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So, did anyone get the Spore Creature Editor?

Unread postPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:21 pm
by Christian
I bought it yesterday, wonderful stuff.

If you've got the whole, legal, non-demo version, you can drag png:s into the creation menu to get other peoples' creations! :D

So, here're mine, in no particular order. Some of these were made by a friend as well, we had a blast. Any descriptions and names are the result of staying up to 5 am designing misfits.

Oh, and some browsers are kind of not working with this, so I recommend saving the png to somewhere, then just drag and drop into the Creature Editor. Again, if you don't have the legal version (no text about demo when you start it up), you're not going to be able to import them). Remember, it's in the Anatomy Editting menu that you have to drag the png in for it to work.

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And my pride and joy, the one I've spent most time on ('though not nearly as much as I should've had...)


Some of these are... rather scary to see in action. I'm especially afraid of number 1 and 7. You may notice some of these are similar in design; that's because we thought we lost the first batch (created with the demo) and made some that were similar to them. Also, number 12 never ceases to give me stomach cramps due to laughing. Check out the way he moves.

Oh, and here's a bunch of creatures I found on the net. Specifically /v/ on 4chan.

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And check this baby out


That's right, a friggin' Chocobo. I'm in love with it. You can get the editor online on for 10 friggin' dollars. That's a small prize to pay for hours of playing God... oh, and I guarantee that if you are able to, play the Editor with friends. :) Taking turns.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:20 am
by Ark
Yeah I got it day of release... when they actually let me download the fricking thing. The thing is lots of fun and you end up loving almost all of your creations. Even the bad ones.

Unforantly I seem to have had a few of mine dissapear. I've made 12 creatures but I can see 5 or 6 of them, the rest are hidden with no way of making them reappear. Very sad.

anyway... to share:

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And the rest are going on a common theme that'll hopefully mean when I get spore I can have a world with these sort of creatures.

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It's so much fun! I have no friends or family members around to play with it though, so I can not share in the joint creation fun.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:41 am
by Jak Snide
Only started to fiddle around with the demo since last night, but it's good stuff. I'm impressed at how easy it is to put a creature together, though the torso modification feels slightly ham-fisted. While paying for what's essentially an enhanced demo irks me I must admit it's beginning to tempt me.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:45 am
by Ark
There's also the "bonus" that if you're getting Spore, as long as you get it from EA you'll get the creature creator money back, or so I'm told.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:10 am
by Christian
Yeah, I heard the same thing. It's going to be nice having a HUGE selections of creatures to pick from when populating my world right at the get-go, there's already some awesome stuff out there.

Oh, and my post's been updated with some recent, horrible additions.

Oh, and Cho, could you upload the smaller versions of those creature pngs? I can't seem to import them into the Editor. :(

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:37 am
by Jak Snide
So I caved and purchased it, reasoning that it's only the cost of a cheap meal. The extra options really do make a world of difference. Will experiment more when I get home.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:12 am
by Christian
I've gone and reviewed EA's customer's agreement, and I must say I'm disappointed in how they're handling downloads. Basically your download stays online for six months. After that, you need to purchase additional hosting time if you want to be able to download it.

Meh, I say.

Then again, if you buy store, none of that silliness. I guess not everyone can be Steam...

Oh, and by the by, in case anyone's interested, I'm Horzish on

I've uploaded all the creatures I made myself there, with... moderately serious comments. Those created by my friend will be added to his account once he's registered, so yeah.

Sorry for being all crazy McInsane about this, but I really, really like this editor. Plus I've been looking forward to this game since the 30 minute game-play trailer we were shown nearly three years ago. :/

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:51 pm
by Besyanteo ... re=related Chocobo video uploaded with Spore~ One of the better ones. Also see the Hydralisk! ... re=related Another familiar face.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:32 pm
by Jak Snide
I've made some right monstrosities.


Edit: Oh, username = Snidesworth

Edit the second (and third): Latest and greatest.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:50 pm
by BrainWalker
I had a really good time with the demo earlier this week, but then I came down with some bad mojo and I didn't feel like messing with the full version. Tonight I have other things to do and who knows what the weekend will bring, but eventually I intend to get my hands on this, and then no one will ever see me again.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:56 pm
by PriamNevhausten
I don't actually have a lot of vested interest in this thread, but I wanted to pop in to say how fucking boss BW's new sig is. Props.

Unread postPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:50 pm
by Spleen
The thing that bothers me most about this is that I created a carnivore with the maximum 5 in each attack type and it's so cute I just wanna give it a hug.