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This is Your Life

Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:51 pm
by Kelne
Image <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

Re: This is Your Life

Unread postPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:12 am
by FF Fanatic 80
Poor Kelne, just can't catch a break can he? =[

Straight from the Foenix's mouth.

Unread postPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:36 pm
by Nick Shogun
You must admire Kelne's ability to maintain his dignity whilst being mauled by his greatest foes...

"Back, back I say!" <p><div style="text-align:center">
Jan-Ken-Po, an Online Webcomic. Updating again, MWF!

Re: Straight from the Foenix's mouth.

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:08 pm
by Choark
Xd Hmmm lovely fancomic'ness!

I lick my lips in laughter! <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> </div></p>

Re: Straight from the Foenix's mouth.

Unread postPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:49 pm
by RebelKitsune
*Imagines kelne with a chair and a whip while trying to keep his enemies away, lion tamer style* <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>Edited by: [url=>RebelKitsune</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/26/06 14:00

Re: Straight from the Foenix's mouth.

Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:41 am
by E Mouse
In a monocle and a top hat? <p>

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">"Their rhetoric... You didn't put communists in his bed did you!" came Amber's indignant reply.

"Why not? All I had to do was open a gate to his bed and stick up a sign saying 'Hot virgin willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of international socialist fraternity.'"</span>

<span style="color:blue;font-size:xx-small;">Excaliburned:</span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">Ah yes, I'm thinking of having the USS Bob be preserved outside the Arena as a monument of sorts</span></p>

Re: Straight from the Foenix's mouth.

Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:11 am
by Endesu
'kay, Kelne, I can discern Foenix and Vaniyakna from that crowd, but I'm wondering who the rest are? One sprite in particular reminds me of Xaq, which would be sort of amusing were he one of Kelne's dastardly enemies... <p>

<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:xx-small;">Curtis: Dannyboy, look at you. You've changed considerably, into a badass, if I may.
Dan: Yeah, you've changed a lot too, into an old man! I went to see the devil, now it's your turn!
Curtis: Oh, my pupil, so tenacious of life, guess I have to kill you again.
Dan: Shut up, before you run out of breath!
Curtis: I got rid of those smiles, there's no one left to disturb our game. Just you, and me.
Dan: Sounds fair, 'cuz I hate holding back, even for an old fart like yourself.
Curtis: Talk all you want, I won't need six bullets for you.
Dan: Or four for you.</span>

Re: This is Your Life

Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:40 am
by Kelne
Well, villains are difficult to recognise in sprite format, since nobody bothers to make up sheets for the bad guys. Hence, most of them were lifted from peoples' sheets and subtly altered.

First off, we have the generic cloaked loony. Who knows what grievance he has against Kelne, and who cares? Perhaps he's fuming about his singing career being cut short in an untimely fashion. Or perhaps not. They all look alike.

The guy with what is supposed to be a skull for a head represents Valzar, one of Reako's villains. He led Kelne on a merry chase across two worlds, never actually engaging him or his companions in direct combat due to having bigger fish to fry. Never did manage to resolve the endgame of that saga.

Then there's Vaniyakna, who needs no further description.

Also a random dragoon. Someone probably told him Kelne was a dragon in order to round up the numbers.

The altered Xaq sprite is supposed to be Loake, another Shini villain. Technically reformed, but hey, who can pass up random vengeance?

The chap in what's supposed to be wine-coloured robes is good old Simon Marlowe. Not immediately recognisable, but always a fun addition to a rogues' gallery.

And of course there's Foenix, bringing the number of Shini villains up to three.

Doubtless more could have been fitted in, but I was feeling lazy, and you have to stop somewhere. <p>Centuries of threats of "I'll turn you all to stone!" and "I'll knock you all down!" have caused Domans to develop an instinct to form small groups. For safety, I assure you. – Keir</p>

Re: This is Your Life

Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:44 am
by Endesu
True enough; I sadly doubt there'd be enough space for all of Kelne's enemies. <p>

<div style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:xx-small;">Curtis: Dannyboy, look at you. You've changed considerably, into a badass, if I may.
Dan: Yeah, you've changed a lot too, into an old man! I went to see the devil, now it's your turn!
Curtis: Oh, my pupil, so tenacious of life, guess I have to kill you again.
Dan: Shut up, before you run out of breath!
Curtis: I got rid of those smiles, there's no one left to disturb our game. Just you, and me.
Dan: Sounds fair, 'cuz I hate holding back, even for an old fart like yourself.
Curtis: Talk all you want, I won't need six bullets for you.
Dan: Or four for you.</span>