Hell's Coming (Part 2)

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Ash Fanrico
The Key Master
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Hell's Coming (Part 2)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:16 pm

(Part 2 to the previous fic I had typed in this section)
(A notice... the stranger in this fic will go unnamed. Just a forewarning.)

A good distance way from the gates of Doma... a man was walking as fast as he could. Trying not to bring too much attention to himself in the process. This man was trying to get as much distance between him and the kingdom of Doma as possible. Something had obviously spooked him. That something was infact a someONE.

What the hell was he doing there? I was told that he wouldn't be back to the Horn for about an hour... what made him return so early?

His orders had been simple, post a note for the warrior known as Ash Fanrico on the back of his room door. Then leave... it was as simple as that. Nothing should have gone wrong. But then the very man who he was told wouldn't be there... just happened to bump into him. The Warrior General had even caught a look at his face. Now... the man was trying his best to get the hell out of that area as fast as possible. He knew what was on that note would enrage it's intended reader. Enrage him and now send this person searching for anyone who could give him vital information.

Which, unfortunately, happened to be this very man who was trying his best to make a speedy exit out of the Kingdom and surrounding areas.

Suddenly, the distinct sound of a chocobo in full dash could be heard in the distance. A sound that made this unfortunate fellow almost die of fright. He didn't have to ponder on who it might be... for it was obvious. So obvious, that this stranger chose to run like hell.

He knew it was nigh impossible to outrun a chocobo on foot... specially when said bird is at full running speed. But he was no longer in control of his legs... he just ran. It was all he could do at this point.

The noise drew closer with each passing second, bass adding to it's volume. Deeper and more distinct as the rider got closer to his prey.

The sound of streaking wind could be heard as the stranger felt a bizarre impact upon the back of his left leg. Then sharp pain flooded his mind. A pitiful scream echoed next and the man fell onto the ground. It had been a dagger that pierced his leg's flesh. Said weapon was in deep... making movement impossible.

The chocobo and it's rider made a pass by the unfortunate soul, then circled back around towards the unlucky bastard.

As they got closer, the chocobo began to slow down to a trot. The sun was behind both bird and rider, casting a dark shadow upon their prey. When they got close enough, the rider dismounted. He was draped in a long black cloak, and his stride told of his anger.

The only thing the man could see of this person... or more appropriately, couldn't take his sight off of, was the eyes. Those hate-filled eyes that seemed to tear into him... and look into his soul. The rider got steadily closer, each step causing more shivers to go up the injured man's spine.

The menacing figure stopped right in front of him, letting the sun accent his figure and add more tension to the scene. Without warning, a hand shot out towards the stranger's collar and raised him off the ground.

Getting closer to the rider gave the man a better view of his pursuer... though it wasn't needed, for the answer had been obvious.

"Who sent you?" asked Ash Fanrico, his voice sounding almost inhuman, devoid of all emotion. The man couldn't answer, as fear gripped his tongue. From the look in the warrior's eyes, patience was not a virtue at this moment in time.

"ANSWER ME!!!" he ordered, shaking the unfortunate soul. His gaze turning angrier with each word. The man tried to answer, but he had not been prepared for this situation, was not prepared for this outcome.

"Listen, you sonuvabitch... answer me... or you're going to have alot more to worry about than a crippled leg. Understood?" hissed Fanrico, getting his face closer to the man he was interrogating.

"I... I... I can't. They'll kill me if I do." the man finally replied. Ash sighed, he had hoped it wouldn't come to this... not like he hadn't wanted to in the first place.

"Then you leave me no choice." was all he said before grabbing for the dagger in the man's leg. Pushing it in deeper, which got the intended whimper from the poor bastard, before pulling the dagger out completely.

"We're gonna play a little game." announced Fanrico as he dropped the man onto the ground. Placing his booted foot upon the stranger's chest, Ash reached for the man's right hand. A brief fight was put up from the terrified individual, but soon Ash got what he wanted.

"See this?" he asked as he turned the man's hand towards him. Without a word he took the dagger and slit a deep cut into the man's palm. A screamed tore out of the man's throat.

"The game is... telling me what I want to know... or I keep making cuts on your hand. Each one an inch away from the last. Till we get to the vital part... your wrists. So I suggest you cooperate." informed Ash as he placed the dagger an inch away from his previous cut.

"Now... who sent you?" he asked again, with a stern look in his eyes.

"I... I... I told you... I just can't. They'd kill me if I... AGGHHH!!!" the man's reply cut off by the making of another deep wound in his hand. His whole body trembling from pain as well as fear.

"Worry about me... worry about the man who has a fuckin' dagger close to your wrist." growled Ash as he placed the sharp instrument an inch away from the most recent cut.

"You... you don't know what they're capable of! They'll kill... ARGGHHHH!!!" another cut interrupted him again.

"I'd advise you to make up your mind... rather quickly. I'm getting closer to your wrist, and the viens there-in." said the warrior, not wanting to waste time on bullshit. His compassion was almost non-exsistant as he placed the dagger closer to the man's wrist.

"It was Dante!!! He did it. He told me you'd be away from the Ivory Horn for about an hour or so... I was only supposed to post that note up onto your door!" came the man's whimpering reply.

It was made final... Ash had to be sure that it was Dante. Ash could only assume that the sick psycopath somehow managed to survive the Espylocopa Incident.

"Next question." he said, taking a sort of delight from his victim's whimpering cries. "Where is Dante?"

"I.. I don't know. He's always moving. Never staying in one spot for more than a day. That's the truth man!" came the response.

"Where then... does he frequent the most?" asked Fanrico, a little happier now that his temporary prisoner was cooperating.

"It... It... It'd have to be in and around the area surrounding Centennia Lake, close to the Doma-Riva border." replied the man, almost crazy from fright.

"Last Question... make sure you answer this one correctly. Who is with him? Anyone?" asked Ash, putting a little bit of pressure on the dagger.

"He's... He's gotten a small group of men with him. People who were displaced after the Invasion, real low-lifes and cutthroats." he replied, trembling more. With that, Ash got off the man's chest and released his injured hand.

"Thank you for finally cooperating. But hear this... *pointing the dagger towards him* if I ever as much as catch you within five feet of the Doman Gates... I'll make you regret being concieved. GOT IT?" asked Ash as he turned away.

"Yeah man... no need to tell me twice." replied the poor soul as he slowly tried to get up.

A sound of whisping air and a new source of pain could be felt, this time on the man's right leg. He fell over screaming again, clenching the injured leg with his good hand. The man's hand grasped around Ash's dagger once more.

"What was that FOR!?!" screeched the injured person.

"Did I say you could get up yet?" asked Ash, grinning as he strode over to the man once more.

"I'm not going to kill you... though you're in league with these mangey sons of whores... but I'm not going to forget that you are the one who put that note up on the back of my door. You may not be as guilty as the others... but you still eserve what's happened to you." lectured Ash as he hastily pulled the knife out of the stranger's leg.

Without another word, Ash climbed up onto Amarant's mount, turned his eyes back towards the injured man, giving him one last glare before riding off.

Dante's more than once been a thorn in his side... but this time he's gone too far. Ash would see to it that he and his band of rogues paid for what they have done to him.

Hell is coming... and the evil are going to be judged.

To Be Continued

Comments? Questions? Anything needing further details on? Please don't be shy. <p>"So instead of finding a real warrior, you go out and get little girl in hootchie skirt?" - Nicolai, Resident Evil 3 (not really)</p>Edited by: Ash Fanrico&nbsp; Image at: 3/1/04 2:19 pm

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