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Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:37 pm
by Vampire Jester Jinx

Yarr harr harr.
Okay. Going to do my part to help out with the board despite the fact I'm a broke assmonkey.

SO, donate for whatever reason, and wonkiness from Moi, or any other artist/writer is yours!

Alrighty, any other artists interested in doing work for donations, please post here, and I'll put your information in this first postington.

What can be done? To qoute Brianfro:
We could also entertain other "commission" suggestions, like soundclips or web design or burned CDs or exploding sheep or whatever.
I'd also like to add sprites, or comics, or maybe even a simple art jam.

What we need to know:
your time frame
what media they can expect for what amounts
Their wacky wacky options.

Donators! If you've put in the cash, you can choose myself or one of the other selfless bastards to get their art/writing on.
Once you've donated, just post here, who, what, Blah blah blah.

<span style="color:purple;font-family:verdana;font-size:large;">Artists Available:</span>

My time frame for pieces will start in three weeks. I gotta finish classes, yo. After that I'll be actively drawin' for a few weeks, then out of commission for two due to stuff.
Five bucks gets you a very simplified drawington. Likely not so fancy/or little background.
Ten gets you one detailed person/thing, and some decent background. 15 Gets you whatever the hell you want. (within reason :P)
Some of my work not on the RPGWW site

The DIANE, Lady of the Mighty Shuckering (Cornish Tourney Rules)
I can do like, little earrings or perhaps bracelets or summat for those who might like that. But not until I finish up DM's goodies.

Duke Shiney, The Dodgy
I can kinda maybe do sprites or something, maybe.

Grand Pubah Sarah/Deeum/DM/POTATO!
I'm pretty much open for whenever, actually. Just don't expect me to be really fast. I'm quick sometimes and other times I am not. :( Sad.
I can do pencil sketches, outlined, and CGed drawings.
<span style="color:fuchsia;font-size:x-small;">Look below for her prices! :D</span>

The Good Lady Kai
I do pencil sketches, and if anyone would like one in return for some form of donation, my services will be available as well.
I could start at early as the next week or so, since I do most of my drawing at work anyway.
<p><div style="text-align:center">!Image</div></p>Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 4/21/05 11:36

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:51 pm
by pd Rydia
I can do like, little earrings or perhaps bracelets or summat for those who might like that. But not until I finish up DM's goodies. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">"Pantsare bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture</div></p>

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:45 pm
by Shinigori V2
I can kinda maybe do sprites or something, maybe.

Course, nobody wants those done anymore, so eh. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:41 am
by Deeum
Like I mentioned on the discussion forum; i'll help out with this here donation drive~

I'm pretty much open for whenever, actually. Just don't expect me to be really fast. I'm quick sometimes and other times I am not. :( Sad.
I can do pencil sketches, outlined, and CGed drawings.

Man, I suck at prices..
$5 and below: Pencil sketch (depending on the amount. It'll range from simple to one or two people.
Link1 Link2

$10: Inked drawings. Once again. It depends on how much you donate on how many people'll be put in
Link1 Link2

$20: CGed! These take me a damn long time to do at times. >_>; But it's for the forum~!
Link1 Link2

And for this special occasion only!

Just for one dollar and possibly one character each, I'll oekaki whatever.

Link1 Link2
(Don't expect something grand for a buck.)
I really don't have any restrictions on what'd I would draw, actually. As long as it's not gore or anything like that.

Edit: Fatmus reminded me I needed to do this. For the Oekaki business. I'll only do 2 per person. so don't donate 10 bucks and expect 10 oekakis.
I almost must limit myself to 3 requests at a time. I made the mistake of not doing so lasttime >_>;; <p><div style="text-align:center">
</div></p>Edited by: DragonMistressSCV&nbsp; Image at: 4/19/05 23:34

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:22 pm
by Kai
I do pencil sketches, and if anyone would like one in return for some form of donation, my services will be available as well.
I could start at early as the next week or so, since I do most of my drawing at work anyway. <p>-------------------------
Wise man say, "forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."

"It's like that old Scandinavian saying. You can lead a herring to water, but you have to walk real fast or you'll DIE."
--Rose:The Golden Girls</p>Edited by: [url=>Kai</A] at: 4/19/05 19:32

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:08 pm
by Mechanisto

Would anybody be willing and able to do darn good shading and lighting for an existing flat color piece? I have one that could use some depth and shiny, but I'm sorely lacking in shading skills. I can provide the photoshop file, and would prefer getting it back with a newly shaded layer(s).

I'd be happy to pay five or ten bucks or so. I'd need to redo the lineart for the piece I have in mind though, so no hurry. <p>---
My head moves around inside the bag, it's not like I'm drinking through my actual eye socket.</p>

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:32 pm
by Zemyla
Holy crap, DM. The "one dollar oekakis" should be worth much more than just a dollar. Wow.

Also, I will donate when I get money and cooperative parents! <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Ultimately, wizards and clerics don't say, "Gee, I want to become a lich because weapons hurt less and I don't have to worry about being backstabbed; that whole 'eternal life' thing is just a fringe benefit."-Darklion
But this one time I killed a walrus with my bare hands, and I suddenly understood spherical coordinates. - KnightsofSquare
Also, when you've worked a 36-hour shift as an intern you too just might pour yourself a catful of coffee and sit down to cuddle with your travel mug. -eirehound

Adventurers! | RPG World World | The Phantom Lord's OT Board mkII | Indie Madnesse | Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards</p>

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:29 pm
by Deeum
Zem, Oekakis don't take me nearly as long to do compared to, say, hand drawing then putting them in Photoshop.
Besides.. for a doallh the best you'll get is a character and a BSed abstract background. :P
I figured alittle something for people who can't donate much due to tight budgets wouldn't hurt.
<p><div style="text-align:center">

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:59 pm
by JasonAB17
This is why I need my money to stop disappearing into the infamous black hole of my parents. >_> ... Seriously. They owe me $35 right now, I owe 12 of that to a friend. I could easily see myself putting up some money for the gold.

... Though I'm not certain what I'd ask to be drawn. o.o Hn. I'll totally edit this when I get my damn money back. Whee. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

Re: Save Our Gold: Donations Requests!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:31 pm
by E Mouse
Dear Deeum:

What would be a fair price for a sloppily colored oekaki? I feel compelled to bribe my way into having a quickie character sketch drawn by means of this drive, and I wonder as to the neseccity of coloration in said sketch.

Despite my soon-to-be-poor-college-student status, I've been authorized to throw $10 or so at this, so it's not like I'm asking about it for three bucks. :(

But if you don't think color would be much worth it for Jer and/or Alice, then maybe I'll just ask for an inked pic or something. But I'll wait on it until I make up my mind.

And con my mom into throwing over the donation. K'doh.


Fatmus <p>-------


"I'm here to burn the lollipops."</p>


Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:50 am
by pd Rydia

You know, I wasn't going to request anything for my donation. But if anyone gets a giggly idea for something involving cornography...

<3 <p>
<div style="text-align:center">"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture</div></p>

Re: *halo'd*

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:50 am
by Deeum
Colored, eh? HMM, I suppose a dollah each.
Since you have Ten bucks I could possibly do Three oekakis and you can use then other seven dollars for a commission from someone else.
<p><div style="text-align:center">

Re: *halo'd*

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:50 pm
by Choark
I'll help but I really don't know when I'll get back. Sorry guys. Sides ... last time I said I'd do this I sucked at getting anything done ;_; so erm... read below

If someone wants to throw a thing or two my way you may have to wait past September to get it. At least that'll techically give me enough time to do it. Though I honestly can't be sure when I'll get it up. However it maybe possible for me to do something, give it to my Ma and have her upload it into my Deviart account maybe?

As a thing though I'm only taking a total of five requests. And be warned you'll be relying of my memory on any describtions. So erm.... nothing too hard please. (this means People made up of over three species or four paragraphs worth of detail).

Believe I will not be surprised if no one trusts me to get anything done. I've not had a goood record after all. Anywho, wheee. <p><div style="text-align:center"> </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> Image </div>
<div style="text-align:center"> Something cute plots your death </div></p>

Re: *halo'd*

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 9:11 pm
by E Mouse
Dear Um of Dee:

I'm not goin' over two fiddy for coloured doodles, and I'm not gonna weigh you down with more than two!

Namely, I'd like pics of Jeremy and Alice. Yeah, I still use those cretins. Maybe a bonus one of a new-ish character if you really want to, but only if you REALLY feel like it. And aren't busy with other stuff. :( It's been a long time since I went over the physical appearance for these kids, so if you want details/don't feel like hunting them down (probably both true), just pester me on AIM and I'll try to track it down.

Just had my dad throw ten bucks of Paypal at this, so that should leave 5d1 of bling at my disposal. For now I'm not gonna ask for anything, but I reserve the right to go back on that for a few weeks. Especially for sprites. So dust off that ass, sprite-boy! :{{{

To top it all off:

Holy crap! I'm a penguin in a sombrero!

- Mus <p>-------


"I'm here to burn the lollipops."</p>

Re: *halo'd*

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:56 am
by Shinigori V2
Shit! <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>