Shadows of the Past (2nd gen fic)

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Shadows of the Past (2nd gen fic)

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:53 am

It was, as was so often the case, a dark and snowy night. One of the consequences of living in Blizzardia was that there was invariably a coat of fresh snow blanketing the city in the morning.

Another consequence, for innkeepers, was that, being the only major port in Barius, a number of travelers passed through Blizzardia. Several were presently staying in the Sword and Shield Inn, waiting for the morning tide and the departure of their ship.

It was a rather ecclectic, and quintessentially Doman group. Anyone seeing them for the first time might be forgiven for wondering exactly how such a group might be expected to blend in anywhere. A chimaera, a drow, a giantess, a phoenix, a succubus, an usagijin, and a blue nekojin. Not exactly inconspicuous.

In the predominantly human nation of Barius, any one of them on their own would attract their fair share of attention. Together... Well, the Foreigners had gotten a table to themselves by unspoken agreement amongst the locals.

It had been a long and eventful vacation. Memories which would last a lifetime, both good and bad, had been accumulated. Even the most adventurous among them couldn't deny that it would be good to get home.

Presently, Fiore, who had been studiously referring to himself as an elf for the past several days, was explaining the reasoning behind it. Of course, your average elf didn't have orange hair and eyes, but noone had called him on it so far.

"It turns out there was some terrible demon called Foenix who made a rather large impression on Barius. So you can imagine the reaction when I told someone what I was." He grinned, making light of his encounter with a mob of heavily armed Barians. Such things were always easier to joke about in retrospect.

Miranda actually chuckled at the idea of anybody mistaking Fiore for the terrible being who had so tormented her family. After all, Foenix had been a massive, hulking figure by all acounts. Certainly not words which described Fiore.

It hadn't been easy to get a smile out of her lately, given the terrible events that she'd been at the centre of. Still, several days of rest had returned her to some semblance of normalcy. Even if there were scars there that might never fully heal.

"How'd you get out of that one?" Choko asked.

"I set a Soul Knight on fire," Fiore admitted sheepishly, "I know it doesn't make sense, but everyone seemed to think that if I'd set one of them on fire, I couldn't be all bad."

It was at this moment that the door was flung open with a crash. Silhoueted in the doorway was a figure with wild white hair, clad in threadbare wine-coloured robes.

"They hate you, you know," it intoned in a voice edged with madness.

While most of the room's occupants were startled, one had turned pale with shock. "Marlowe," Fiore gasped, frantically gathering up a large fireball.

This prompted a fresh start from Miranda as she recognised another name from before she was born. Wasn't Marlowe supposed to be dead?

He certainly didn't seem that way as he advanced into the room, continuing with his spiel, "They seek it. Barely comprehending, incapable of understanding, yet They do."

Taking their cue from Fiore, the others were seizing whatever weaponry they had to hand. Or, in Ryoko's case, trying to turn into something a tad more fearsome. Still, the more alert amongst them couldn't help but notice that Marlowe's eyes were dancing with some private amusement of her own. In fact, they were a rather familiar shade of...

"They want... Candy."

... Orange?

"Damnit, Cerene, that's not funny!" Fiore shouted, belatedly figuring out for himself exactly who they were dealing with.

"Aw, c'mon Fiore," Cerene said, in between giggles, "You should've seen your face. It was priceless." Without the crazed impression, her voice was instantly recognisable to those who had spent any length of time around her. In fact, without her brother's initial reaction, someone probably would have seen through her disguise in short order.

"I used to have nightmares about that lunatic!" Fiore seemed to be getting a better hold on himself, helped in part by the steadying arm Choko placed around his shoulders.

Cerene, for her part, seemed completely unashamed, and not the least bit intimidated by the look Choko was shooting her. That look promised her a dunking in the harbour just as soon as Choko got her hands on her.

"It's Halloween," Cerene said, as if this cryptic statement explained anything to people who had never left Gaera, "You're supposed to be scared out of your wits."

Finally taking in the fact that pretty much everyone was directing hostile glares at her, Cerene gave up the fight on this point, "Anyway, find yourselves some costumes, and we'll see about getting some candy," she said cheerfully.

"We are not going -" Fiore lapsed into some foreign language for several syllables here, not having a ready translation for the concept "- in Barius. We'd be shot before we reached the third door."


Well, there we have it. I'd initially intended to do this in the form of CI, and may well be fleshing it out a bit in future. For now, however, bed calls. <p>KnightsofSquare: DarkLordKelne is a tomboy bunnygirl, jealous of the business successes of her 37 older brothers, she is pursuing her own business degree in hopes of someday initiating a hostile takeover against her brothers' corporations.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Shadows of the Past (2nd gen fic)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:32 pm

I am horribly, horribly amused.

Well done, Kelne, well done. <p>-------------------------------------

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Shadows of the Past (2nd gen fic)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:41 pm


nVn the idea of them trick or treating or someone trying to convince them to trick or treat is a highly amusing idea. <p><div style="text-align:center">

The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are of imagination all compact: One sees more devils than vast hell can hold, That is, the madman: the lover, all as frantic, Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt: The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven; And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name.
Willy Shakespeare</div></p>


Re: Shadows of the Past (2nd gen fic)

Unread postby Choark » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:07 am

I must say your writing style is amusing, and nice to read to boot. I enjoyed it muchly! Thanks for that! <p><div style="text-align:center"> Shhh! </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> Something cute plots your death </div></p>

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