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the is dead

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:55 pm directories are no longer directly browsable.

Since the majority of zeke is set up to be navigated this way, the site is largely non-functional. That which remains is defunct, given the Wiki.

No files have been deleted--they're still all there. I have a txt file with a list of all other file paths to the website. I'm not uploading it--I'm still looking into the options for making the site functional again. But for those who want to get at their art, I can get you the URLs.

I don't have control over this. I don't want to hear you complain about it. That doesn't mean you can't, mind you, but be fully warned that I am already pissy and snappy about this. I'm not interested in commiserating--if you have useful suggestions, let's here them. Otherwise, I suggest you move along. <p>
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Justice Augustus
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Re: the is dead

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:11 am

I noticed this earlier today (I like to go there and browse the old chat convos) and was just wondering why this is so? People abusing it?

"Moreover, when on the following night, much to his dismay, [Caesar] had a dream of raping his own mother, the soothsayers greatly encouraged him by their interpretations of it: namely, that he was destined to conquer the earth" - Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars - Julius Caesar, chapter 7</p>

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Re: the is dead

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:41 pm

Have you checked the root .htaccess file? <p>-----
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<span style="font-size:xx-small;">I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
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E Mouse

Re: the is dead

Unread postby E Mouse » Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:10 pm

The images are working at the moment, it seems.

Any updates on conditions? <p>

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">"Their rhetoric... You didn't put communists in his bed did you!" came Amber's indignant reply.

"Why not? All I had to do was open a gate to his bed and stick up a sign saying 'Hot virgin willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of international socialist fraternity.'"</span>

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Re: the is dead

Unread postby Kai » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:58 pm

Lately I've just been googling the files I need to find. This is mainly restricted to archived RPs, but I assume it would work for other things as well.

If you need a new home for the archived RPs or want to do something else with them to make navigation easier, I can help. I'd figure something out if it ever came to that. <p>-------------------------
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