Failure and Wounded Pride (Ash after last night's rp)

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Ash Fanrico
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Failure and Wounded Pride (Ash after last night's rp)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:38 pm

Neither Sher'Khan nor Ash slept that night. The fire crackled on through the hours, giving off a small amount of light to the area around it.

Ash sighed, for he couldn't stop looking back on that failure. He had been a fool to believe that he, alone, could accomplish so much. Without a sword, or some armor... he was pretty much useless.

He couldn't stop thinking about how bad he had looked in his battle with the one Barian guard. Getting bested by someone who probably had not as much experience or training as he. Then, of all that... actually admitting defeat... and walking away in disgrace. What had he been thinking?

Ash felt disappointed with his actions as of late. Not just the recent failure... but everything that's happened to him these past few days.

He had failed to be there for his country, when it needed him the most. He had failed to join any of the resistances, when he had the best chances to. Ash felt pathetic, felt weak.

Now he had failed to save Aya... which is something that ate away at him all throughout the night. His feline companion could sense this in Ash, and kept watch over him the entire night.

Ash barely noticed when dawn came, the fire had long since burnt out. The warrior looked like a human statue... just sitting there, with a fixed gaze.

He couldn't go and join the resistances... not like this. Not as a failure. The feeling of saddness welled up in him, and Ash could feel the tears coming on again... but he forced them back this time.

Maybe his doubters had been correct all along. Maybe he wasn't worthy of being called a General anymore. What self-respecting General would allow themselves to go this far in failure?

Sher'Khan got up, not knowing what to think of Fanrico at this point. It had always had a large respect for those like him... but now with one of the people it admired the most, acting this way... Sher'Khan didn't know what to do.

Ash decided to break the long silence.

"Go. You're only being kept here by me... so go now Sher'Khan. Leave me to myself... and my shortcomings." he said in a low voice.

The lion shook it's head, refusing to leave him like this. Ash chuckled a bit, "What's keeping you here? Respect? I don't deserve it right now. Probably never did." he said, still sitting there, not even looking at the lion at this point.

Something nudged at him, and he turned to it. It was Sher'Khan, with his favorite book in his mouth. Ash sighed, "Why? Why do you want to read that now? I've read it enough to you." he replied.

But the lion was persistant, and kept nudging him. Ash finally gave in and snatched the book from the creature's mouth. "If it will stop your nagging." he hissed while thumbing through the pages.

"What part?" he asked the lion. Sher'Khan placed a paw on the page Ash had just turned to.

"Fine... sit down." the warrior said as he began to read.

"A warrior is only a human being. He must learn from his mistakes..." Ash stopped for a moment... and kept reading.

"Take the lessons that they teach to heart and become stronger from them. What doesn't kill one... only serves to make them stronger in the end. One who strives to better himself, and learn from the mistakes he had made... is a stronger person for it. Making mistakes, or failures, is not a pleasant feeling, they never are. But accepting them for what they happen to be and making sure you never repeat that same mistake again... is the best course of action you could ever take." Ash stopped once more. The passage sounded familiar.

Then it hit him, "Grandpa..." he gasped as he re-read the passage again. Sure enought it was true... this was it.

Ash thought back to that time, when he was still in training. Just a young child striving to become a swordsman... a warrior. His grandfather had been there, every step of the way. Teaching him everything he would need to know in a battle.

One was a sword practice with sticks, and the young Ash couldn't seem to get the defensive techniques right. Which resulted in many bruises and scratches along his arms and hands.

The young man threw the stick on the ground, and pouted on his inability to learn these manuvers. His grandfather stood beside him, and scolded Ash for his stubborness. Lectured him on the fact that he wasn't a warrior yet, and shouldn't expect to become one so fast.

Then he went onto a speech... one that happened to be in this book. Ash sighed, how foolish he had been for letting a simple mistake get him down like this. Sher'Khan seemed to smile almost as it watched Ash's reflection upon his actions.

The warrior closed the book, "Well then. I believe it's time to get ready. I won't be so defenseless next time." Ash said as he got up.

"I'll save the Queen... but I shouldn't expect it to happen over night." he said to Sher'Khan. He streched his back, having been in the same position for way too long.

"I won't let my confidence get the best of me either." he said as he turned around. Sher'Khan got up as well, happy to see the warrior acting like his old self again.

"Now... it's time to go find some things." he finished, as the two turned towards the nearest village, the one where they had heard of the Queen's abduction...


Re: Failure and Wounded Pride (Ash after last night's rp)

Unread postby Biomess » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:16 am

That was very good! Aside from a few mispells, like manuvers, it is very well written, and the descriptions are awesome. Kudos! <p>---------------------
I hate no html comments allowed. I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT.

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