by BrainWalker » Wed May 02, 2012 9:47 pm
Yes, yes we have been. It's been fun!
In descending level order, with one* exception:
FatherJensen, Exorcist
Foccacia, F. Grappler
Squigly, Battle Mage
Chayka, Mechanic
Gershwin*, Elementalist
Studebaker, Gunner, probably gonna be a Launcher
Whatshisnuts, M Fighter, probably gonna be a Striker (Yes, seriously. It's an in-joke.)
Cirocco, Theif, who knows what she'll end up advancing to
OddCouple, Slayer, probably either Asura or Blade Master
And then a bunch of level 1s that exist only as name placeholders.
Popemobile, Priest, eventual Crusader
Dragmire, Priest, eventual Avenger, whenever they decide to release that class
Capicola, F. Fighter, probably Nen Master
TwoGuys, Slayer, totally undecided.
I will accept no judgement for these names. You only get 12 alphanumeric characters, and everyone has like half a dozen characters. Naming is hard.
Anime is kind of like fish in that it is better the less "fishy" it is.