The Guard: Sanctified Cuts

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The Guard: Sanctified Cuts

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jan 25, 2004 1:20 am

In the inky blackness of a dark Doma City night, something lurked.

"Oh, you're silly," Laura Veldin teased.

"I am not," Kevin Follor piped back. "I'm telling you, it's the truth."

"There is NO way the King crossdresses!"

"My friend's a guard at the castle! He swears he's seen him dancing down the halls in a pink frilly dress."

"No way...I won't won't believe it until-" A bright flash in a nearby alley cut away Laura's sentence in a gasp.

"What was that?"

"Stay here... I'll check it out..." Laura watched Kevin slowly proceed down the alley. In his pockets were his fingers, desperately searching for... yes! He pulled his small hunting knife out, and attempted to swallow the fear welling up in him.

A short prayer went up to Ishtar as Kevin disappeared from view. She could hear Kevin shout, and then fly backwards from another blast of light. She screamed and ran to him, observing the large bloody hole in his shoulder. "Oh Kevin, what happened?" she asked, but then her question was answered.

A man, smouldering, dead, lay in front of their eyes. "I'll be OK," Kevin groaned. "Go call the guard..."


Sirs Moore and Hathaway arrived via chocobo 24 minutes later. The barrier barrels were set in place, guards were swarming the crimescene, and the witnesses were in a the care of a healer who was nearby. They looked to each other, nodded, and left their mounts. Hathaway, unconsciously pushing her hair behind her ear, approached the frightened victims. "How are you doing?"

Laura was still in tears, and sat beside her boyfriend, confined to a cot brought by the healer. "We're alright," she sniffled, "but that poor man... who was he?"

"We don't know yet, but as soon as we do, we'll let you know, alright?" She smiled, touching Laura's shoulder, and turned to rejoin her partner, her smile turned back to its usual hard stare. "What've we got, Moore?"

"According to the scanner, the vic was flashfried by magic alright," he reported. "One spell, one shot. Quick and clean. So to speak. But that's not the weird part."

"Give it to me straight, Moore."

"The scanner told me the guy was fried with holy based magic."

"A white mage? Well that's slightly new."

"We puttin' this one on the task board?"

"Nope," assured Hathaway. "We're keeping this one for ourselves."

Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 1/25/04 4:00 pm

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