Gluten Intolerance

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Gluten Intolerance

Unread postby Christian » Wed May 14, 2008 12:26 pm

Hey all of you crazy people of... ahh...

Yeah, so I was wondering. Lately I've been suspecting I'm intolerant to something. For a while, I thought it was lactose, but that's been disproven more or less. At first, I thought it was something in the buns they make at a chain of small convenient stores I regulate, as I've often spent much of my monthly income on them instead of good, square meals (I can't study at home, so school's the best alternative.)

However, as pasta and bulgur are both two very big cornerstones in my diet, I've found that I still have some problems, though none as severe as before. Any of you who've experienced intestinal pressure at the magnitude of your typical food intolerance know exactly what I mean. Worst time I've ever had was when I ate a whole loaf of white bread in one go... Ouch.

Anyway, so I decided to finally drop all pretenses of baking-soda intolerance and go with the big one. Not really knowing what to do, I settled for eating rice for all my meals instead of wheat-based products. Potatoes work as well, or so I've been told, but I don't have the patience for them.

So as of yet, three days into this, I've experienced a severe drop in stomach aches and "such", which is a welcome change. Would this constituate a gluten intolerance, or have I misunderstood it? I generally fill myself to the brim with tomato-related products, but doesn't that usually turn into skin irritations?

Anyway, just throwing out a general question, as well as a request for Gluten-free meals that doesn't necessarily involve rice. I'm going to get VERY tired of that soon.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed May 14, 2008 12:39 pm

I have known about wheat allergy, but not gluten allergy, so I looked up information. This page has some information about gluten allergy, as well as suggesting that "Following a gluten free diet is [...] not a decision that should be made lightly and something that you should never embark on alone without guidance." Apparently the allergy can only be confirmed by biopsy. Fun fun!

There's a site here that seems to be able to sort recipes by excluding selected allergens.

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Unread postby Christian » Wed May 14, 2008 1:33 pm

Haaah, well, I'll try to stay away from wheat-based foodstuff for a little while. I read about both gluten and wheat, so I'll just go through with this week and the next one eating taters and rice; who knows?

Thanks for the link. :)

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Unread postby Capntastic » Wed May 14, 2008 5:33 pm

I'd get it diagnosed proper before resorting to any major life changes.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu May 15, 2008 1:02 pm

Yeah, I have to agree. The fact that your stomach aches cleared up after trying this doesn't prove anything, especially considering that you were expecting it to work. Get it checked, Christian. :(

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Unread postby Christian » Thu May 15, 2008 3:01 pm

Guys, quitting wheat products for a week isn't going to KILL me. I'm trying this out to see if there's any big change in my life. I'm glad you're concerned, but you make it sound like I'm quitting water or something. :/

And honestly, if the problems I've been having for a good two to three years ease up after I drop wheat, I really don't mind not eating it anymore. Of course I'll have myself checked, but I don't want to remove a piece of my intestine just because of a hunch!

Oh, and I should add that, and this is a bit embarrassing, flatulence has been the most common form my problem's been in, which my grandmother also suffered from (rest of the family, I don't know). This STOPPED completely two days ago, about half a day after I dropped wheat products. This isn't evidence, of course, but this is what motivates me to continue.

And now you know one of my dirty little secrets. One that about two real life people know about besides me.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Sat May 17, 2008 2:11 am

I'm sure if it's a big as problem as you say more people than that know.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 17, 2008 9:17 am

Since the only thing resembling an authority on the subject suggests to "never try this alone"--i.e. without a nutritionist--I'm totally in the boat with Idran and Capntastic--don't try this alone.

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Unread postby Christian » Sat May 17, 2008 11:38 am

It's a big problem because I keep it in until I come home from school, which is partly the reason for my stomach aches.

Okay, fine, I'll start eating wheat products again right this instant and call my hospital as soon as I'm done with my finals; since obviously I shouldn't even try to go a week without it.

Want me to tell you if the aches and all of it comes back? Because these five days, I've had no problem, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence. I'm sorry if I'm sounding bitter about this, but I am bitter about the fact that the substition of one source of protein, carbohydrate and fiber is replaced with another apparantly sets off the alarm clocks here. I can understand if you want me to rather visit the doctor, but at the moment I don't feel like removing a piece of my intestines on a hunch.

I'm sorry I asked about advice on this, because to me it feels like you put as much faith in my sense of self-preserverance as that you put in the average lemming's.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 17, 2008 11:45 am

Christian wrote:Okay, fine, I'll start eating wheat products again right this instant and call my hospital as soon as I'm done with my finals
:eng101: Yes, that is exactly what we are advocating. You saw through our clever disguise of concern to our true, nefarious motivations.

Or, y'know, you could call your physician and schedule an appointment to talk about it, maybe get a referral to a proper specialist.

Christian wrote:I'm sorry I asked about advice on this, because to me it feels like you put as much faith in my sense of self-preserverance as that you put in the average lemming's.
You seem to think you're as skilled as doctors and specialists in the field--you know, those people who spend years in school and also get paid by the bucketloads because the internet and self-help books just can't replace them. That makes you--on this topic--incredibly dumb.

Do I think this is coincidence? I have no idea! I know nothing about it. It could be. There's a lot of medical conditions that mimic other medical conditions and share causes. Really now. Stop q_q'ing and go to the doctor. You have tons of intestine anyway.

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Unread postby Christian » Sat May 17, 2008 11:48 am

I editted my post, but I'm just bitter over the fact that to me, the general response was "Go to a doctor, don't change your eating habits."

Generally, out of seven days of each week, I used to eat wheat products during 5-6 of those. As removing them from my diet for only five days have removed an embarrassing problem I've had for a couple of years, I'm pretty much sure that the two are related, which means I WILL be going to see a doctor about this. I'm not starving myself, or depriving myself of any kind of nutricient, I'm just switching out one for another; I've been eating vegetables, meat, dairy products, rice and potatoes.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 17, 2008 12:13 pm

Christian wrote:I editted my post, but I'm just bitter over the fact that to me, the general response was "Go to a doctor, don't change your eating habits."
"Go to a doctor BEFORE changing your diet." --Kyle
"Go to a doctor" --Idran
"Don't try this [changing your diet] alone" --me

I'm glad you're feeling better and all, and I'm 100% sure that the change in your diet and feeling better is worth investigating medically. I am not convinced it's due to a wheat allergy--I am convinced something like that should always be confirmed through diagnosis. I think there is a good chance you have a wheat/gluten allergy, but there's just a good a chance you have a mimicking condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated. I am very relieved to hear that you're going to go to a doctor.

I have little problem with you changing your diet until you go to a doctor--really, I wouldn't be all that concerned if I heard you ate a big bowl of ice cream for breakfast every day. So long as it wasn't, say, vanilla or something. Cuz that stuff is gross, and would prove you have no taste.

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Unread postby Christian » Sat May 17, 2008 12:22 pm

Honestly, I wrote my last two messages thinking I had written I intend to visit a doctor with this, but I hadn't.

I actually have intended all the time to do that, I really don't know why I didn't write it. I apologize for acting as if you all should know I'd written that, I guess that's what made me mad.

To say it once more, I'm trying to go one week without pasta, bulgur, or other wheat-based meals to see if I experience any kind of change. If this is so, which it is, I will go to a doctor to get it checked up.

I appreciate your concerns really, and I'm sorry I neglected to mention that I wouldn't go see a doctor about it. NOT doing that, and simply going on not eating wheat-based products, would be retarded, especially if it's something else like baking soda or such that's causing my problems. I enjoy wheat, and I admit while I like rice it doesn't have the same compatibility like pasta does, but if push comes to shove I'll have to live with that.

EDIT: And I know it's no kind of apology, but my brain feels like mush after studying, so I'm sorry for the poorly way this is written.

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 17, 2008 10:12 pm

Christian wrote:Honestly, I wrote my last two messages thinking I had written I intend to visit a doctor with this, but I hadn't.
Oh. It all makes sense now. The exams are eating your brains! :ghost:

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