Taking Requests

For artistic creations in non-text format.
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Taking Requests

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:32 pm

Ok since finals are coming up I usually need to draw in order to keep what little sanity that I have, so anyone who wants a pic can request one. I'll try to do them in a fair amount of time, but I won't post them until I am happy with them.

I've wanted to do some new poses and themes. Like a death theme (like a char death you know the end game type thing) and a romantic pic. I've been working on backgrounds so you can request a back ground if you want.

For right now I'm only going to do about three, and then I'll take more.


"What would you do with out me Daxter?"
Jak from Jak 2

"Well Jak, I wouldn't be standing two feet tall, covered in fur, walking around a sewer without pants. . .god I miss pants."
Daxter from Jak 2</p>


Re: Taking Requests

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:43 pm

Since I've mentioned it before, I'm going to re-request a drawing of Azmodan, one of my demonic villains.

Description: Roughly 6'3", generally human-shaped body except for a serpentine tail and a head shaped much like a snake's (no exposed fangs though). Appears to have no skin at all; instead his muscles are prominently exposed (an advised color for these is a light reddish tone, though I'm not sure that's the exact color of muscle). Attired in tight-fitting black pants (and yes, his tail sticks out the back).

Other thing that must be in the picture is his sword. In this case, the sword's blade looks like it has been split into six-inch-long segments held together by tough cords (a la the "Ivy Blade"), which means eight segments compose the blade. The hilt appears to be made of steel, with topaz and ruby embedded in it, while the pieces of the blade appear to be made of bone, and the 'cords' should look something like sinews (i.e. tendons).

Pose is up to you, but he should look somewhat overconfident, and if the appearance of flames is possible in the background I request it to be so.


Re: Taking Requests

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:59 pm

*requests a pretty piccy with big chibiful puppy eyes* 9____9

I'd like a pic of Karin Vaza, please... she's a human woman of height 5'10"! Green eyes and long black hair, tied into a braid which ends about her waist. She's not very delicate; athletic an athletic build, almost muscular, even, and has pale skin. Not unhealthily so, but still pale. For clothing... loose black pants and a black trenchcoat, which, if open, would reveal a blue shirt. She usually wears shades as well, and has a pretty much "@#$% YOU!" attitude a lot of the time. Not a timid person!

And if I can request a pose... >.> <.<

I've been messing around with the idea of her dying or being captured for some reason. Or sommat. So...

Maybe her chained to a wall in a dungeon, bruised up and with her shades broken on the floor, patch of light shining onto her from the bars? She'd have a defeated look, but still gritting her teeth. If she's crying, she's not doing it willingly.

Of course, that's me being morbid. =D


Re: Taking Requests

Unread postby Raishilliah » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:02 pm

I'd like to requset one of Sashel, if I could...
Descrippy!: Sashel is about 5'7, with somewhat tannish skin, blue eyes, purpleish pink hair, and really really long pointy ears. I mean, like a good half foot longer than people ones. She wears a purple dress with dark blue outline, it happens to have no sleeves, except some sleeveless-ish ones that are a bit below her shoulders. On the collar line of her dress is a large square jewel with rounded corners... this happens to be a sea-greenish color. She wears brown sandals.

As for the pose/background: I don't really care what kind of pose she's in, but if there's water in the background she's likely to have a frightened expression.

Reference: (This might be a broken link...) www.geocities.com/angeloffire423/Greepshot.GIF (Sashel's the third to the right in the second row) <p>

l33tPenguinePimp: I'm going to try to make a bread bowl.
KnightsofSquare: Good luck.
KnightsofSquare: I can't even make a bread play ping pong.</p>

Posts: 1090
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Re: Taking Requests

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:06 pm

Death? Endgame? Well if you're interested in that thing, you can draw Aya, who died during Endgame and stuff. She was kinda beaten to death by the earth elemental. I'll link pictures of Aya here when I'm not on such a crappy computer, but here's one for starters: Image <p>
Image One hat to rule them all.</p>

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: Taking Requests

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Nov 30, 2003 6:54 pm

Ok. I'll draw these. But who is Aya what dose she look like?


"What would you do with out me Daxter?"
Jak from Jak 2

"Well Jak, I wouldn't be standing two feet tall, covered in fur, walking around a sewer without pants. . .god I miss pants."
Daxter from Jak 2</p>

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