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Not exactly fanart, BUT WHOO HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Unread postPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:30 pm
by Vampire Jester Jinx

and i promise i'm changing my sig to something appropriate soon. n.n'''''

er. yeah. christmas lex. although brandon is right. i look sinister. >:P maybe it's the pink.

Edited by: [url=>Vampire]  Image at: 12/4/03 8:31 pm

Re: Not exactly fanart, BUT WHOO HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Unread postPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 8:49 pm
by pd Rydia
Ho ho ho. :D Spiffy piece, Lex. <p>
<center>On the first day of Christmas...</center></p>

Re: Not exactly fanart, BUT WHOO HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Unread postPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:19 pm
by bunnygirle78
Wow Jinx!

This is cool, your coloring is so neat, I am jealous muchly.

He he. I like how your standing in the pic, gives you a relaxed look that just suits you. <p>

"What would you do with out me Daxter?"
Jak from Jak 2

"Well Jak, I wouldn't be standing two feet tall, covered in fur, walking around a sewer without pants. . .god I miss pants."
Daxter from Jak 2</p>

Re: Not exactly fanart, BUT WHOO HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Unread postPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 4:59 pm
by ChancellorSmartz

I also share my Christmas Spirit thingy! And art too. So yea. <p>" can't put salt on asians. We already taste good." -Me</p>