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Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:29 pm
by Kai
It occurs to me that we have the articles thread for neat stuff that shows up in the news, but it can get a little hard to find things in there. This is a damn shame because that's cool stuff. It might help keep the discussion forum more active if articles are given their own threads, an idea prompted in my head by forums that have newsfeeds set up. They have a forum that receives updates from a site with an RSS feed, and each update starts its own thread.

I'm not necessarily suggesting that we need to have a whole separate section of forums just for newsfeeds, but at least it could give us something else to talk about. Anything to keep people checking RPGWW would be good toward keeping us active.

How do people feel about having newsfeeds and, if you like the idea, what newsfeeds would you like to see added?

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:42 pm
by PriamNevhausten
I actually steer clear of the Articles thread, because a lot of it wasn't interesting to me when I read it (during the first page or two), and because reading comments on articles makes me feel like I'm on...well, I don't know, but I don't see intelligent discussion on news topics as often as I see bitching. "Man, that's horrible, how do they get away with that?" And nothing ever happens, and usually, nothing is interesting or innovative or deep about the verbiage that happens afterwards.

I wouldn't mind a newsfeed being here, whatever the heck a newsfeed is, but it is not a thing I would pay much attention to.

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:48 pm
by Kai
Part of me is tempted to suggest a separate subforum for the current events-type things, but this is basically what we use our current OOC Community Thingermabobbers for anyway, and it'd kind of defeat the purpose if they were all hidden away where no one would look at them. So... I guess I won't really stand behind that idea as strongly as I initially thought I might.

I'd honestly like to see more actual discussion happen around here, since RPGWWers as a rule tend to be a lot more mature and level-headed about these things than much of the internet, and if anyone can manage to actually talk about meaningful stuff, it's us. One way to find out is to facilitate it, which I think having more current events threads would do.

Heck, even if we only subscribed to a video game review feed, we'd still have new threads pop up every now and again about games coming out.

I'm really not all that picky about what feeds would (potentially) be tried out, since I doubt that the feeds I'm interested in would appeal to anyone else. Just seems like we might be able to find some common topic that we could all keep an eye on through the forum, and that doing that might keep people checking the board more often.

ofuck, 2hrs daylight savings begins this year

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 11:22 am
by pd Rydia
I likes me some news, but I dip into it very selectively--your usual news outlets are full of douchery that I can deal with only on some days, in small doses.

I think a geeky-science feed would be popular, though, as well as a gaming feed. Maybe and A gaming news site is hard to pick, because they're all kinda...substandard.

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:05 pm
by Idran1701
I somehow did not notice that Kai had posted this thread when I set up the feeds up in OOC, I thought it was just an idea she mentioned to me in IM.

Anyway, I've implied my position in the announcement thread in OOC and already stated it to Kai, but basically: I think some on-topic newsfeeds are a good idea for this site, but just general news I'm more wary about. I don't see this as a place to go for news, honestly, if I look at it as either a forum for the folks here that know one another or an RP forum.

For the former, the articles thread is about as much news as I'd expect from a group of friends. Linking interesting news articles now and again to talk about, but not getting every single news report on some subject because some of them might be discussed about. That just seems like overkill to me.

And for the latter, I can see the usefulness of having RP- and RPG-related news feeds, but other than that it doesn't seem especially fitting the site to me. It seems as silly to me as how Sci-Fi Channel airs wrestling nowadays.

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:39 pm
by pd Rydia
Yeah, what Idran said.

Unread postPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:40 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
First I've seen of this, so far my vote is for "Nifty" =O

I'd also have to third Idran on keeping the news game-related. I'm pretty sure if I want news updates, this is not where I'm gonna go for them, hehe. =P