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Re: ??!

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:01 pm

Yes, Lex, I still want the picture of Drak. :D <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

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Makin' 2ndGen into FF ... Se'en. That rhymes, right?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:59 pm

LovelyJester: I so have to draw Dymma as hojo.
Papa Tymisonn: ... and Austin as Cloud.
LovelyJester: Hehhehe.
LovelyJester: Any other second genners as ff7's?
Papa Tymisonn: Hak can be Barrett... and Pure can be Aeris/th...
Papa Tymisonn: No!
Papa Tymisonn: BULWORTH as Barret!
LovelyJester: bollocks. he's not foul. enough.
Papa Tymisonn: And Zea (or Quinn, whoever you like) as Tifa!
Papa Tymisonn: Ryoko can be Yuffie...
LovelyJester: HEHEHE.
LovelyJester: HAK AS VINCENT.
Papa Tymisonn: POIFICKT!
LovelyJester: Who's Cid?
Papa Tymisonn: And if Bulworth can't be Barrett, he HAS to be Cait Sith's mount.
LovelyJester: MUCH BETTEr.
Papa Tymisonn: And Cid can be... ... hmm. Gosh. At a loss...
Papa Tymisonn: Dymma?
Papa Tymisonn: No...
LovelyJester: o.o
LovelyJester: Hey.
LovelyJester: Sindal.
LovelyJester: And Dmitri.
Papa Tymisonn: Never met that particular character.
LovelyJester: And Vel.
LovelyJester: ......CHOKO can be Barret. XD
Papa Tymisonn: ... yes.
LovelyJester: Let's see.
LovelyJester: Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, Barret, Vincent, Cid, Cait Sith....
LovelyJester: Who are we missing?
LovelyJester: Red
Papa Tymisonn: ... Red, yeah.
Papa Tymisonn: I was in the process of typing.
Papa Tymisonn: And there's NO ONE we can use for that...
LovelyJester: Cloud = Austin, Hojo = Dymma, Tifa = Quinn, Yuffie = Ryoko, Vincent = Hak, Cid = Dmitri, Cait Sith ride = bulworth,
LovelyJester: Barret = Choko.
LovelyJester: Red, Sephiroth.......
LovelyJester: Anyone else we want to stick in there?
Papa Tymisonn: Kae = ... argh. That redheaded Turk with the stick...
LovelyJester: RUDE!
Papa Tymisonn: That's him.
LovelyJester: Though he'll look like whatsisbucket because he's bald.
Papa Tymisonn: Who?
LovelyJester: his partner.
LovelyJester: the bald turk.
LovelyJester: !!!!!
LovelyJester: AKKY.
LovelyJester: AKKY WILL BE RED.
Papa Tymisonn: Aye.
LovelyJester: We'll put him in a loin cloth, give him feathers, and put him on all fours.
Papa Tymisonn: Is Reno the other guy?
LovelyJester: oh wait.
LovelyJester: ....maybe reno is the redhead.
LovelyJester: And rude is bald.
Papa Tymisonn: I think that's it.
Papa Tymisonn: Yup, that's it alright.
Papa Tymisonn: http://www.ffcompendium.com/h/char76.shtml#reno
LovelyJester: Yeah.
LovelyJester: I gotta draw this.
LovelyJester: Put the FF7 Crossover on my request list.
Papa Tymisonn: K. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>


Re: Makin' 2ndGen into FF ... Se'en. That rhymes, right?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Dec 05, 2005 11:26 pm

Ryoko: ...who's Yuffie? ;_; *frets over showing enough skin*

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Re: Makin' 2ndGen into FF ... Se'en. That rhymes, right?

Unread postby Kai » Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:07 am

I'm amused that Quinn was chosen over my actual second gen character. Though in the realm of conspicuous anatomy, I guess she might be a good choice.

Now that I'm thinking about it, that's actually a really good choice, considering Quinn's good with her fists. In a fight, I mean. You know. Fighting with her hands. What the hell were you thinking?

Edit on Request:


Rather tall, but stil within average height parameters for a woman.
Quinn has large black bat wings, and her skin is covered in very small, smooth scales. These are shaded from black over her spine and back to a light grey on her extremities. She has claws and fangs, but keeps them nice and aintained so she doesn't look like a crazy savage. She's also rather muscular for a woman. She doesn't have huge rippling muscles, but she is 'cut,' as they say.

She likes to wear black, but is fine with whatever looks good as long as it isn't inconvenient wing-wise. Those things need room to move, which is often her excuse for wearing little more than a halter top.

Quinn... the usual. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 12/6/05 0:16


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