Tatsu Mitome

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Tatsu Mitome

Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 31, 2003 5:16 pm

Okay, here's the deal. I've had this idea in my head for quite a while and I really need to get it out. Comments are appreciated, as usual. But I might also note that this story is FAR from finished. PLEASE give me some suggestions if you have any. I'll work them into the story if I can. Hopefully I'll update this once a week or so.

"School is so BORING... why do they make you go to those things, anyways?"

Cody Sullivan looked back on the past 6 weeks and saw nothing but boring routine.

At 5 AM he'd awake to the sounds of his parents shouting things and telling jokes and generally making noise as they began their morning routine.

At 5:05 AM he'd rummage through his closet and find a shirt or pants or something that he'd prepared earlier, and get ready for his shower.

At 5:20 AM, Cody would be clean and dry, and accidentally bump into his dad as he went to go get some cereal. There'd be the usual small talk made, the boring conversations about stuff that honestly Cody didn't understand. And there'd be the coffee. Something ELSE Cody couldn't understand. Why his dad had to take a whole pot of the nasty stuff with him to work never quite made sense.

6 AM, and Cody is packed into the car, watching the buildings whizz by as he made his way to school, usually arriving around 7 AM, although some days his parents ran a bit late and he had to catch the bus.

And of course, once Cody got to school, there'd be the schedule there to deal with. Math, English, Health, Biology, Speech, History, and French. Sometimes he'd find them interesting, but most of the time the teachers would just be reading out of one book as he read from another.

"What good's it all do, anyways?"

Cody sighed, thinking of better things: of gallant heroes recuing damsels and suchlike. Grabbing an interesting looking book from the library's shelf, he made his way through the rows and rows of books towards the front counter. At least I'll have SOMETHING fun to do this weekend, was Cody's thought as he checked out the book and made his way to his parents car.

The car was eerily silent as the family made their way back home. Apparently Dad had had a bad day today, part of the reason for the unusual quiet. This situation was perfectly fine for Cody... just gave him more time to think about all the things that his life WASN'T. It WASN'T as exciting as the TV shows he watched some days made life look. There was no ring and a dream for him to go on, no excitement awaiting on the way home... just him and the book he'd gotten.

I haven't even looked too hard at this book he realized. Picking the book up, he turned to the back and found... leather. So.. .this must be one of their older books. Just hope it doesn't have a lot of "thou"s and "thee"s in it like the LAST one I read... Then again, who cares? So long as its interesting.

Coming back to the house, Cody went in and turned on the TV to watch a show at 7 PM. Then about 9 PM, one of his parents yelled at him to get into bed, so he placed his new book idly on the dresser (remembering to put a piece of paper on the first page as a bookmark), got into his pajamas, and drifted off to sleep.


More to come when I'm not feeling lazy. Shouldn't take more than an hour or so.

Edit: Well, now. It's amazing how lack of time and excess of laziness turns an hour's delay into a week's. >.< Bumping so that I don't forget to TRY to update.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nakibe>Nakibe</A] at: 6/5/03 8:50 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: Tatsu Mitome

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 31, 2003 5:50 pm

I'll be holding you to that "hour or so" estimate. >:P

Not much here to give suggestions on quite yet, but it's a nice little teaser.

[edit] *pokes your without mercy* <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/03 10:05 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Tatsu Mitome

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 31, 2003 7:36 pm

Image I require that something actually happen in the next installment. Starting with no real action or occurances is boring.

Image The Writing is pretty nice, though. And the character is set up well. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: Tatsu Mitome

Unread postby Nakibe » Sun Jun 08, 2003 2:11 pm

That night, Cody dreamed.

It was very dark in his dream. The dark was so thick in this dream that he could see nothing. There was nothing. He was alone in the cold dark.

Peaceful..... so peaceful here.....

Honestly Cody thought it was more than a bit creepy. But at least it was a tolerable creepy. And as long as it remained that way, Cody figured he'd be alright.

It was about this time that Cody felt that there was something wrong with the darkness. The cold, empty feeling that was the darkness Cody was trying to get used to slowly changed. It was not cold nor still, but hot.... and it felt as if the darkness was.... breathing?

Who.... who are you?

The question slid easily into his head and made Cody wonder who or what it was that was hiding in the darkness. But there was something... odd... about that question. It didn't feel quite right.

Have you come to free me?

"... what do you want?"

Free me!!!

"Free you? Free you from WHAT?"

With that, the darkness became hotter. Cody wished at this point for a light... something.... ANYTHING so he could see. That's when Cody saw the book. He wasn't sure HOW he could see it, but knowing it was there was somehow comforting to him. The darkness felt much cooler as Cody touched it...

.... I shall arise once again.

And Cody's fear was replaced by something else. Touching the book made him feel as if he was not alone in that darkness... that there was someone here that could help him.

What is this?
Who are you?
This place....
It doesn't feel right.
Its wrong.
Can you help me?
Help you what?
Where ARE we?
... I don't know
Wait, how did I get here in the first place?
Well, I felll asleep, and....


... suddenly found myself here

"... Corvan... "

... in this darkness...


Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nakibe>Nakibe</A] at: 6/9/03 10:50 am

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pd Rydia
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Re: Tatsu Mitome

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:13 pm

Mew. o.o One typo I see offhand..."allright" instead of "alright."

Aside from that, nice installment. *hop* o.o Look forward to seeing more. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>

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Lady Malix wills your demise!
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Piece One: A Cold Wind Blowing

Unread postby Nakibe » Tue Jul 08, 2003 10:54 pm

Cody stumbled to his feet slowly, an unfamiliar hand steadying him. He felt dizzy.. and a bit weak.
"C'mon, Corvan, we don't have TIME for this.. GET UP NOW!"

Cody almost turned over in his sleep.

What's all this about a Corvan guy anyways?
That's us.
It is? Really?

"Okay, Okay, I'm... I think I'm up..." said Cody, still not quite sure what the hell was going on here. "We're under attack, man. Someone set off some sort of sleeping spell in here. Better wake up quick, buddy, we NEED you. NOW."

(Note: Posting to make sure that things get KEPT. Will finish later) <p>

Warning: The previous was a work of Chaos. Anything said above was written by a certified nut. Caution is advised

MY head, Dia!!! eVe</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nakibe>Nakibe</A] at: 7/9/03 12:41 am

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