For those of you who have ever once visited my house, chances are you've met the little terror known as Rowdy. While he's fairly nice to family members, he's overly hostile to everyone else (though mostly he'll just bark and chase you, rarely biting unless you were stupid enough to try to pet him).
Regardless, he was put down today, due to a stroke he suffered a few days prior. He survived the stroke, but became increasingly more hostile and paranoid, even with family members, and the decision was made to put him down after a number of leg-mauling attempts and tearing up my sister's hand pretty bad (though I'd say that one was her fault.)
Long story short, Rowdy is dead now. It seems He and Pervy will not have that great final battle after all. I'm a bit bummed about it, being used to his presance constantly patrolling the house, but as heartless as it may sound, it will probably be a tad relieving for the guests, and the family, to not have to tear him away from the front door every time someone comes near the house.
I'll miss that little brute :(