Why Ythea is an adventurer

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Why Ythea is an adventurer

Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Apr 25, 2002 4:00 pm

Ythea was spawned on a cool fall day about 20 years ago on the relatively small, relatively distant island of Waom Des, to a construction worker by the name of Uhi. She had a reasonably uneventful childhood, stayed in school, etc.

When she was about 12, she went to the mainland to train as a lawyer. She was a moderately good student, and graduated with honors. Then it was time for her to take the bar exam. She was walking to the examination room when a sudden gust of wind blew her wallet with her I.D., which she needed to get in, into a swiftly flowing drainage ditch. She chased after it, and followed it into a cave. She was figuring on finding it, grabbing it, and going to the exam with a few minutes to spare. What she didn't know was that the cave was the Pit of Dread, full of monsters and ruled by an evil lich, and the stream led straight to his lair.

Ythea charged through the caves, forgetting to sleep and eat in her excitement. She slew monsters, found gold, unlocked abilities, and finally, in a climactic duel, killed the lich. In his secret treasure room, she found, among other riches, her wallet. She then raced back to the surface, and found that 3 weeks had passed since she entered, and she would be unable to take the exam for a year. It didn't matter to Ythea, as she was addicted to adventuring now.

She claimed the contents of the former Pit of Dread as her own and joined the Heroes' Guild. Since then, she has been fighting evil and saving the world. <p>-----
Zemyla "Do not attempt to traverse a chasm in two leaps."</p>

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Justice Augustus
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There's a story in there somewhere...

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Apr 25, 2002 4:56 pm

Seriously, develop it. It would make a great story.

But a nice short bg.

<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:36

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