfully of one major problem with wings. One of them got caught in the doorway, and it took me a while to realize it. Of course, not too long after it was suggested by the same winged elf I'd seen before that I learn to fly. Not wanting people to pick on me, I took up the offer. As a reminder to myself, I must point out that flying seems quite comparable to the rowboats I've heard the occasional story about. Granted, there are differences, like the height adjustment that can only come with flying.

After the flying lessons, I talked to the elf girl. I told her all about the rages and the dragon. She didn't seem too fazed by it. Then I talked to Kyle some more later on in the day.

I have two more things to pursue. The stories of a full dragon form can't be ignored, and my rages must be stopped. In fact, the winged elf suggests that the two go hand-in-hand; if I learn to take dragon form, the rages will stop.

I dunno for certain, but I have to find out.

((end excerpt))



Unread postby aurorastar » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:55 pm

Hey, I really like this story. You did start out with some over detailing, but sometimes it's all right too. I do that a lot, and it helps to get everything you want out first, and then cut out the less important stuff.
I think this is a really creative idea, and can't wait for more! <p>Dreams are more fragile and fleeting than a glass rose,
So then why are we destined to dream?
Sometimes two dreams can turn into love,
But there are also times when they can't.
Even when alone, people want to share their feelings,
But it can be so hard;
Words are powerless to express one's feelings
And sometimes can become a silver knife.
I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams,
No matter how far off they were.
But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart.


Re: ^_^

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:33 pm

(OOC: Since I'm sufficiently touched that someone cares (on this I'm being very serious), I shall continue with this one. It's been a while, anyway.)

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 23rd day of second month, 1313))

My pursuits have paid off.

I met again with the dragonhalf that had gone crazy nearly a week ago. This time, though, it was on a rooftop rather than in a forest. The two of us got to talking, though it took a while of jogging her memory before she recognized me. When I told her about the problem - I figured that maybe since she was a dragonhalf, she'd know something about it - she offered to help me with the issue.

The surprise in that was the next bit - she said I'd have less trouble than her and, even more strangely, considered me cute. Honestly, since when does someone so big consider a half-sized dragonhalf to be cute? In any event, the two of us - and some others, but they're not important to this concern - headed outside the city to solve the trouble.

It took some persuasion and inward searching, but at last I have found my inner dragon and pulled it out. The change itself into that shape is a feeling of dull pain everywhere - the kind a massive growth spurt would give, as far as I can guess. For the short time I spent in that shape, I found the dragon spirit incredibly submissive.

Maybe, just maybe, I won't get that staring eye in my sleep tonight.

((end excerpt))


Re: ^_^

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:37 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 26th day of second month, 1313))

The writing in this entry seems much bigger and clumsier than usual - like someone without thumbs attempted to write it. There are even long pen marks, apparently from slips of the pen.

The dragon spirit has been decidely submissive - I was hoping for it to come up with something to enter in this journal, but it would rather have me rant. It's really weird trying to write without thumbs - I'd write in my normal shape, but just as I was going to start writing, the dragon spirit acted up on me again. Though he gets very submissive when I take dragon form for some reason.

Anyway, things seem to be going even better - although Mikhais, the massive bunny rabbit I've kept meeting by accident, is acting weirder about me. It's like he has problems with dragons - but when I mentioned the Rivan Dragoons he had nothing but anger. I've got to investigate it more.

Maybe it's not worth it writing this as a dragon. I'm just hoping next time the dragon spirit doesn't act up.

((end excerpt))


Re: ^_^

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:42 pm

((from the Journal of Banlix Glarencite, 4th day of third month, 1313))

There are some things in this world that seriously baffle me.

I'll take recent events with Mikhais as an example. He had apparently been in love with someone he found at a bar. That seemed reasonable enough. But a much shorter.... thing - that's all Mikhais called it - tried to act like his conscience and said it wasn't his type.

I met another of the short bears today - however, this one was even shorter than me. He addressed himself as Kumo and said he'd heard of me - apparently from an event Kyle told him about. There was a bit of conversation before a female bunny-person came across us. Then I went to telepathy to ask about her... but what Kumo said after I mentioned Mikhais shocked me.

Who knew the bunnygirl was actually a GUY? Better than that, how?

((end excerpt))


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