-The Merr Report-

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Ash Fanrico
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-The Merr Report-

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:32 pm

(This has been read by AM)

- Merr, the Great Daemon emerged out in the western half of the continent of Igala, and
carved a path of destruction that has yet been rivaled by others. He destroyed cities, razed
countrysides, and terrorized most civilizations.

- The Fall of Merr-
After a brutal and bloody battle, the monster known as Merr was killed by the warrior
Ash Fanrico, but at the cost of his own life as well. By that point in time, Merr had already
trashed several towns and even wiped out a few others.

- The What-ifs about Merr-
There is much speculation as of what Merr was going to do before Ash confronted
him. It had been a week or two after Merr briefly attacked Doma, setting much of the city

The climactic battle took place in the Shuman Mountains, near Riva and Doma. Merr
was obviously heading in a northern, or northwestern direction. Either terrorizing cities in
those directions or possibly regrouping in a sense to return and finish off Doma.

Now that would’ve caused the nations of Doma and Riva to make a joint effort and
maybe also seek help from Valth as well. This joint effort could have been powerful
enough to put Merr down for good.

- Controversy over Merr and Valth-
Many believe that Valth would’ve been able to stop Merr. That could be true as well,
though the Valthi didn’t have the advanced weaponry they weild now. Merr would also
attack from an area people would least expect an attack, from the mountains near Valth.
Merr was very resilient and could survive in any environment. He also had the tendency to
attack during the late hours of the night or early dawn, while most people were either
sleeping or just waking up. So while the Valthi may have been able to stop Merr, he
would’ve still gotten pretty far in the city and destroyed a great deal of it. Course this is all

- Ash and Merr-
To say that Merr was Ash’s greatest foe couldn’t be more well put. The big monster
put all of Ash’s intense training to the utmost test. Ash was mainly able to kill Merr in a
last ditch desperation attack when the beast threatened his love Yarrie. But both still killed
each other as they collided for one last time.

Course Merr was still very injured after that battle, those wounds may have caused
him to become more weak and allowed Doma or Riva to bring down the beast. That is if
Ash hadn’t been able to stop him.

- Merr’s Warpath-
Merr seemed to start near around the peninsulas in the GwaAAG area. Ironically this
was also where the Powerful Necromancer Cathare had his domain located, further linking
the two. There were many towns in this area, course farther from the then Orkish
Emcampments. These towns were either torn to pieces or simply wiped out. Merr was an
inmoveable object it seemed, anything lying in his path was destroyed. Course groups of
soldiers and mages were sent in to stop Merr after the reports came in. There were few
survivors from these groups. Those that did told of how tough and unstoppable the
creature seemed. People hoped that the Shuman Mountains would stop Merr or persuade
him to take another path. But that never happened, he successfully made it through the
Shumans and was close the Furry Empires. Strangely, Merr seemed to only raze their
countrysides and destroy many farms in that area, but never went right into their main

- Afterwards-
Even though Merr was stopped by Ash, there have been various reports of sightings
across the continent since then. Though the reports speak of no confrontation, there was
one Rape case reported. Even though he may not be the rampaging beast he once was, he
still likes to apparently travel. <p>> "Incase you didn't know Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive are tied together,since they both have the Ryu Hayabusa character... he gets to see jiggly boobs all day... must be really hard to be a ninja." ---Me <</p>Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 7/6/02 3:35:53 am

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Nick Shogun
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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Jul 05, 2002 11:46 pm

Err... what was this for again?

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pd Rydia
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Re: Yes?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Jul 06, 2002 12:23 am

The only note I'd make is that a peninsula is an area of land surrounded on three sides by water...Valth would be a peninsula, and the land wrapping upwards toward Baron would be one, but I'm not sure any other part of Igala could be counted a peninsula. <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment (RP quotes):
-=- "I FOUND A CORNER! I found a corner, I found a corner! See, right here! Stuck on the wall! It's a corner! Woo hoo! Now, to stare at it!" -- Daenj'r Tymisonn KingOfDoma)
-=- "Alright then. Now we're one big happy band of happy adventurers, maybe we should get back to the killing, hmm?" -- Jak Snide (Jak Snide)
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma (LDC)
-=- "MEAN HORSIES DON'T GET BISCUITS!!!" -- Solis Darylshield (Nakibe)</p>

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Re: Yes?

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Jul 06, 2002 1:23 am

A great demon.
Named Merr.
By any chance did a vincanni pass through here at ANY point? <p>

If I had a dollar for every stupid thing I said...</br>I'd probably say a lot more stupid things.</p>


Re: Yes?

Unread postby Whelan2000us » Sun Jul 07, 2002 12:30 am

Kinda sounds like my father when he went through his dark period. Except when he came to the foot of a mountain he would blow it up instead of going over it.


Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:55

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