Ready to die, eager to live.

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Ready to die, eager to live.

Unread postby Choark » Thu Feb 26, 2004 9:36 pm



It all started with an accident that was no ones fault. There was no way they could have known how thin the roots of the tree had become or how weak the soil was because of the last rainstorm. They had slept on the branches of the tree through the night not knowing that the weight of the tree was shifting.

The tree had fallen silently, ripping some of the ground with it as it fell. Down the cliff it went, scrapping on the side until it was knocked clear then all three fell unhindered into the darkness below, the tree and the two sleepers. The story would have ended here if this was a luckless world.


The man awoke facing up at the morning sky. The back of his head throbbed with pain and his body felt like it was being punched over and over again. His body didn't respond to his commands causing the man to panic as he feared the very idea of being stuck still. When he body finally did move it was with a sudden jerk and the man smacked his head onto the tree which fell with him. The tree suffered more damage then the man did but the tree didn't proclaim it to the world as loudly as the man.

He was alive, he knew this because he of how much his body screamed at him for moving. Scratching his head he briefly looked around. The man wore clothes foreign to the land he was in, his home being close to a years journey away by foot. His name, Choark.

"Sis?" Choark called out, his first thoughts to the person who slept in the tree with him. The response was silence so Choark responded the way he knew how. "SIS!?" His loud cry went up the very cliff he fell from and across the forest he fell into. A sound of a thousand wings beating erupted as a untold number of birds flew up into the sky from there nests frightened by the sudden loud noise. However there was still no human response.

Worried, he attempted to stand only to find it near impossible. Wondering what was keeping him from moving he looked to legs to find one of them pinned under the tree. Ah. That explained why that hurt so much then. Putting himself on his right knee he tried to tried to find the best place for leverage as he attempted to lift the tree off his leg. For any other man this task was near impossible but Choark's strength was not of any other man's.

Cursed from birth, or so he was told by the Elders as often as possible, Choark's strength was one of the most powerful the world had ever seen. Something more then any human could manage that was for sure. As a child his strength was no less then extordinary, his build no more then average but able to cause grown men breaks of the bone. As he grew he only became for powerful. Even though his body was in top shape and more then well muscled it still didn't prepare people for the man's might.

So, even with a pulsing headache, a leg pinned under a tree, his muscles crying for rest and a bad lifting postion, Choark freed his leg long enough to pull it free and pushed the end of the tree out of harms way.

He didn't spare time to congratulate himself on this small marvel however for he didn't know where his sister was or how she was keeping. He had lost her once when he was banished from his home land and it had caused a sadness in him he had never truly understood. Now she was here he would not leave her. Choark stood, dealing with the pain his ankle filled him with. It wouldn't take any of his weight it seemed, not without complaint, but he would not sit and wait.


Pia coughed out some dirt from her mouth as she lay half face in the mud. At first she thought herself dead for her body felt as light as a feather, though her head felt three tons over weight. She laid there, thinking of what happened though there wasn't much to go over. She had fallen and all she could remember was a black sky then pain as air rushed past. Then nothing.

No part of her body would move yet she knew she needed to as soon as possible. Laying like this out in the open was dangerous. She needed to move and see where she was, she needed to find her weapon.

She heard her heart beat drum in her ear. It was all she could hear, her unsteady thump. Sometimes going that little bit faster, then slowing down to almost a stop. Is this what dying is? Listening to yourself fading away?

You need rest my pretty little one. You're tired. The world is spinning around you and its hard to stay awake. Just sleep.

At first she thought it was herself speaking for the words had no voice of there own and implanted themselves in her head. Her eyes grew heavy just at the suggestion of rest. Who was speaking? She listened for a footstep or a breathe but she could hear nothing save her own heartbeat that increased in volume each beat.

Sleep. The words spoke. It was filled with the charm of a caring mother. If she were to sleep now then she had nothing to worry about. Pia would nearly believe that save the tingle down her spine and the pain in her abdomen which warned her of the danger.

She lifted her head through great trail and tried to see who was there but she saw nothing save grass, mud and tree's. The words kept coming, being said closer together and more commanding, though never losing its charm. Her eyes closed ready for sleep.

Now all she could hear was Rest and Sleep in-between each heartbeat. She was unsure were the knowledge came from but she knew if she were to sleep now she would never awaken but the words left her with nothing else to do.

She then felt something next to her, maybe even touch her skin. Whatever it was the air around her suddenly chilled and she felt like a freezing wind had blown past. Yes. Sleep. The voice lost some of its charm, it sounded eager and ready. It sounded like it had won.

Sleep So this was how it ended?

"No!" Pia screamed out as loud as her lungs could manage. It was not a scream of terror but willpower, a scream against the heavens for this fate thrown at her. Suddenly she pushed herself off of the ground and into the air. Without pause she swing her fist at where she had felt the presence of it, whatever it was. Sure enough she connected with something and felt it being thrown by her blow. She heard it roll along the ground and as it did so it cursed in the common tongue with its own voice.

Pia landed badly and she heard a Small snap come from one of her shoulders but she hadn't the time to care as she tried to force herself to stand. Managing to get to her feet briefly, they buckled and she fell onto her knees. The teenager didn't look defeated though as she glared around for whatever it was she had struck.

She caught a glimpse of the figure as it ran back into the forest, swearing as it did so holding its jaw where Pia had delivered her blow. The figure was skinny, close to a skeleton and its skin pale, almost like the dead. Then it disappeared into the black of the forest.

Pia laughed. She had done it, she had stayed alive.

After her brother was proclaimed dead the village Elders and the tribe leaders of the Wolf-Pigs decided that Pia, who possessed eve more strength then her dead brother did, was a "danger". Taken from her Grandfather she was trained day in and day out, every day and night. Rests were short and done little for her. They had planned to train her to death, they had admitted that much to her. So when her young body had given up, when her hands were bleeding and the pain knew no end, Pia had pushed herself on through sheer will power. She showed those old men everyday what she was made of. She would not fall for them. Not like her brother.

Brother!? A twinge of guilt flooded through her as she realized she only just now thought of him. What had happened to the big moron? Fear gripped her as she thought of Choark sleeping with that.. thing.. hovering over him. The idiot was too stupid not to listen to it.

She wanted to stand but her legs said no. However Pia would have none of it, she was the greatest and most skilled Barbarian Ninja alive, she had to find her brother and she had to return back to her homeland to teach those old men one final lesson. She would not just sit still.


At the top of a cliff there sat the third companion, Pig, who was snoring loudly in the morning sun enjoying a dreamless sleep. Next to him rested the weapons of his adopted son, Choark, and the boy's sister, the sunlight reflecting off them calmly. For moment the boy's War-hammer jolted out a small flash of lightening, as if hearing its master need.


Right - This is the second time I've wrote this blasted thing. Even so it was, at least the first time, completely made up as I went along and no preplanning was done at all. When I have spare time again and not in the mood for all my other activities then I'll pick this up again. Free flowing stories, wheee.

That and I have to post it as if I don't I'll be angered.

Also it was just inspired by that picture I drew up at the top of the post, so I thought I'd add it to the post. I hope if you managed to read this far you enjoyed it because I did enjoy writing it.... even if I did so twice and its taken me into the early hours of the morning....
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center">Cowgirl fanboy - Barbarian Ninja - Expert Mouse Catcher - Holder of the Iron Glasses Of Doom!</div></p>Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/04 9:39 pm

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Re: Ready to die, eager to live.

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:14 pm

*nods* Nice job there, Cho. It provides some good insight into the personalities of Cho and Pia. However, sometimes the writing was a bit times there was a run-on sentance feel to it.

I did like the story very much, though. ^^ I'd love to see where this plot goes. <p>

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">
"Hello, I'm Troy Mclure! You may remember me from such realms as Hell, and Gaera!"-Shinigori, OOC</span></p>


Re: Ready to die, eager to live.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:35 pm

Oh DO continue! There are a few misspellings and homonyms (like "there" when it should be "Their") and some runons, most of which a quick skim over the text should correct.

And it's interesting to see their backgrounds and all... let there be more written of them, please? I want to see where this goes.

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Re: Ready to die, eager to live.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:24 am

So...why hasn't there been further writing on this? :(? <p>Image</p>


Re: Ready to die, eager to live.

Unread postby Choark » Fri Mar 05, 2004 5:35 am

Waiting for the free time and inspiration to hit me *nods and crawls back to work* <p><div style="text-align:center">Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center">Cowgirl fanboy - Barbarian Ninja - Expert Mouse Catcher - Holder of the Iron Glasses Of Doom!</div></p>

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