So I don't know how many of you follow portable gaming news, but this is a neat little title in development by developers 5th Cell, who brought us Drawn to Life, wherein you draw much of the gameworld yourself, and Lock's Quest, which... I actually know very little about, but it apparently reviewed pretty well.
Anyway, Scribblenauts is a puzzle-platformer, with a pretty basic goal: Each stage has a star, and you need to collect it. That's about it. But the way you make that happen is where the real genius of the gameplay lies. Think of something that might help your character progress in the level, write it in, and it shows up in the gameworld. Seriously. The first article I read about this game told of a guy on the dev team whose entire job was to go through dictionaries and pick out all the nouns. I've seen all kinds of things demonstrated in videos; tools, foodstuffs, animals, dinosaurs, vehicles, mythical beasts, and even internet memes. This game seems to have a nearly inexhaustible amount of imaginative potential. It's the sort of thing I can see myself just screwing around with for hours, which is made easier since you apparently unlock a rules-free "free play" mode in levels you've solved 3 different ways within the normal rules.
It's a simple concept, but also a pretty ambitious and incredibly novel one, and I will be supporting it with my dollar come September.
To illustrate the level of fun that I am anticipating from this title, I will end with an enthusiastic post from the NeoGAF forums.
How cool is that shit?