Attention, all English-types!

Mmm, spam. Light discussion and silliness!

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Attention, all English-types!

Unread postby evilkillerpoptarts » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:45 pm

My boyfriend's baby sister, whom I met this past Saturday, will be heading to Southport, England this summer for three weeks.

Her mission? To meet the guy she met online playing "Puzzle Pirates."

If at all possible, I'd like to make sure she has some emergency contacts over in that general vicinity, so in case he does turn out to be an axe-murderer as Tony's mother suspects, she has someone to contact for help. (You know, other than the police, obviously.) So, seems how I know people who live in England, and I could've sworn someone I know lives in Southport... Any way I can bribe anyone into offering a hand or a number or two? It'd make Tony's family a bit happier about the situation, anyway.

Any of you who happen to be axe-murderers need not apply. ;)

(Is this too serious for the spam forum? It seemed too spammy for the serious forum. I need to not lurk so much. >_>

Also, this message is cross-posted from my el-jay and the Transformers forum I frequent. I know there are fewer English folks here, but I think there are a handful, yes?)

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:08 am

I live in England. London, specifically. As you can see, though, they're not exactly close to each other. Better than nothing, but hopefully there'll be someone closer to that location on your other boards. Closest major city is Liverpool, or at elast that's what a glance at Wiki has told me.[/url]

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Justice Augustus
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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:05 pm

Neither myself nor any other member of my family are anywhere near that area. Sorry.

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Unread postby Ark » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:08 pm

Shit I live in Liverpool but sending a baby sister to ME as a safe haven? Damn that would be risky buisness. Not to mention I'm a single male, living alone, 26 year old, and I'm a known pervert ={

I'm not sure thats much of an improvement.

I'm not sure exactly how I could help in an emergency - other then being another place to crash at should it come up - as I don't have a car or lots of disposable income to throw around on cross country trips.
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Unread postby evilkillerpoptarts » Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:04 pm

Mostly, I'm looking for emergency contacts she can call for help should a situation arise. A potential place to crash is probably good, too, but mostly just numbers in case of emergency. It's a lot easier to get help from someone local than her family on the other side of the pond, after all.

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