AIM conversations

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AIM conversations

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun May 06, 2007 12:53 pm

So, I'm not particularly patient and couldn't dig up one of the earlier threads. This could be because I ride the short bus, or it could be because -- Hey look, a kitty!

Der Dave (1:31:50 PM): Apparently MMO's are the bane of society
Besyanteo (1:31:55 PM): :(
Der Dave (1:32:08 PM): And because I feel like being silly
Der Dave (1:32:27 PM): Dan: *KILLED* "Dammit, they ganked us on the way to Doma Park AGAIN" >_<
Der Dave (1:33:07 PM): Stephan: Bloody f#$ing corpse camping F@GS!!@#$ e_@
Der Dave (1:33:20 PM): Midoku: o_ó, is that really an appropriate thing to s...
Der Dave (1:33:30 PM): Stephan: QUIET I'MPISSEDDAMMIT e_@
Besyanteo (1:33:44 PM): Jeridan: <Garou> Lol we pwned those humie bitches so hard.
Besyanteo (1:33:49 PM): Ferran: <Garou> Rofl
Der Dave (1:33:54 PM): Midoku: ...*cancels subscription* >_>;;;
Der Dave (1:34:20 PM): Jonas: <Garou> WTF I'm stuck on the fountain
Besyanteo (1:34:54 PM): Jeridan: <Garou> Open a GM ticker, nub.
Besyanteo (1:35:13 PM): Brian<GM>: I hate my life. e_e
Der Dave (1:35:21 PM): Katherine: Lv 5 Healer lfg pst lol ^o^
Der Dave (1:35:42 PM): Katherine: ...OMGStopSendingTellsYouPERVS *>_<*
Besyanteo (1:35:48 PM): XD
Besyanteo (1:35:53 PM): I'm so posting this.

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Jak Snide
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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun May 06, 2007 3:39 pm

I used the internet! (Seeing how I can't circumvent the word filter D: )

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 06, 2007 5:53 pm

Just put an empty set of font tags in the middle of a word if you want to get around it.

Like th[b][/b]is.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun May 06, 2007 5:55 pm

Dare I incur the wraith of the admins?

<_< .........

>_> .........



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