Yet another lappie update.

Y'know, since I was getting tired of the old update post (plus it's hard to improve upon Karn's approval, really.)
Anyway.....the hard drive they installed was shot, so I took it back...this was about 2 weeks ago. Currently, it's sitting in there awaiting parts.
Methinks more than the hard drive went shot, since it shouldn't take a computer store -2 weeks- to get a -hard drive-.
...Then again, it did take this gal at the base hospital 20 minutes this morning to find me a friggin' Band-Aid, so who knows?
Anyway, more later, but for now I must go before the library closes down and locks me in. :( <p>This has been your daily interrupted moment of Zen.</p>
Anyway.....the hard drive they installed was shot, so I took it back...this was about 2 weeks ago. Currently, it's sitting in there awaiting parts.
Methinks more than the hard drive went shot, since it shouldn't take a computer store -2 weeks- to get a -hard drive-.
...Then again, it did take this gal at the base hospital 20 minutes this morning to find me a friggin' Band-Aid, so who knows?
Anyway, more later, but for now I must go before the library closes down and locks me in. :( <p>This has been your daily interrupted moment of Zen.</p>