[Sizreina Fanfic] Sou da! We're Alive!

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[Sizreina Fanfic] Sou da! We're Alive!

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Feb 06, 2004 12:26 am

Tobira o akete - Card Captor Sakura (not mine)
Sou da! We're Alive -Morning Musume (not mine)
Fic - Mine
So shut your face and read!

A shaggy silver-haired terrier Inujin sat lazily on a bench beside her friends, two Nekojin. One was Seal-point Siamese, perky and colorful and the other was Forest Cat, bushy and contemplative.

"Oh, this sucks motto mucho, ladies," grumbled Francesca, the inujin. She had her arms draped across the back of the bench, her multi-colored bracelets and anklets sparkled in the afternoon sun. Her skirts looked as though it was made from a reject quilt though her shirt was a plain sun yellow with a festive collar.

They girls were out of work, so to speak. They were a band but they lacked a crucial element, a lead singer. There last lead singer proved to be less that awesome and they left her under a pile of rotten lettuce in Sakajima.

Mariko, the siamese, sighed and plopped her chin in her hands, leaning forward. An ant skittered across her foot. "Sou desu ne..."

Nothing was said for a while. Finally, Yumiko stood up and took up her guitar from leaning against the bench. "We can't feel sorry for ourselves. We should hold auditions."

"But where? All the concert halls are taken up and we're travelers so we don't have a place of our own," Fran noted.

Mariko looked on the verge of tears. "Sou desu yo! Taihen, tomodachi!"

It's all right! Daijoubu! Daijoubu! Daijoubu! Kiseki datte okouseru!

"Maybe we can use an inn," suggest Yumiko.

Here we go! Ikou yo! Ikou yo! Ikou yo! Tsubasa hiroge!

"Taihen! TAIHEN! We're doomed!"

Ki~tto! Nani ka ga! Nani ka ga! Doko ka de, deaeru hi o matteru!

Fran pinched Mariko's ears tugging them. "Stop panicking, Mariko! You're not helping..."

DO! DO! DO! DREAMING! DREAMING! Soshite tobira ga hiraku yo...

"AND WHO IS THAT SINGING!" Yumiko and Francesca yelled in unison.

Skipping and singing into the view, practically floating on air was a blue haired girl dancing down the street. People stopped to watch her pass. Some looked confused, others delighted, and the stodgy looked annoyed.

The three musicians however looked like an gold brick landed on the heads.

Sizreina Baseton suddenly found herself accosted by the three. "You're our new lead singer!"

The dragon in cat's clothing blinked perplexedly for a moment but shrugged it off as another of lifes quirks. "OKAY!" she chirped. "Sounds like fun!" And it did. She had never been in a band before, at least not on Gaera.

"Well, let's do with the intros..." Fran jumped back gave an exuberant 'V' for victory sign." Francesca Marina Lola Cortez the One and Only, at your service!"

Mariko clapped her hands together and practically screamed her lungs out she was so happy. "MARIKO DEEEEESU!" She bowed in such a hurry she almost fell and standing up she was no better. "Yorokonde!"

Siz chuckled until Yumiko's shadow fell over her. The nekojin flicked her hair and held out her guitar. "Raiden Rock!" The guitar crackled furiously with electricity. Yumiko gave it a strum and did a quick arpeggio. "Yumiko Takagawa, Singer and Songwriter. Hajime."

Siz thought of a flashy entrance. She decided to launch herself in the air, spiraling as she flipped. Upon landing she pirouetted into a deep bow. "Sizreina Baseton. I'm pleased to meet you all too." Mariko clapped gleefully. The others just smile pleasantly.

"So what's this about being a lead singer?"

Yumiko took a flyer out of her pocket book and held it up to Sizreina. "We've been travelling around for a few years now. Even though we can sing pretty good, we need a really good singer to get us noticed."

"Yeah! And we can't possibly win Nekonia's "Ichiban Big Pop Competition" without one," Mariko chimed.

Siz looked at the crumpled and faded flyer. The competition was a few nights away... "What do we win?" she asked.

Fran yelled, "FAME!"

"RECOGNITION!" Yumiko said triumphantly, clenching her fist.

"PUPPIES!!!!" Mariko shouted.

... .... ... They all looked at her.

" I like puppies..." she defended.

Fran sighed. "If we're going to win, let's start now..."

Finally the day came. Yumiko was in deep meditation in the waiting area. Fran was going over dance steps and Mariko was mewling hysterically as she always did. Siz was doing was she did best. Singing and entertaining.

Admittedly, some of the competition was feeling the pressure just from the little shows she put on. To Siz, it wasn't about winning or losing but about getting the crowd to cheer and feel the happiness.

"DAUGHTERS NO OHAYOU GOZAIMASU?! You're up!" Called the the MC. The crowd as having a great time and gave them a hearty cheer.

They walked onto the dark stage...

The light flashed on and the crowds exploded with excitement. Sizreina raised her head and grinned. "OHAYOUUUUUUUU!"

Yumiko started up Raiden. Mariko did several complex hand spells and several spheres of blue light appeared and zoomed to various parts of stage. Fran stepped to her position a few steps behind Siz.

There was silence and the crowd was feeling the intensity.

They began...

Doryoku mirai a beautiful star
Doryoku ah ha a beautiful star
Doryoku zenshin a beautiful star
Doryoku heiwa a beautiful star

"ONE TWO THREE UH!" Siz raised her fist and sparkles appeared from nowhere. The pop music began.

Sizreina was a fantastic lead and Fran's choreography was flawless in the eyes of their fans.

Shiawase ni naritai anata wo mamotte agetai

Mariko jumped forward, the classic cute girl, "Hontou no kimochi wa kitto tsutawaru hazu.."

Go! Go! Go! Go! the crowd and the girls sang.

"We're alive..." was Yumiko's part.

Doryoku mirai a beautiful star
Doryoku ah ha a beautiful star
Doryoku zenshin a beautiful star
Doryoku heiwa a beautiful star

Mariko cuddled their trophy as they sat in the Jade Dragon Inn. "So what do we do now?"

Siz winked. "What else? Go on tour!"

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nekogami>Nekogami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/6/04 12:28 am

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pd Rydia
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Re: [Sizreina Fanfic] Sou da! We're Alive!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:33 am

Image <font face="comic sans" color=blue> It's wonderful! Absolutely fabulous! Love that singer character! She must be very beautiful to go along with that singing talent, mustn't she?</font>

Splediferous fic our Neko. I was quite surprised and pleased. ^_^ <p>
<center>Hello, I'm Dia. I'm a dragongirl, and I bite. RAWR!
</center><small>-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe (Nakibe)
-=- "Don't you know the only excuse for that is being drunk!?" -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "Alcohol is good for everything." -- Banjooie</small></p>



Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:18 pm

Utterly lovely, and this fanfic fulfills the dreams of all aspiring Neko-pop stars!



Unread postby aurorastar » Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:08 pm

This was a cute and funny story. Though, I would watch out on the spelling and grammar. There were a few mistakes along the way...

They girls were out of work, so to speak.

There last lead singer proved to be less that awesome and they left her under a pile of rotten lettuce in Sakajima.

Other than that, I really liked it! ^.^ <p>Dreams are more fragile and fleeting than a glass rose,
So then why are we destined to dream?
Sometimes two dreams can turn into love,
But there are also times when they can't.
Even when alone, people want to share their feelings,
But it can be so hard;
Words are powerless to express one's feelings
And sometimes can become a silver knife.
I used to believe without a doubt that I could reach my dreams,
No matter how far off they were.
But that me from long ago now sleeps inside my heart.

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