Stuff from Me

For artistic creations in non-text format.
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Stuff from Me

Postby Kai » Fri May 04, 2007 10:04 pm

Stuff for those of you who aren't obsessively watching my deviantart like obsessive little... obsessors. I apparently haven't posted anything since my art of my little mecha boy, and that's not nice. I used to be so much better about this.

First of all, this is pink. Originally intended to look like Myrnal, though as you'll see later I descended more fully into Suedom.

I colored this for Bes. Original artist is credited on my DA page, because he's phenomenal.

Myrnal in full Super Sue-jin form. A picture that was originally a pencil sketch of me topless. Whoohoo!

This one I drew because I lost a bet with Charles. Here it is in color.

Another Helena Mazuo. Different style this time. Less anime, more flesh.

I had a reference in front of me for this one, and I couldn't resist the hair, so I stole it for a new MAC character. I'm fairly certain Nicki's hair will be dyed in big uneven blue and red chunks, but I haven't settled.

And finally another picture of Zea and her familiar John. I like this one better. I drew his clothes differently than usual, and this looks more like the way the fellow would manifest.

So that's all from Kai today! I didn't realize how busy I'd been until I saw how long it had been since I posted anything.

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Nick Shogun
Posts: 1552
Joined: Fri May 03, 2002 7:08 pm

Postby Nick Shogun » Sat May 05, 2007 1:37 am

I really like the one you did for KoD, especially the shading. He has a very forlorn look in his eyes; I don't know if that's what you were going for.

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